Inside My Arms


Its been so long
since Frank and I
had a real conversation.

Eyes to eyes.
Lips to lips.
Face to face.

Three week in fact.
Three weeks since my body
wasn't filled with complete joy.
Three weeks since my smile
wasn't big enough for my face.
Three weeks with my heart
longing for the safety of our friendship.

Now I'm in his room
with a humongous grin on my face.

"I missed you,"
I told him.

"I missed you too. How have you been?"

"The doctor put me back on Prozac,"
I answered honestly.

Because Frank deserve nothing less.

"I'm glad you're getting better."

"Me too."

We sat there.
In awkward silence.

He was playing with his guitar.
I was playing with my fingers.

"How are you and Gerard?"
He asked.

I sat there confused.
And realized what he was talking about.

"I really like him,"
I replied.

I was blushing.
He was getting pink.
We were both turning to a different color.
♠ ♠ ♠
At my cousin's house. Went to warped. Can't think the same since.