The Matchmaker Society

Casey Armstrong is a 18 year old Female, and at the age of 15 she was approached by a strange woman in her dreams. She asked Casey if she was interested in becoming a member of the matchmaker society. Which meant giving up everything she ever knew and everyone she ever knew to help people find love. She nearly declined until the strange woman proposed in return that she would stay young forever, and when she turned 21 she would age no more. All was well until one of the assignments she was given included her old childhood crush Devon Matthews, which meant going back to her hometown to pursue that he fall in love with one of her old bullies. She reluctantly accepts this assignment and hides in the shadows of her former high school, awaiting the right moment to strike her opponent. But then what happens next, goes above all the rules of the matchmaker society and has only ever happened once before.

Devon can see her.