Voices in My Head

Old Friends

Brad and her had been able to meet up in a diner close to the arena a few hours later, a few of her fellow new-hires sitting a few tables away getting acquainted to each other. Quietly stirring her black coffee, Ana hung on every single word that left Brad’s lips. He knew exactly what kind of information she’d ask from him and he didn’t disappoint: names of coworkers, possible slackers to look out for on their crew, the dealings of the crew and exactly how involved she would actually become with the athletes, logistics and timeframes for build and takedown of the stage and ring, accommodation and transportation for the crew...amongst some hot gossip.

“It’s seriously the best news ever that you’re on board now, some people will really have to up their game in the crew if they don’t want to be dismissed by you. What was the last tour we worked together anyway?”

He was leaning back on his side of the booth and finished yet another beer.

“I think about 2 years ago on the Metallica Tour? Or was it Megadeth? All I recall is you falling asleep drunk on a Roadie Monday and waking up with permanent marker all over your face.”

The memory made her smirk, trying but badly failing in not laughing at the sour expression Brad was sporting when remembering this certain event.

“Yes. Metallica tour. Rob Trujillo didn’t let me live that one down for the remainder of the tour, he just broke out laughing every damn time he saw me. You never did tell who was responsible…?”

Ana quickly raised her black coffee to her lips and avoided eye contact.

“You know a lady never tells Brad, so don’t ask.”

She couldn’t help but send him a wink as they both settled back into comfortable silence. It was nearing midnight and she could see him checking his phone.

“How are you going to get to the next venue, you have a ride?”

Ana sat up straight and placed her empty cup on the table.

“No, but I was told that there is a few vans with crew that have bus call at 1am. Why, how are you getting around?”

Brad just gave a happy smile and stretched both arms over his head, making his joints crack much to Ana’s displeasure. She hated it when people did that and Brad very well knew.

“You can come along with me and a couple of my friends. We like to travel alone, one of the guys has an RV and I am sure we can squeeze you in. You’d be the only girl, but I doubt you’d have an issue with that.”

Ana jumped to her feet and reached out to give Brad a big hug. They had known each other for the better of 8 years and even though they barely ever caught up outside of a tour they were both working, they were as thick as thieves. And then some!

“By the way: good job getting the Viper out of his dressing room today. Trust me when I tell you that even Steph heard about your good work, and it ain’t even your first day yet! Typical Riot, always making an unexpected impact.”

She shook her head as she gathered her belongings and they both made a beeline for the bar to pay their dues.

“Will you ever stop calling me that? It was one night, ONE night!”

Brad laughed as he handed the guy behind the bar enough to cover for her two coffees and his beers. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, they walked through the door and back towards the arena’s parking lot.

“You keep holding that faithful night of the Metallica tour over my head and you’ll be Riot to me for the end of days, simple as that.”

Weaving through some of the larger buses that some of the superstars were travelling on, a door suddenly opened and they both turned their heads. It was none other than Randy Orton, hanging out of the door of the bus. Brad’s arm dropped quickly as Ana raised her hand in a friendly wave.

“I was in the ring on time and I lost. Not like the script said the night would end for me. I was promised a name.”

Next to the question as to why he was so keen on knowing her name, she was curious as to how he had known they’d been walking past his bus that very moment. Unless he had been looking out of the window at the time, it felt a bit creepy.

“I guess there is still a lot I have to learn about wrestling and who wins when and who doesn’t, but I am sure that people in real life still show common courtesy to greet each other before they launch into demands.”

Brad was amazed how little the person looming in the door of the bus just a few feet away from them seemed to intimidate Ana. Even fully clothed in jeans and a hoodie, Orton looked very imposing. Yet again Brad had to try and hide a smirk knowing where the nickname “Riot” had originated.

“I assumed you’d be someone working for the organization when you came to lure me out of my dressing room earlier tonight, but I must have been wrong seen that you’re sneaking back here with one of the roadies.”

She stepped closer to him and smiled up into his empty face. She could hear Brad sucking in a sharp breath and pulling her back by the arm, before she had a chance to give this douchebag her piece of mind, but her eyes never disconnected from Randy’s.

“Her name is Riot and Stephanie hired her on the spot before she came to your dressing room tonight. Come on Riot, let’s go before we wear out our welcome.”

He turned and pulled her with him, but she kept looking over her shoulder with a smile:

“Must really suck being on a big bus all by yourself after a loss that wasn’t even scripted! Sleep tight Mr. Orton, see you at the next stop!”

She added a one-finger salute to her parting words before both her and Brad heard the bus door slam shut.
They hurried further away from the bus until Brad stopped pulling her, shaking his head in disbelief.

“I cannot believe you just did that, I thought your Riot Days were over 5 years ago! Congratulations, your job hasn’t even started yet and you’ve already made yourself a high ranking enemy.”

He steered them to a dilapidated looking RV and opened the door. Contrary to her friend’s turmoil, Ana felt rather comfortable with what had just happened. She had met men like Randy ten times over throughout the years: a lot of bark and no bite. He was a someone and to him, she was a no one. He had had a bad night and at some stage in the future he would laugh about that one girl trying to give him a hard time.

“My bags are still in the arena’s meeting room!”

She came to a screeching halt just as she was about to enter her travel arrangement. How dumb had she been! She couldn’t be sure that one of the other new hires had grabbed her stuff and taken it on to one of the other vans, so she quickly turned around and jogged towards the arena. Grabbing her WWE laminate from her bag, she was able to make a quick entry, following her instincts to guide her to the room they had had the new hire meeting earlier that night.

“Ana, what are you still doing here?”

Having locked her eyes on her two small on-board suitcases just as she heard Stephanie’s voice from behind her, she whirled around and could hear her knee complaining about the sudden movement. Motherf…-!

Just as she raised her head to look at her new boss, she saw Randy standing right next to her, a cocky smirk on his face.

“I met an old work mate of mine earlier tonight and over catching up completely forgot that all my stuff was still at the arena so I came to collect it before bus call.”

She tried to stand up straight but her knee was protesting. Putting on a brave face, she grabbed the two handles of her cases and rolled them behind her towards the door.

“I heard you and Randy met tonight, was he your first WWE superstar?”

Ana had to bite her tongue in order not to slip into some unprofessional talk.

“I was told by a stagehand to get him out of his locker room and I did. But yes, he was the first I met on a personal level. I just hope that others don’t need coaxing.”

Stephanie laughed and turned to leave, wishing her and Randy a good night. As she turned the corner, Ana shifted the weight of her bad leg and ground her teeth in a silent curse.

“You want me to get those cases for you, Riot?”

She was never one for chivalry, but her knee was demanding special attention right now so she had no issues being the bigger person.

“Yeah man, sorry. I just turned around before actually moving my foot. I have a tendency to do that.”

And just like that, that man she had flipped off not 20 minutes earlier was pulling her cases behind him as she hobbled away next to him.
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Which wrestler do you currently follow? Is there anyone you prefer over the other? I would like your input