Inside My Arms

Moe's Cooking.

Two hours past.
Two hours of silence.

"I think we should go out,"
Frank suggest.

I nodded.

We go to his car.
Buckle ourselves tight.
Check the mirror.
Out we go.

The problem is...
we have no absolute
clue where we were going.

But it was nice.
Like how we used to be.

I looked out the window.
I didn't recognize this part of town.

I looked over at Frank.

"Where are we going?"
I asked him.

"I have no idea."

He chuckled.
I grinned.

I looked at the clock.

"Maybe we should go eat dinner."


I checked my pockets.
One twenty.
Three single dollars.
That should last me.

We stopped at a small diner
called "Moe's Cooking."

I laughed at their name.

It was nice inside.
Very old fashion.
I could tell they changed nothing
about this place since it opened.

We walked over to a booth.

A waitress came five minutes later.

I ordered an ice cream sundae.
He ordered the same thing as me.

We sat there in silence.
Stuffing our face.

"Polly, I wrote you something. I want you to see it tomorrow,"
Frank said.

I nodded.

Frank had ice cream on his cheek.
I didn't tell him though.
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