Inside My Arms


July 1st.
One more month to go.
One month down.
31 days.

Till I move out.
In complete freedom.
To New York or maybe California.
I heard the weather's nice there.

I'm staring out the window.
It's around 3 A.M.

I couldn't sleep.
I sighed loudly.

Careful not to wake up Amy.
I grabbed my hoodie.
Tip Toed out my room.
Down the stairs.
Out I go.

It's chilly.
But something about the cold is comforting.

I hug my arms around me.
Trying to grasp any warmth to my body.

And look around.
I have nowhere to go.

I look left.
Then right.
And decided to go right.
Where Gerard would be.

I don't know how cliche it would be.
To throw rocks at the person you like; window.
But I guess I'll be cliche for a little while.
Just enough to tune out reality.

After five rocks thrown lamely to the window.
Gerard opened it.
While rubbing his eyes,
and looking very irritated.

Till he discovered who it was.
And his face filled with joy.

I motioned Gerard to come down.
He put out a finger to me.
Telling me to wait.

After a few minutes.
Gerard was sliding down the pipes of his house.
And falling with a big bang.

I had to try so hard.
Not to to laugh.
A single sound.

Gerard gave me the middle finger.
And I went to help him out.

He got up,
but now rubbing his sore buttocks.

He looked around.
Like I did.

"What are you doing here Polly?"
He asked with curiosity
and I think I sensed
a twist of adventure.
♠ ♠ ♠
No pictures but important notice:
I'm going to end this.
I don't know when but it will end.
Sometime this month or maybe
early next month.