Status: Something new I am trying out.

What Have You Done

One Shot, Two Shot


I sat at Matt’s table burning holes in Jimmy’s body. I knew that he always had good intentions he really did, but what he did was incredibly unnecessary. I don’t know what he thought he was doing telling his parents everything that Emory was working towards telling them. I knew that she planned on telling them at some point and she should have been able to do that. I wondered if he understood how much damage he had done to not only their relationship but to Emory and her parent’s relationship. Not to mention I felt trapped in between the two. I felt like I was losing my best friend over consistent drama between the siblings.

Jimmy must have felt the beams of anger on him. He lifts his blue eyes to my glare and quietly says. “Stop staring at me.” He takes a swig of his drink, his knee nervously bounces up and down like he knows I am about to scolded him. “Look, we both know Emory wasn’t going to tell them.”

I roll my eyes at him and sarcastically laugh. “Bullshit, you jumped the gun just admit you did something wrong. I get that they are your parent but it was still Emory’s choice not yours.” I take a drink of my beer. “You need to apologize to her. That’s the least you can do.”

“Oh my god enough!” I hear Matt groan in frustration. He leans against his kitchen counter and pops open a beer. “You fucked up Jimmy get over it. Emory fucked up too she knows it that’s why she’s mad at you. Now let’s drink some fucking beer and get this barbeque started.” He briefly pauses. “Who the fucks idea was it to have a barbeque in the middle of December anyways, and at my damn house?”

Jimmy turned in his seat. “It was Syn’s moronic idea. He wanted us all to get together today he said he had something he wanted to tell us.”

Matt smiled, “Is Emory pregnant again?” He teased.

Jimmy cringed at the thought of Brian and Emory having another baby together. They could barely keep their shit together with one kid. “Gross.”

“Do you think Emory will show up?” A bit of hope lingered in my voice. If she came I’d like to talk to her one on one. It’s been two days since any of us had seen her. Not that I blamed her.

Jimmy chuckled. “Nope. I mean not only is there my now issue with her, you know,” He jokingly pointed at me. “There’s you too.”

“Jesus, Jade. Always starting shit.” Matt teased. “But for reals. She’s had time to think about it.”

Standing up I walk over to Jimmy and plop in his lap. Annoyed, I run my fingers through my hair.
“Do you know Em? She held a grudge against her parents for over five fucking years. It’s been about like a week since she found out. I wouldn’t be surprised if she fucking left back to Finland just so she didn’t have to deal with any of this shit.” My sentence is cut short by Zack and Johnny loudly opening the door.

“What’s up Mother fuckers?” Zack held his whiskey in the air. “Ready to party!?” He pauses and looks directly at me. “I know you’re ready to party, Jade!”

I laughed, nodding my head in agreement. “This is why I love Zack. He knows me.”

Johnny puts his arm around his girlfriend Lacey. “We have so much fucking alcohol in the car. It’s pretty disturbing.”

Matt shook his head in disapproval. “I thought tonight was going to be a mellow night, not a god damn party. Dude. Val is not going to be thrilled. She’s at the spa with Michelle…you see tonight was supposed to be a low-key night, you fucks.” He grabs another beer and opens it. Disgust clearly on his face. “This beer is terrible.”

Zack shrugged his shoulders. “Tough shit.” He looks around the room and I know he’s looking for Emory. “Speaking of having fun with friends where is Syn and Em?”

I shrug my shoulders and stand to my feet to make my way towards Zack and his wonderful bottle of whiskey. “Ask Jimmy.” I roll my eyes when I see Jimmy’s eyes drop to the floor. He looks like a guilty teenager. I’m glad that he’s feeling something other than accomplished. He pulls out his cellphone and I assume he’s texting someone.

Jimmy casually sips his beer and places his phone back in his pocket. Jimmy’s eyes land on Zack who is still staring at him waiting for an explanation as to why his “dearest” Emory was not there with them.

“She’s pmsing or something. I don’t fucking know.” He downs the last bit of his beer. “Syn will be here soon. I just text him and asked if he would bring Owen. I know if it’s up to Em, I’ll never see either one of them again.” He shrugs his shoulders. “She’s just being dramatic.”

Zack raised his brows at Jimmy. Even from an outsider looking in he knew there was more to the story. “I’ll go call her. You know, work my magical charm that she can’t resist.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and walked into the other room with his cellphone in hand.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. Leaning against the counter I looked at Jimmy. “I should go talk to her. I can’t handle not having her here when I have to deal with you idiots.” I slipped my converse on my feet and grabbed my coat from the chair.

