Inside My Arms


Amy is between us.
We're petting her.
While watching
The Breakfast Club.

Our hands are touching.
Pinky twisting.
With yours and mine.

Its almost till the movie ends.
Its almost till midnight strikes.
Its almost till my mother comes home.

I don't care.
As long as I'm with him.

The credit rolls up.
I get up and turn the T.V. off.

Gerard does too.
He spins me around.
Pull my body close to him.
So close that I can feel his heart thumping.

He kisses my cheek.

"Will you be mine?"
He ask.

I nod.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"
He ask.

I nod.

And start giggling.

Amy starts to whine.
I guess we woke her up.

I walk over to her.
And carry her to my room.

"Come on."
I motion Gerard to follow me.

He follows me to my room.
And look around my walls.

"I like your room,"
he compliments.

I look at my room.
Dirty laundry stacked in the corner.
Posters taped slanted.
Pictures of Van Gogh's and Henri Matisse's
work on the wall.
I guess you can like it.

I reply.

I lay Amy on her bed.
And flop unto my own.

Gerard jumps on me.
Pin my hands to my bed.

And start kissing my neck.

"I want you,"
he smothers.

I get goosebumps.

I look towards the ceiling.
And close my eyes.

He moves to my lips.
And starts kissing there.

I kiss back.
For hours and hours.
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