
Chapter 4

Evangeline raised the wine glass to her lips to take a sip of what she considered to be a well earned drink when the pub door opened and Alec walked in. “Oh god” she groaned, setting it back down on the table and sinking low in her seat to avoid catching his eye. Her friends Will and Cara exchanged glances and followed Evangeline's gaze towards the bar where Alec now stood with his back to the group. “That's him” she hissed lifting her brows in his direction. Will gave a smirk. “Shall I invite him over for a drink?” “Don't you dare” replied Evangeline darkly. “Oh come on, Eva, it can't be that bad. He can't be that bad. “What would you know”? She snapped back, immediately regretting her words.

Will had had a far more working class upbringing than Evangeline. His father had been the local postman and his mother had worked in the village shop when she wasn't taking care of her five sons. Evangeline and Will had grown up in the village together and as children had become firm friends. She'd been a tomboy and the pair of them had got into all kinds of mischief together. She had come to know and love Will's chaotic family. They lived in a small but lovely low ceilinged cottage in the village, all beams and lime wash. Will's mother was a magpie and spent any spare time she had in charity shops and at boot fairs hunting out 'lovely things' and getting them at a bargain price. As a result, every surface in the house was covered with vases, jugs, books, pictures and ornaments of all kinds. Will found the clutter embarrassing, but Evangeline found it cosy and comforting compared to the vastness of her home, especially when the whole family were together. The boys like large, playful puppies, teasing and bating each other and occasionally scrapping. There was a wonderful sense of family that Eva longed for. Although she loved her parents very much, there was a reserve there that never seemed to completely disappear, even when they were at their most relaxed.

Will and Evangeline had remained close until her mother's death and Eva's removal to boarding school. Things had remained that way until a few months previously when Will had come up to her at the pub and demanded that they sit down and talk. Eva, caught off guard, had agreed and once they got chatting, it was like they'd never been apart.

“No, Eva. Of course I wouldn't have a clue what it's like to work for a living.” came his withering reply. After leaving school at 16, Will had taken on an apprenticeship as a carpenter and after completing it had worked long hours for not very much money in order to build his own business and reputation. He was now a well paid and well respected carpenter with a thriving business. In the last year he had saved enough to buy his own small cottage in the village, a fact of which his parents were very proud.

“Sorry, Will, Cara, that was a stupid thing to say. I'm being a brat, aren't I?” Cara worked at the stables on the estate that adjoined her father's. She was wonderful with the horses, a real doctor dolittle. Firm but kind, they all loved her and it was obvious she was passionate about each and every one of them. Even the more temperamental animals. She was petite and curvaceous with a head of wild auburn curls that stood out against her pale freckled skin. She gave a quick smile. “Don't think any more about it” she said in her wonderfully lilting Irish accent.

“Let me get you both a drink” said Evangeline, getting up and reaching for her bag. Alec was still at the bar, so she had to pretend she hadn't noticed him as she approached and ordered the round. Pulling out her purse, she realised she'd run out of cash. She handed her credit card over to the bar maid and waited to enter her PIN. There was a long pause. Then “sorry, Eva. Card's been declined.”

She swore inwardly. Of course, her father had been as good as his word and frozen her allowance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alec looking in her direction and flushed with embarrassment. She made a show of looking in her bag for cash, knowing she wouldn't find any.

The next moment, Alec was at her side. “I'll get these” he said, handing a note over to the bar maid. She flashed him a winning smile, taking the cash and going over to the till before Evangeline had a chance to protest. Evangeline glared at Alec and opened her mouth to make a cutting remark. “You can pay me back out of your wages” he said to her. “And after these ones, it might be an idea to go home. We've got a long day tomorrow.” He took his change, downed the rest of his pint and was gone.
She carried the drinks over to the table, still fuming and sat down hard in her chair. Will and Cara had watched the whole exchange and were eagerly waiting for her to fill them in.

Evangeline was less than forthcoming. “Well”? Burst out Cara eventually. “What happened? What did he say?” Evangeline shot her a look. “I forgot daddy's frozen my account and I don't have any cash on me, so Alec paid the bill.” “Sounds like a nice guy” Will cut in. Evangeline glared at him. “When you told us about the events of your day, you forgot to mention how bloody gorgeous Alec is”! Added Cara enthusiastically. “ Did I? I'm so sorry.” Evangeline responded, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I wouldn't be stepping on any toes if I made a move, would I?” She continued eagerly. Evangeline raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like I'm interested in Alec?” Cara gave a satisfied smile and picked up her glass, taking a triumphant swig before setting it back down on the table. "So what's his story?", Will cut in. “Where'd he come from and how did he end up working for your father”? Evangeline glanced over at him and back down at her wine glass. "I don't know if you noticed, but we're not exactly best buddies. He hasn't told me a thing about himself and to be honest, I'm happy for things to stay that way.” “ I think you might be making life difficult for yourself,” Will suggested. “If you're going to be working closely with the man, it would be a hell of a lot easier if you got along.”

“As long as he doesn't talk to me and I don't talk to him, we get along just fine.” Will rolled his eyes and sighed. “Have it your way, Eva.” He muttered taking a gulp of his pint. Cara downed the last of her wine. “Who's up for another drink?” she said, getting slightly unsteadily to her feet. “Sounds good to me,” replied Will. Rubbing his stomach in satisfaction. “Not for me” Evangeline said decisively. “I've got an early start tomorrow”. She started to get to her feet. “Ahh, come on” protested Cara, “We've all got an early start!” “Well I don't fancy another drink. See you both soon.” and grabbing her bag from the table, she left.

Stepping out into the night, she pulled her jacket tightly around herself with a shiver. It had rained whilst she'd been inside and the temperature had dropped.

The little village lay miles from any town or city and the only sounds to be heard that night were the steady dripping of rainwater from the leaves of the trees and the occasional bark of a fox or hoot of an owl. At that moment the moon appeared from behind a cloud, its light reflecting off the wet tarmac of the lane and transforming it into a silver river. Evangeline loved nights like this. The air was clear and fresh after the downpour and it gave her a sense of calm like nothing else in the world. Lost in her thoughts, she barely registered the black van tucked into a lay by outside the gates of Nightingale hall and was back at the annexe before she knew it. She glanced over towards the stable yard and saw that a light still burned in Alec's window. "So much for getting an early night" she muttered, pulling out her key and letting herself inside. Her stomach growled, reminding her she'd not eaten since lunchtime. She wandered into the kitchen to inspect the contents of the fridge. Three withered carrots, half a bar of chocolate and a bottle of prosecco. She polished off the chocolate, brushed her teeth and climbed into bed falling asleep almost immediately after her physically demanding day.