The Gold Hearted Riley

Chapter 4 The Gold Heart of Hers

It rained again. This time, I looked in the mirror to find myself dressed in ugly black. My boots were high above my knees which had red lines scattered through my legs. My grandmother tried to put bandages over the bruises, but I took them. When? It was like water which just locked me in my room more. Sleeping for two straight days, I kept having the same dreams over and over. Though today, I had to face the facts that I wouldn't get to see him again. my dress came over the dark gray layers with in the dress. There were patterns on the material that during the drive to the park I played with and was distracted over. We came to this area in the park. A Cemetery. There were tombstones around and people all dressed in black like me. My mom took my hand. My dad took the other. I put my head down by his side. I heard the wind, and moments of the incident flashed back and forth through my mind. i wept and dogged my face in my mom's sweater that I was holding painfully. Looking up at the sky, it was still so cloudy. Black ones. Whens the sun going to come out, I thought. The brown coffin was only six inches away from me. There were flowers on the smooth surface and groups of people I didn't recognize behind and around me. Around Daniel actually. The fall leaves came up and blew past me as I moved forward a little. Closer to see if maybe the brown surface, how it would feel like. The minister said a few words which was just mumbling to me. a piano in the midst....People looked up, but I ignored them. My mom moved forward to grab me, but dad grabbed her waist. She nodded in agreement and stepped back. I was distracted and I took the necklace around my neck which was a rounded heart shaped like my name. There was a floor on the on the ground, I remember. It was pretty in its simple way. I didn't know what it was, just that i picked it up and wrapped it around my necklace. Humming, I place it in the middle of the brown surface. Touching the layers of the edges, it felt smooth between my fingers. Was this a surreal dream? An enormous blur I can't get out of...
People stared, and cried. Another tear dropped and I whispered, "I love you Daniel." I laughed and it came out somewhat a hiccup. I turned around and then the scene changed to my car ride home. I remember saying that I didn't want to go to the after-ceremony. I didn't remember what happened to the casket or the people, nor Daniel's Parents. I didn't see anyone, I just remember that moment and when I got home. I came to my room, closing the door, and slid into bed. The rain dropped again. I didn't get out of my closes. I closed my eyes, but I couldn't go to sleep. Instead, getting up, I ended up at my window pane. Threw my stuff on the floor and I believe it made some noise because I heard footsteps running down the hallway and my parents shouting my name, but I didn't care. I jumped out onto the roof. My boots were slippery and I slipped on the hard surface. I got on the green dirt grass to turn slightly back and catch a glimpse of a figure. What the hell? My grandmother was sitting at the window, looking at me running down the muddy path to the forest. She was drinking something, and I saw her sigh.
"Thanks grandmother," I signed with lips. Running out, my dress caught on the first branches. It ripped, muddy. My boots on so I kicked it hard and it broke in half, only for the branches to force a huge path, and to leave one. I went down the plains and fields where we laughed, where I was pushed, and where everything had just come back to me. The mistakes I made on this path, only to build up some anger, and some regrets. Shit, I murmured under the mist. The place I moved swiftly through, where the squirrels would or should've been. They weren't. The swampy trees seemed so cold now. The moist air made my throat clog, and the feeling between my heart and stomach gave me shivers slowly down my spine. I hugged myself and i did finally feel it. The solitude, the dark gloomy days, it was worse than it was always. I fell this time to see that I was at the river again. I sobbed and laid down on the dirt where we played around. No, I hope I don't see it, I thought, only to turn my head around. Seeing my towel there, it was red with stripes of white. The waves formed were not coming up anymore. The trees around blew and the breeze moved my hair to its length. I looked across the cold water to see a head. I squirmed my brown eyes and saw a blurry body with blue eyes. Cold breaths came out to see air, long moving and huge breaths. But a sense of fear made my head dizzy. Or was it just the shock of Impact? I mean, delusional? Or just dreaming...
It came out of the water and through the shallow end. He came forward and touched my lips. Closing my eyes, the cold disappeared. Slowly I opened them again only to be afraid to be alone, I saw still blue. Those eyes... the ones I still recall.
"I'll always be here, Riley. I love you too much not to," He said. He was happy and though he said it, he laughed and walked back to the water to only leave his head shoot half way through the now black surface. It was visible and then gone. Half a smile came peaked on my face, I felt movement. Was it a smile? Then red caught my glance. my lips..
An oozing pain seeped down my legs. It was red. Oh crap, what did I do? now, it was stinging and i guess when I slipped, i got bruised. Why didn't I notice it? I held myself for a minute and stood up. Walked back slowly only to never turn around. Afraid no more, scared at first, but it's gone now. The Sun came out and disappeared behind the clouds in a matter of seconds. The sky turned pitch black and only was I in the darkness walking. Behind me, the water, that face, Daniel within no oxygen. I lost him.

The only thing left was a sandy heart shaped and carved into was Riley's name. As fast as it settled, It disappeared with the wave that over took it.
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Riley is a little misunderstood. I think I spelled a few words wrong. I also have a locket that is gold hearted. It has something else unscripted into it. The area where she lives is not always raining, but during fall. It's not a small town, but a small area where her parents moved to with their closest friends.