Inside My Arms

Only You.

I didn't know what to say to him.
Because I'm not even sure why I was here.

At three in the morning.
Throwing rocks at Gerard's window.

"I couldn't sleep,"
I told him.

He laughed.
And rubbed his eyes once more.

"I'm assuming you want to take a walk."

I nodded.

He took my hand.
I let go.
He took it again.
I let go again.

He took my pinky.
I kept it.

We walked to the park.
And sat on the bench.

We didn't exactly do anything.
Just kept staring into the sky.

All the lights were off.
The only thing keeping safety was the stars.

I traced my fingers along his thighs
to his chest.
He moved a little.

I traced my fingers along his left finger
to his heart.
He moved a lot.

I sat cuddled into his arms.
Staring at his face.
And still wondering who he is.

I called out.


"Who are you?"

He looked down upon me.
Cupped his fingers with my face.
And kissed me on the forehead.

"I don't know,"
he replied.

I called out again.


"Who was your first love?"

His fingers were combing my hair.
It felt blissful.

he replied.

I smiled wide.
Blushing quite a bit.

I called out for the last time.


"Who will be your last love?"

His fingers moved to my arm.
Outlining a heart.

he replied.

I sat myself straight.
With my face lining up with his.
And kissed his lips.
With all the love I could give.
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