Wake me up when September ends

So long and goodnight

Chapter 4

Ok, I can do this, storm onto the beach
What?! Turn back! PLEASE
Gun ready?
Come on, turn back and run home!

I ran into the water gazing around at the people who had been shot dead already. I could hear the German army gun shooting in my direction but I continued storm onto the beach. My eyes stung because of the salt water, I blinked and my eyes went all fuzzy. I stood rubbing them while hearing cries and yells of the dieing.

“GET DOWN!” Someone yelled. It was Sean. I rubbed my eyes and they became clearer.

“We’re in a war here Mikey!” He shouted at me.

There were grenades going off beside me. One went off right by me and hit a solider. It knocked me off my feet. The world was blank.

Did it hit me too? Am I dieing? Or is it shell shock. I looked around. Sean was yelling at me and hitting me.

Do something!! Get up!
It’s not too late, you can go home
Stand up and carry on!
Hide, and you can go!

Explosions sounded dull. They were getting louder. I started to hear what Sean was saying.

“Mikey for Christ’s sake get up! COME ON!” I came back.

I wasn’t dieing after all. He helped me up.

“Stay behind me!” Sean said pushing me behind him.

Why was he protecting me? He could just have let me stay and I would have got up myself. I held my helmet on and carried my gun not daring to shoot in case they would shoot me back. Sean pushed me down next to a steel cross. I hid underneath it.

“Stay!” He said to me he ran over to the other guy by the next steal cross.

I squashed up close to the cross hoping they didn’t see me. I’m not being much help am I? I wanted to do something worthwhile! I need to get fighting!

Something came over me; I stood up and ran across the beach shooting at the Germans. I stopped and looked at Sean and back at the cross I was at. I looked at my captain and he was yelling something, he was far away, I couldn’t hear him.

I looked at Sean he was running at me but before he got to me something hit me in my stomach! Pain beyond anything I could ever imagine. It was worse that shell shock. I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t think.

“MIKEY! It’s going to be okay!” Sean yelled at me. He put his hand on my wound and it felt like I was going to throw up blood. I’m dieing… I’m dieing…

“Sean… t-tell my m-mum I loved her…” I said trying to live. I’m dieing… I’m dieing…

“You’re going to live man!” Sean said. I’m dieing… I’m dieing…

“A-and t-tell Maddie I-I l-love her…My hand shook and it took out a letter for Maddie. Sean took it and shoved it in his poket.

“You can give that note to Maddie! You’re going to live!” He yelled at me. My heart felt like it was caving in.

Is it just me or is everything going dark? It’s daylight… everything is dark. So long and goodnight.