Status: Something new I am trying out.

What Have You Done

You'reTogether Duh

The boys were playing a charity show tonight. Owen and I have been staying with Jade for the last few weeks. Brian of course can visit and I we visit him but it seemed like we all needed a break from the drama that was going on and living with Brian didn’t seem right. We weren’t even dating or married, I didn’t want to set a bad example for my kid.

Speaking of drama. Telling my parents the news that I was here was going to be difficult. They were going to lose their shit. Brian’s parents took it like champs. They didn’t care as long as they were able to be in Owen’s life.

I grabbed a hold of Owen’s hand and began walking the direction the security guard pointed. “Are you excited for your first concert?” I asked Owen.

He nodded his head. “Yes.”

I stopped walking and bent down to Owen’s height. “You’re being pretty quiet tonight. Anything you wanna talk about?” I brushed the dirt off of his black A7X shirt and pushed his hair out of his face. His brown eyes hinted that he was upset about something. “You know you can tell me anything right?”

He frowned. Small tears welled up in his eyes. “Isa is going bye-bye after.”

I pick him up in my arms and nuzzle his cheek. “He’s not going anywhere babe. We’re going to go stay with aunt Jade for a bit until mom can get her own place. You can spend all the time you want with dad.” I continued to walk up the stage steps with Owen on my hip. “Look babe.” I say pointing to the side of the stage where Brian was waiting. Owen without hesitation Jumped out of my arms and ran to Brian.

Out of the corner I saw something move behind the curtains and heard Jade’s giggle.

“I was wondering where you were. I need my good luck kiss before the show.”

“Shut up and kiss me you fucker.”

That was absolutely Jade and Jimmy’s voice. I glanced from the curtain to Brian. “What the fuck?”

Brian shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know.” But I know he knows. God our group is deceitful.

Jade came bouncing out, her eyes met mine for a quick second. She smiled brightly. “Hey guys.” She tussled Owen’s hair. “I’m glad you guys are here. It’s literally been days!” Jade wraps me in her arms and instantly I tense up.

“Hey.” I pull out of her hug and look back over to Brian. The shock is clearly still on my face. Not that I’m really surprised. I already kinda guessed it by the way she was leached onto my brother. “Bri, where’s your dad? He wanted to hang to watch Owen for a couple hours.”

He looked at me with concern. He knew this look all too well. “He should be back from his interview soon. I’ll keep Owen until we get have to go on stage, if you wanna go grab a drink in the VIP lounge.”

I nodded my head and began walking, purposely bumping Jade in the shoulder as I walked by. I didn’t understand what was happening. Jade and Jimmy were pissed that I hid this away from them yet they were just kissing on stage. Whoa. I feel like we need a family discussion especially if I’m living with her.

Jade POV

I cringed when Emory pushed past me. Did she hear Jimmy and I? Did Brian, piss her off? “What happened?” I ask Brian.

He puts his hands up in defense. “I don’t know but I’m not getting mixed up in this shit. I got enough going on with Jimmy. She’s probably going to the VIP-”

Fuck. She’s pissed, Damnit. Cautiously I walk to over to the room and open the door very quietly I open the door and see Emory sitting on the couch with a mix drink in her hand. Her eyes were glued to the TV that showed the boys getting ready to start the concert.

Emory would have already lost her shit if she saw Jimmy and I, it couldn’t be that. “Man, I’m fucking pumped! Aren’t you excited? You haven’t been to one of their shows in so long. It’s like old times. Look at all that talent. Why didn’t you get any of that?” I poked Emory’s shoulder in a teasing manner but there was not a giggle or a small smile. Emory kept her eyes on the TV. My heart loudly beat. We had said some nasty shit to one another but we never actually meant it. “Are you alright?”

Emory took a sip of her wine. “I’m abso-fucking-lutly wonderful.” She made sure to sound as sarcastic as possible.

“Come on, lighten up. You are supposed to be having a fucking blast while you are here! This is supposed to be fun and you are kid free!” I stood to my feet and grabbed Emory’s hands. I pulled her off the couch to start dancing. “Come on dude, I’m your best friend, I can tell when you are feeling down. Do you want another drink? I think some Jagger Bombs are calling our names.”

Emory ripped her hands away from mine in disgust. “Don’t. I am not in the mood for your shit dude.” She took a step back to the table where her glass of wine sat and took a giant gulp.

My body went still. Feeling confused I nervously tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows. Sure I had seen Emory in a bad mood plenty of times but this was something different. She looked hurt, it was clear in Emory’s eyes. The annoyance that she felt radiated off of her body like fire.

“Em-” I started but stopped when I saw Emory roll her big blue eyes.

She set her glass down. Leaning against the wall she asked. “How long?” her feelings of hurt, sadness, betrayal, and anger fogged her sight.

I stayed a statue. I could hear the venom in Emory’s voice. She didn’t understand what she was asking. “How long what?” I asked playing dumb just in case this was something totally different.
Emory ran her fingers over her face. “How long have you been seeing my brother?”

I felt guilt and shock pulsating through my body, how did she find out? I tried to think of the right words. I had to tell her now. I couldn't keep lying to my best friend, no matter what she did, I was no better. “I’m sorry Em. I tried so many times to tell you…I really did. Every time you got home I got scared, I didn't want to ruin the minimal time we had together. I didn't want mine and Jimmy's relationship to put a dent in ours. When you left, I didn't have anyone Em, and then Jimmy kept coming around. He wouldn't leave me alone, actually.” I could hear my voice lightly tremble, “Do you remember when I flew out to Paris to visit you when you were staying in that weird hotel? I wanted to tell you then but I knew you wouldn’t approve of Jimmy and me, or maybe I just scared myself into thinking that. I don't know. We...I was going to tell you after the concert-”

Emory sarcastically laughed. “Are you fucking kidding me? Jade, Paris was three years ago. You have been lying to me for three years!?” She picked up her glass and gulped the last bit of her drink, “You sit here and claim that we are best friends. We’ve known each other since we were five years old and you couldn’t trust me enough to tell me you are my brother’s girlfriend and I can’t even tell you my son’s real father?” She took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry but holy shit, are we even that good of friends? We can’t tell each other shit anymore. Anything else you would like to tell me while we are coming clean? I have no more secrets do you?”

