Inside My Arms


I should feel bad for leading Gerard on like that.
But I don't.
I really don't.

Mikey found Gerard first.
It was my fault.
Gerard tripped over a broom.
Trying to get to me.

While Gerard is counting.
I try to find a place to hide.
I decide on under Frank's bed.
You must be crazy to look under there.

Over dirty socks and lost papers,
I rested quietly.

I hear Gerard's footstep coming.
Pacing room to room,
Closet to closet.

"Ah-ha!" He screams.

I hear Frank whine out.
Accusing him of cheating.

My phone vibrates.
They hear the vibration.
I open my phone.
It's a phone call.
From my Mother.
She wants me home.

Gerard and Frank look around the room.
I crawl out under the bed.

"I need to leave," I tell them.

Frank nods.
Gerard raise an eyebrow.
Mikey walks into the bedroom.
With an angry expression.

"How come you guys aren't playing?!" Mikey yells out in question.

I wave bye.
And walk downstairs.
Out to the door.
To my house.

My mother is sitting on the living room couch.
Tissues surround her.
I knew what that meant.
My father actually done it.

I'm hesitant to walk over to her.
But I knew I had to.
With comfort arms,
I hug her.

She breaks out into sobs.
Grabbing the back of my shirt with such force.
She pours all her pain unto my shoulder.
Gasping for air which comes in little amount.

I can't cry.
It's hard for me to cry.
I cry easily.
But I can't cry for this.
♠ ♠ ♠
The pictures sometimes stretches. I'm too lazy to fix it.