Inside My Arms

Gerard Way.

I see him everywhere.
I had known him all my life.
I have never even talked to him.
Not one single word.

He sits in front of me in my English class.

He sits behind me in my History class.

He sits next to me in my Calculus class.

And you would expect us to talk.
Eventually caving in to each other's visible presence.
But, no.
We never did.

The funny thing is
He lives next door to me.
Our mothers are best friends.

He came over my house quite a few times.
Stealing my toys, with his brother Mikey.

I hated him after that.

Its quite silly to hold a grudge for such a stupid little thing.
But if you knew me, you know thats just me.

All throughout my life, I have been going to school with him.
Preschool, Kindergarten, Middle School, High School, and in a few months, I shall be going to the same college as him.

And in all those years, passing each other in the hallways, we just ignored each other.

And I doubt we'll start talking soon.

It wasn't like I was this big popular girl.
I was far from it.

My face looked just like a China Doll.
Big eyes, and eyelashes.

My body looked like a little thirteen year old.
Small breast, non-curvy body, and two little chicken legs.

My personality sucked just as much.
Isolated, distant, with nothing good to say.

I had only one best friend.
Actually, he was my only friend.
His name is Frank.

I know Frank friends with him.
They talked a few times.
But Frank would never leave me for him.

He wasn't popular either.
Quite far from it.

His face looked like a girl's.
Big eyes, and eyelashes.

His body was a bit chubby.
From eating all those cheeseburgers, while working at the local comic store.

His personality wasn't all that great either, but sure better than mine.
Stubborn, open-minded, and isolated.

Now school would be over in a short two months, and I still won't talk to him.

Frank thinks I'm acting rather childish.

I told him that I was shy.

Now I'm look at him, right now.
Wondering who he is.
Gerard Way I mean.
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I don't care if you don't like this. This is an old idea which I'm going to continue. I want to see if I can make this story last.