I stared at Emory for what seemed like hours. I knew I had to tell her the last part even though it could possibly be the end of their friendship. I sat down on the couch and took in a deep breath. “Yeah. There is.” I slowly pulled my necklace out of the collar of my flannel and placed a small circular object in the palm of my hand.

Emory walked closer to me. She squinted at the ring that dangled from my neck. “Is that my Grandma’s ring?!” Emory’s eyes about bulged out of her head, “You two are ENGAGED!?”

There was nothing left other than anger in Emory's eyes. “You know what? I wouldn’t have even cared if you would have just told me! It’s the lying shit that I’m pissed off about. You said we were family Jade, you don’t fucking lie to your family. Not that you would understand that concept considering you’ve never had one!”

My mouth dropped. I couldn’t believe what she said given the circumstances of her lying about her fucking kid…but this was normal. Emory always cared about Emory and that was it. “Are you really in a place where you can place judgement on me? You lied to me too, but for four years!” I set my drink on the table next to hers.

“Brian could have gone to prison! Fuck…” She muttered. “We can’t even trust each other.”

I shook my head feeling anger pulsated through my body. “No, we can’t. Em, you thought skype was an appropriate way to visit. You didn’t tell us where you lived and you rarely came to visit. We never communicated with each other and we never had time to talk to each other.” I paused the next sentence was going to hurt like fuck. “Maybe we should take a break from each other I know you just moved in but maybe it’s best for you to stay with Brian. You guys want to be a family anyways. Things aren't going well with us the trust is broken.”

Emory nodded her head and started for the door. She placed her hand on the knob and peered over her shoulder. “Fuck you, Jade. Thanks for the 20 years of friendship...”

Before I could respond Emory was walking towards the exit in a distance I could hear Jimmy’s voice, the concert must be over.

“Where are you going? We’re going to go to the bar for the after party, you are coming right? If you don’t I might beat Brian’s ass. You should probably come. Just gotta wait out the fans!” Jimmy jumped up and down like a child as he sang jokingly. “Come play with us! No excuse since Papa Gates has Owen.”

Emory crossed her arms she looked at Jimmy with pure betrayal in her eyes. “I thought you were mad at me?” She breathed in deep in attempts to calm herself. She slightly glared. “You have no right to be pissed off at me or Brian any more. You didn’t tell me about Jade, as far as I am concerned you and I are square. Jade and I decided it’s best to put this friendship on hold and honestly I don’t give a fuck what happens with you and Brian. I want my life to be drama free from now on and it seems like every fucking time there is always some sort of drama. I’m tired of it.” She laughs, but it’s not a funny laugh it’s a are you fucking kidding me laugh. “Do not bother me anymore.”

“Whoa, dude, what!?”

Emory stared at her brother burning holes in him. “Go fuck yourself along with your fiancé, Jimmy.”

Jimmy uncomfortably shifted his weight to his other leg. “Em, we were-”

“Honestly, Jimmy. I’m tired of the excuses, I have heard enough from Jade…I’m tired and I honestly don’t want to see anyone.” She walked out the door without another word being said.

Dumbfounded he joined the rest of the group on the couches where I still sat. “So you told her I see.” He pulled Jade into her lap.

“BUSTED!” Brian laughed while opening his beer. He sat on a stool next to Matt clicking his glass to Matt’s. “You all act like Emory is still that 18 year old girl that left four years ago. She’s incredibly easy to read. Not that difficult.”

“Oh, and you suddenly you have a fucking manual on my sister, Oh wait that’s right you’ve been fucking her this whole time why wouldn’t you. Fucking creep, you deserve to get your ass kicked.” Jimmy harshly spoke.

“Dude, knock it the fuck off. If you guys need to go fight it out go outside!” Matt half teased.

Johnny burst into laughter. “Like she’d fuck you, Brian, you’re a god damn man whore and she knows that.”

Jimmy stared at Johnny with confusion. “Short shit, were you not there for the conversation that Brian is the father of Owen?”

“Enough.” Zack yelled. “We all need to get pass this shit. I’m exhausted and I’m not even in the drama.”

“Nobody is an expert on Em, but we all know her well enough to know what she does every time she gets too close to someone or something major happens. She fucking leaves. SO let’s all get the fuck over this so Brian can have a chance to be a good father and you can be a god damn uncle…”

Zack chuckled clicking his drink to Matt’s. “Thank you.”

I scooted off of Jimmy’s lap. “Fuck you guys.”

Zack, still bothered by the conversation said. “She’s a runner. She always runs…from family issues, from friendship issues, from relationship issues...” He knowingly smirked. “She’ll block your number and make sure you can’t reach her. Isn’t this how it all started anyways?”

“Well, she won’t be mad forever and you will eventually forgive your sister and Brian.” Matt announced, “She’ll get over it, it is just what Emory does, she overreacts. I mean she hid a huge secret too.” He paused and slapped Brian in the back of the head, “I can’t believe you fucking kept this a secret for so long.”

Brian stood from the stool, “Fuck you guys… I’m gonna go check on Em.”
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alright I have many chapters but I'd love some feed back before continuing pleeeease and thank you.
Thank you so much for reading!