I Miss You

Day Eight

Good evening, darling,

So I saw you today! I was so excited when I woke up this morning. I took a shower and then ran around packing your bag. I was upset that I lost your list, but I think I got everything you needed.

I rode down with your dad and that was a trip in itself. I like your dad; he's interesting.

When we got to the facility, my heart was racing. I couldn't wait to see you and when you were standing there after I got out of the restroom, my heart was soaring. I mean, I saw you again minutes later, but still. I missed you. It was nice to be next to you again.

I liked meeting some of the people you've been spending your time with, even though I'm socially awkward.

Also, I'm glad that I'll be taking those classes and the few meetings for the two of us. I want to understand your addiction better and build a stronger bond between the two of us. I want a future between the two of us and that's the most important thing.

Also, I will never forget what happened at that trail today; we both needed that. Speaking of that... I have some pretty things to model for you when you get back; I order way too much stuff online.

I hated leaving today, with it unknown about my work schedule, I don't know when I'll see you again. You have my ring though and the ability to make phone calls and I'm glad for that. Even though I'm not there, maybe my voice will comfort you.

After we left, your dad and I essentially took a trip. It took us two and a half hours to get back home because he took a lot of back-roads. He stopped at Golden Corral though and bought me dinner, so I wasn't too agitated.

I texted my boss and asked if I could talk to her about my schedule in the upcoming weeks so I could tell her about the four day program that I probably need for our sake's. She told me she'd call me after she put her son to bed, but I guess she forgot.

I enjoyed talking on the phone with you tonight though. I'm glad we can have contact with each other now. I'm still keeping up with the journal though because there's so many things to share with you and I have an awful memory.

Oh, something else happened; your work phone rang and I picked it up. The first time it was a voice, static, then silence. I said, "Hello?" maybe five times and then hung up. It rang again about five minutes later, I picked it up and I heard, "Ma?" It sounded like some kid and all I told them was that they had the wrong number. They hung up without saying another word. The phone hasn't rang since then.

It kind of terrifies me when wrong number experiences happen. When I was in the tenth grade, I checked my voicemail when I got on the bus and it was an old man talking about screen doors for five minutes straight. Odd experience.

I'm gonna get some sleep. Hopefully I hear from you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, darling.
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Today was Kevin's first visitation day!

I ended up seeing him before I was actually supposed to see him honestly; I went to the restroom, walked out, and he was standing in the hallway with a goofy grin on his face because he was happy to see me again. I went back to the waiting room and we literally walked back there maybe five minutes later.

There is a 4 day program where he's at for family members. Everyone has essentially already been through this program due to his father also suffering from this addiction at one point and me never being around it, they thought it was best that I participate in it; that being that, there's classes, counseling sessions, etc, and Kevin and I shall go through it together.

The trail... So, Kevin and I ran away for maybe 15 minutes and walked down a trail behind the building (he's allowed to do that). Nobody was around... so we kinda made out. Along with that, the "pretty things" I was referring to is my lingerie collection that never stops growing. Probably too much personal info here.

Kevin's dad decided he wanted to have a Sunday drive so a drive that was supposed to be an hour ended up being an two and a half hours. It was insane.

My boss and I are pretty close so I wanted to know if I could have days off for the four day program; she never called me so I guess I have to address that either tomorrow or when I go in Tuesday.

Also, Kevin has two phones. One is for work, the other is personal. This kid called his work phone and that phone hasn't made a noise since he was admitted. I ended up in charge of his devices while he was away, which I don't mind. It's just another duty for me to take care of.