Inside My Arms


Two blocks left was my house.
One house over is Gerard's house.

I sighed loudly as I walked to my front step.
I opened the door to see that no one was home.
Typical parents.

I went up to my room.
The radio was on so my dog wouldn't be so alone.
I can't imagine how hard it is for my dog.

She's so beautiful.
A beautiful corgi.
But she's always crying.
It breaks my heart.

I bent down to pet her.
She licked my hands.
I laughed and started to rub her belly.
She looked outside.

I got up and got her leash.
She always tried to get me walking.
No matter the day.

I put her leash on.
Went out the door together.
Her tail couldn't stop wagging.

We went around the neighbor three times.
It was hard to get her tired.

Her leash was tugging my hand.
I looked up.
To see it was Gerard.
Petting my dog.

"Cute dog. What's its name?"



He got up and left to his house.
As I did the same.

It became a regular routine.
I would always walk my dog three times around the neighborhood.
And at the end,
I'll see Gerard.
He'll pet my dog.
Get up and walk to his house.
And I'll do the same.

We did this so long that he would even come out at a certain time.
Waiting for my dog.
Exactly at 6:40PM.
He'll always be on the sidewalk.
Maybe even smoking a cigarette.

But I like it.
All of it.
Amy likes it too.
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