Wake me up when September ends

Declaration of war

I gazed down at my notepad. Thinking hard about what to write. My story had no conclusion. It had no beginning, no middle and no end. I had nothing. I threw my pen onto my pad and lent back in my chair and gazed around my bedroom.

I wish I could do something worthwhile. Something I can be proud of! Something people will remember me for! ARRRGG! Still no idea for a story!! Maybe a little radio will help me. News or music or something.

I walked over to the radio and turned on

“Summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends”
the radio sounded out

“Green Day!” I said smiling and relaxing into my chair.

“Ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when September ends
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who w-”
The song stopped mid sentence

“What the?” I said

”Attention to all…” said the newsreader “Winston Churchill has declared war on Germany as Adolf hitler invaded Poland!! Teenagers from sixteen must come to fight in this war…” I didn’t hear the rest.

Oh god! War, maybe that’s the thing I need! Maybe I could fight in this war, but I’m only fourteen. I’ll fake my age to get in and fight for my country.

Would my mum let me? Would my dad make me go? He hates me so much. He isn’t even my real dad! He’s my step dad. What about my sister Jamie? Would she miss me? How long would this war go on for?

And then there’s Maddie. My best friend in the world, would she miss me? There’s on way to find out.