Inside My Arms

Know You.

I finally graduated.
I'm not a high school student anymore.
I'm finally on my own.
I'm finally going to make something of myself.

But I'm waiting till August.
August is the month where I'll move out.
With Frank by my side, of course.

Now I have two more months to live out.
Maybe I'll talk to my parents.
Better yet, maybe they'll talk to me.

I doubt it.
I truly doubt it.

I sighed loudly.
Looked over at Amy.
And decided to take her for a walk.

There's a park.
Outside my neighborhood,
but quite close to it.
Amy would like it there.
There's tons of people who walk their dogs there.

When I entered through the gates,
I saw the least expected person sitting on the bench.
I walked over to him.
He looked from his sketchpad.
And grinned.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Gerard asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.
And pointed to Amy.

Gerard put down his sketchpad.
And bent over to Amy.
Whispering nonsense to the human ears.

He got up from the bench.

"Want to take a walk?"

I nodded.

"What are you drawing?" I ask him.

"Actually nothing."

"How come?"
Curious to know.

"No inspiration what'so ever," he bitterly said.

I looked at his sketchbook.
It looks worn down.
The pages are falling apart, and ripping.
There most be a million of drawings inside that tiny book.

I saw his work before.
Working in that comic book store is making him quite insane.
Though, I doubt he still works there.
Because he looks like he lost a bit of weight.

He draws illustration.
I think he's going to Art Center for that.
Mine is fine art.
I love fine art way too much.

I decided to open up a conversation about art.
Seeing we have something in common.

He likes to talk a lot.
When it comes down to the arts.
I like artistic Gerard.

After a round around the park,
I decided to head home.

"Can I walk you?"



I smiled and nod.

"So tell me Polly, how are you today?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

"How could you not know how you're feeling?"

"Well, how are you feeling Mr. Way?"

"Actually I don't know either."

He started to kick a rock.
Again and again.

We walked in silence together.
It wasn't the awkward silence we usually have.
This one was a good silence.
A connecting silence.

I stopped at my house.
Gerard waved bye and walked back to his house.
I decided I want to know Gerard Way.
And I mean fully.
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