Inside My Arms


The weather looks beautiful.
Perfectly sunny.
And warm.

My body aches.
Amy's whining.
I can't.

My stomach growls.
"Feed me!"
It roars.

I don't remember the last time I ate.
I should eat more.
I just forget.

I can't stand the light.
I can't stand the heat.
I can't stand anything.

I groan.
Turn on the A.C.
And turn off all the lights.

I try to sleep.
Dark sunken moons had reappeared on my face again.
I can't sleep anymore.

Amy jumps on my bed.
Licks my face till I response.

She won't stop.
I give in.

I climb out of bed.
The bones cracking with every step.

I don't bother to brush my teeth.
Or wash my face.

Just wear the same shirt and shorts.
With a hoodie to disappear my tears.

I walk out the door.
Frank is outside the front step of Gerard's.

He sees me.
Smiles wide.
His face is getting red.
Oh, no.

He runs to me at full speed.
Hugs me and pick me up.
Give Amy a pat.
And frowns.

"Gerard told me it was bad, but I didn't know it would be this bad," he says.

I try to hide from his face.

"We need to talk, Polly."

I walk away from him.
He grabs my wrist.
Amy is urging.
I need to go.

"Frank, please. I haven't walked Amy in three weeks. She needs to walk," I told him.

"Fine, I'll walk with you."

I roll my eyes.
Thanks Amy.
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