Wake me up when September ends


A week ago I found out about the war. My family had no idea what I was going to do. I’m not going to tell them. My mum would never let me go, she won’t understand that I need to do this. I needed to get to the army quarters as fast as possible. But first I need to see Maddie. I took out my notepad and wrote a letter

Dear Family and Robert (my step dad)
I’m leaving home today and fighting in the war for my county. Mum I’ll be fine. I’ll be home to you before you know it. Jamie, don’t cry for me. I have to do this. If I die, well, I’ll die for my country and if I don’t I’ll know I’ve done something meaningful in my life and people wont take me for granted. I’m only fourteen and you have to be sixteen. Don’t worry, they need as much help as they can get. Adolf Hitler the German basted will pay. Gun training will be learnt and we will make the surrender. I love you all.
Mikey xx

I looked at the note and nodded. I climbed out the window with my clothes in a bag and my rucksack and jogged to Maddie’s house. When I reached it I knocked on the door.

“Hello Mrs Bradley” I said to Maddie’s mum “Is Maddie home?” I asked, she nodded and called her. I stepped out onto the front lawn.

“Oh, hey Mikey” she said to me. I hugged her. She seemed a little startled.

“What’s this for?” She asked.

“Bye Maddie” I said to her. She just looked at me

“What? Bye? Are you going somewhere?” She asked, I nodded “Where?”

“To war” I said. She gawped at me.

“To war?” She asked me, I nodded.

“Y-you can’t you’re only fourteen” Maddie protested. I shook my head

“I’ll get in don’t you worry”

“Mikey! Hundreds of thousands of people died in the First World War and I don’t want you to be one of them that dies in this one!” She said.

“I won’t. I need to do this Maddie. Don’t say anything to anyone. My family will find the note." I said, I hugged her again and walked off.

She just stood there looking at me walk off. I started to jog.

Goodbye Maddie. Goodbye suburbia.