Inside My Arms


If I could owe my life to anyone,
it would have to be Frank Iero.
Oh how I love him so.
To his shortness,
and his childish remarks.

I'm in his room right now.
It's covered with posters that are slanted.
And dirty laundry.

He throws a pillow at me.
I throw it back.
But much harder.

He pouts,
and give me his infamous puppy eyes.
I give in and apologize.

"So Polly, how are things going with Gee-ar-do?" He ask me in a taunting manner.

"Just fine."
I don't want to tell him any more.
I know its bad.
Since he's my friend and all.

"I've been watching you. Just fine isn't the word. More like hot seaming sex!" He exclaims.

I'm horrified.
What would make Frank think of us like that?

"Frank Iero, when I said just fine, I really did meant it. The closest thing we ever did together was talk," I told him.

I'm lying.
I've been lying so much more often now.
But it's too em brassing.
My arch enemy cuddling up to me on the sidewalk?
Now that's some rumors spreading.

"Uh-huh," he gives me a suspicious look.

"I just want you to know that if I find out you've been lying to me; you're best friend forever may I add then you're in a big load of trouble, " he continues on.

I sigh.

"There's nothing going on between Gerard and I."

The door knocks three times.
I look to Frank.

"Who is that?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. It's Gerard and Mikey," he chants at me.

I roll my eyes.
Typical Frank
to hide things behind my back.
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