Brian un-noticeably made his way into the kitchen. “DO NOT go talk to her.” I looked over at him to see he had agreed with Jimmy and brought Owen with him. “She’s grouchy. I could hear her yelling at Zack on the phone.” He looked over at me, softness resting in his eyes. “She’s processing things.” He picks Owen up and sets him on the counter. Owen’s brown eyes nervously look around the room. He wasn’t used to being around all of these people at once.

“Hey, don’t be nervous buddy. These are your Uncles, remember?” He ruffled Owen’s hair which seemed to ease his mind. “You,” He said pointing at Jimmy. “Help keep an eye on him since you wanted him here so bad.” He laughed.

Zack walked into the kitchen, pure defeat on his face. “Well, that was not successful. I mean she said I could go there. I think she’s got the hots for me.” He nudges Brian’s shoulder. “Looks like I might be the new step-dad.” He teases.

Disgust replaced Brian’s smile. “Dude. What the fuck.”

The twins snuck up on the group, “Shots!” Michelle and Val yelled at the same time.

Michelle shyly stood beside Brian. “I see you brought the whiskey.” She paused when her eyes landed on Owen. “Is that him?” She smiles brightly and grabs Owen’s hand in hers. “You are the cutest thing.” She gushes. “God. He looks just like you!”

Brian nodded his head. “Yeah. Won’t be doing much drinking thanks to Jimmy.” He joked.

I wondered if it was weird for Brian and Michelle to constantly be put together in the same room. I knew that they ended things on a good note and that they somehow managed to be friends after separating eight months ago, but, the divorce was never finalized and I wondered if Em knew that Brian was still technically married. Not that I was going to get involved in that shit. I wanted to make a mends with Em, not make things worse.

“Syn, do the honors since this will be the only shot you’re allowed.” Matt handed him seven shot glasses and watched him pour the shots. “Dude, those are fucking double shots!”

“Maybe I’m on a God damn mission.” Brian teased. “Cheers to family.”

Laughing the group clicked their glasses together. I thought Brian would have stopped after the first double shot but he didn’t. There was at least two more shots before he decided to call it quits. I smiled at the group feeling more love in the house then I had in a while. The music pumped loudly through the house causing everyone to be chipper and in a dance kind of mood.

I watched as everyone took seats in the living room. I leaned against the wall taking everything in. Tonight was going to be a drama free night.

I could feel my face scrunching when I saw Owen sitting in between Michelle and Brian. Owen looked so much like Brian that anyone could be the mother of his child. His traits were dominant when it came to Owen. You could see Emory in him only when they were placed next to each other.

The feeling in my gut told me something was up but that also could have been the alcohol talking. I hoped for everyone’s sake that the divorce would soon be finalized and Brian-

Where did Brian go? Is it wrong that I feel like I’m babysitting Brian, Owen, and Jimmy tonight?

Jimmy gives me a knowing look and points upstairs. I slowly walk up the stairs and soon enough I can hear Brian’s voice through one of the doors. Now usually I’m not nosy…but sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me. I leaned my head against the wall and yes, I listened to the conversation.

“Let’s just get married.” He pauses. “Come on Em. I love you, you love me. We both love Owen. We’re already living together.”

Brian frustrated, groans loudly. Emory must have rejected the offer. “Yeah, I know. She’s here tonight. I really wish you were here though.” He briefly pauses. “Yeah Owen’s fine. I’m not drunk Em.”


“Yeah. Plus Jade and Jimmy are helping me out with him. I’m not driving tonight. I love you Emory. I’ll let you get back to sleep.” I hear foot steps towards the door and automatically I race down the stairs not wanting him to know that I was kind of spying on him.

As if on cue Emory texts my phone. I looked down at my phone as I see Brain passing me to grab another beer.

Emory: Hey, I know everyone’s drinking. Brian sounds a little drunk. Do I need to pick Owen up?

Jade: Nah. I got him.

Emory: K. lmk if anything changes. Is Brian ok?

Jade: He’s fine. He’s trying to fall asleep on the couch but Mich keeps waking him up. She’s been pretty clingy to him tonight, and Owen. Heads up.

Emory: Well, that’s wonderful.

Jade: yup.

I tried not to get too involved with this new situation. I didn’t want to freak Emory out and I didn’t want Brian to think I was rating him out. I knew that Brian was faithful and loved Emory. I mean he kinda ‘proposed’ to her on the phone…it was Michelle that I didn’t trust and I hated to think that but there had to be a reason why Michelle never signed the divorce papers.

I text Emory one last time before I get back to the party.

Jade: Can we get together tomorrow?

Emory: Yeah. Actually that sounds good.

Jade: Meet at Johnny's bar?

Emory: Sounds good. Goodnight Jade.
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