Broken Souls

drunk mess kara

Jade had ended up at that same bar the next night. She had desperately needed a job to get her by for now and turns out they were hiring. The owner fell in love with her right away and decided she was the perfect higher. Jade had experience with working at bars before so she knew all the tips and tricks. It wasn’t the best job but it was better than nothing. Hopefully when she was here longer, she would eventually find something better.

Her dream was to work for the cast of The Walking Dead but she knew that was just a dream and would never happen. Jade had just started her shift when she saw Norman Reedus and that same blonde chick come in. It had to be his girlfriend but she looked like a real winner.

“Jack and coke and a cosmo please.” She heard a voice say. Looking up she saw it was Norman Reedus himself.

“Sure thing.” Jade said before getting the drinks started.

“So, you work here now?” Norman asked. He had remembered seeing her briefly last night and didnt realize she worked here.

“Yeah, just started tonight.” Jade said as she handed him the two drinks.

Norman left cash on the bar before headed back to the table. He handed Kara her drink before sitting down across from her.

“What was that about?” Kara asked.

“Nothing. I was ordering drinks.” Norman said.

“Looked like more to me.”

“Just calm the fuck down Kara. I’m not dealing with this tonight.”
Hours later, Kara was completely drunk and making a complete ass out of herself. Norman couldn’t remember the last time he saw her acting like this. He knew it had something to do with Jade but he wasn’t bringing her up. Soon enough things would be over with Kara.

“You know, You’re a real whore. I’m not stupid ya know. I see you hitting on my boyfriend.” Kara said to Jade as Jade was trying to clock out and head home for the night.

“Honestly, you’re crazy. I don’t want anything to do with your boyfriend and if you keep acting like a jealous lunatic, he isn’t going to want you either. So step the fuck back.” Jade said before the door shut behind her.

Norman watched the scene unfold in shock. It was about time that someone finally put Kara in place. He knew tomorrow he had to end it. He couldn’t deal with this shit anymore. But Kara wasn’t going to make it easy for him and he was not prepared to deal with the aftermath of the storm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kara | Jade

wow, it's been so long since I've updated this. Not the best update but things get better eventually. Hopefully once I get going with this story, the chapters won't be so lame. But Kara is obviously nuts.