I Miss You

Day Seventeen

Good evening, dear,

Today was short for me. I woke up at 12, took a shower, and then laid in bed and watched videos until it was time for me to go into work.

Today was shipment day so I was required to carry boxes back and forth. I helped quite a few customers which wasn't that bad; they were friendly today. We've been getting a lot of boots in which is a little wild to me. I like a few pair, but I'm going to wait until they get marked down before I buy them; I've learned my lesson last year.

Closing wasn't awful. They let me leave early and all I had to do was straighten part of the store.

After work, I went back to the house and saw the new puppy. She's so little. She's been asleep the whole time I've been here so I'll have to play with her tomorrow.

Your call today made me really want you to be here with me. I really miss you and I know it's only a few more days left, but still. I dislike sleeping alone and I've been longing for your warmth and comfort more and more. It's selfish on my part, but I miss you every day.

Oh well, I just at my dinner (scrambled eggs again) and I have an opening shift tomorrow. Goodnight, my dear. Dream sweet things. I love you with all my heart.
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Work makes me write short entries.

Scarlet is adorable. She's the cutest thing I've ever seen with her floppy ears and cuteness. I'll link a picture of her soon.