Inside My Arms


We're standing on the street.
Begging for change to get home.

After an hour or so talking.
About life, love, family, school,
the future, depression, suicide,
addiction, recovery, happiness,
the stars, heaven, God, and how
we're all just floating in space.
We discovered we were lost
and had no way home.

But decided to fuck it.
And try to find our way home by walking.

It was an hour and a half walk.
But it was nice.

Gerard started to shiver from the cold.
Since I was wearing his jacket.

That was when I noticed how much
weight he really lost.

"You're starting to become not so chubby,"
I murmured.

He looked confused.
And narrowed his eyes.


I laughed at how paranoid he can get.

"I mean, you're looking like you lost some weight,"
I explained to him.


We walked in silence for a couple of minutes.
Before Gerard started to become paranoid again.

"Is that a bad thing?"
He asked.

"I don't know. I guess its good since you're getting more healthy, but its bad for me."

"How so?"

He was becoming more and more curious.
I just found it adorable.

"I like your chubbiness. You're soft to cuddle with and it makes me feel protected."

He started to laugh.

"Well, I'm glad I'm your life-sized teddy bear."

He started to hug me with all his might.
And pecked me on the lips.

My heart stopped beating.
And I started to become dizzy.

"Is this how its suppose to feel?"
I asked.


"When you like someone so much that you're physically drained by just touching them."

"I think that's considered normal... and a very good sign."

"That is a very good sign."

"Especially when you're with as someone as handsome,"
he started to flex his arms,
"and strong as me."

I laughed and I could feel myself blushing.

He released me.
And we continued walking.

"Oh and by the way Polly, you look stunning tonight,"
Gerard said softly.
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