How I Fell in Love With a Werewolf

how i fell in love with a werewolf part 3

Shannon says" I have been hurt by people too trust me it's hard for me to talk to someone I don't even know but just meeting you I can tell you are not a bad guy I smiled at him... Hunter says" you are too kind but thank you many do not see what you do when they meet me and know where I am from most judge me before they even get to know me you are every different My sister Roes would love you... Shannon says" is that your sister's name?... Hunter says" yep she just turned 10 I am glad she is happy and has some friends that don't care where she is from... Shannon says" my twin brother I look up to him even if it should be my older bother I hate him... Hunter says"I know its none of my bizznis but why do you hate your older brother? did he hurt you?... Shannon says" no nothing like that I can't tell you any way I don't know you that well yet all I can say is my older brother is all ways making stupid mistakes he can easily avoid... Hunter says"I see I understand then he smiles... I look away as I started to blush this head never happen to me before was I really feeling this way I thought to myself once I was sure I was no longer blushing I smiled back at him little did I know he had felt the same way as I did sadly school was over everyone was waiting for the bus but me and Hunter I asks" hey why aren't you waiting for the bus with the others?... Hunter says"I can't go on buses last time I was on one I nearly killed someone so I am waiting for a school van to pick me up... Shanon says" really that the same reason I am watering to ho funny is that... Hunter laughs and says" it would be pretty cool if we wore on the same van...Shannon" says" yes that would be very cool After a fu minute they see a van pull up the van driver explains that he is their driver they both get into the van and they continue to talk with either the Van driver stops the van and says this is your stop, Shannon... Hunter says" that's cool I live in a trailer park too just up the word he smiles then says" goodbye as the van drives away... Shannon walks into her home and tells her mother father and twin how her day was at her new school I did my homework I eat with my family then did some of my shores with was cleaning the cat box doing the dishes with my twin brother and filling the cats and dogs food and water bolls then I went to my room and played a little bit of Minecraft then I shut my ps4 off then went to sleep the next morning I woke up to a sound Modersikl near my window I grown as I gat up I then look out the window and sow hunter talking with my mother I get dressed then get my backpack then I ask" were is are van driver?... Hunter says" well I told them I can drive myself I head ask your mother if I can tack you to school she says its fine if you want to... Shannon says" I don't know I have never been on a Modersikl before... Hunter says" it may seem scary but you can trust me... Shannon says" ok she tacks the other helmet and straps it on she tightens it so it won't sliced off of her head she macks shore her Backpack is shut and is as close to her back as it can get then she gets on the bike and raps her arms around his wast... Hunter gets his helmet on and starts the bike he drives off not going to fast and watching
The cars around him