Steal My Heart

The way You Smile At Him

Irina stood at the door watching Cristiano and Lily, It had been a few days since they got back from Portugal and she was more than a little suspicious about them, they looked closer than ever and she didn't like it, she needed to drive a wedge between them and soon. The smiles and the way they shared jokes like it was their own private little thing was beginning to annoy her, Cristiano didn't laugh at any of her jokes, and he certainly didn't look at her the way he was currently looking at Lily.

" I thought we were going out for Lunch" Irina said.

Cristiano glanced over at Irina and just one look at her face told him she was upset with him again " We are I was just telling Lily what she needed to do today" he replied.

" Whatever I don't care" Irina mumbled staring down at her perfectly polished nails " Can we just go already" she added impatiently.

Cristiano sighed a little as he took a step back from Lily " Fine, but I just need to change my shirt then we can go" he said, before he left the room, leaving Irina alone with Lily.

Irina waited until Cristiano was out of earshot before she turned on Lily " I know what you are up to and it stops now" she hissed angrily.

Lily forced a polite smile on her face " I have no idea what you are going on about" she muttered.

" Oh please do you think I am stupid?" Irina snapped at Lily " I have seen the looks and smile you share with Cristiano and it stops now, he is mine" she added. " He does this all the time, so don't think for one moment you mean something to him" Irina continued to rant.

Lily held her hands up in surrender " You have nothing to worry about, I am not a threat" she replied " I know how he feels about you" she added.

" Then back the hell off and leave him alone" Irina muttered " Go and find a man of your own, because this one is off limits to you" she added coldly.

Lily didn't say anything, choosing to bite her lip instead stopping her from snapping at Irina, she may hate the model but she wasn't entirely blameless here, Irina was right to tell her to back off and that was what she was going to do. Things had become a little blurry over the last couple of days and she needed to put that line back up and make sure she didn't cross it again.

" Are you ready to go?" Cristiano asked stepping back into the room, unaware of what he had just missed, he briefly glanced at Lily and saw the cold look on his face, frowning he turned to Irina wondering if she had said anything " Is everything okay here?" he asked.

Irina smiled at Cristiano as she wrapped her arm around him " We were just having a girly chat nothing that important" she smiled.

" Lily?" Cristiano asked, ignoring Irina.

Lily faked a smile as she looked at Cristiano " Its all good here you should get going I wouldn't want you to miss your lunch date" she replied, stressing the date part.

" See everything is good here, we should go" Irina said.

Lily watched Irina pull Cristiano out the room, he glanced back at her but she gave nothing away, she would heed Irina's warning and back off she had warned Cristiano when they were in Portugal that something would have to give but he seemed to think he could grow closer to her, while he still had Irina, it was never going to work and someone was going to get hurt and she wouldn't allow it to be her, she needed to take a step back and figure out if she really wanted to keep working for Cristiano, considering everything that was developing between them.

Lily let herself into her parents house later that evening, she had stayed away from her parents for a few weeks after the row she had with them the last time she was here, but she knew she couldn't avoid them forever they were still her parents and she loved them even if her dad annoyed her with his pushiness.

" Oh look who it is" Jason grinned as he came towards her " Its been a while little sister" he smirked as he hugged her.

Lily laughed softly as she hugged her brother back " I have been so busy" she replied.

" Yeah we saw the pictures" Jason smirked. " You still working for that footballer?" he asked.

Lily stared at Jason wondering what the hell he was going on about " What Pictures?" she asked, taking her coat and hung it up " And yes I still work for Cristiano" she replied.

" Come on through to Mum and Dad and I will show you those pictures" Jason grinned, placing his arm around Lily's shoulder and led her into the living-room " Look who I found" he chuckled a little.

Mary looked up from her book and smiled at Lily, she had hated how they had left things a few weeks ago and was glad that Lily had decided to let that go " Hello Honey how are you?" she asked putting her book down on the table.

Matthew glared at Lily, he had still not forgotten their fight a few weeks ago " So you remembered where we live" he muttered sarcastically.

Lily ignored her father's sarcasm and turned to her mother " I am good how are you?" she asked.

Mary spared a look towards her husband wishing he would stop giving Lily so much trouble about what she was doing with her life " We are good, Its nice to see you" she replied.

" Hows David?" Matthew asked, hoping Lily had come to her senses and taken David back, she wouldn't do much better than him.

Lily rolled her eyes at her father " We are still done, I have moved on" she replied with a small smile.

Mary admired Lily's smile for a minute she looked happy and she had a feeling who was behind it if those pictures that were in the paper were accurate.

" To that footballer?" Matthew snarled unhappily.

Lily shook her head " no why would you think that?" she asked.

Jason smirked as he handed her yesterdays paper " Maybe because of this" he replied.

Lily frowned as she took the paper and opened it, her eyes widening a little at the picture of her and Cristiano it was taken after the game against Brazil, where she was pushing his hair back from his face, both had massive smiles on their face, she groaned knowing how bad this looked.

" This means nothing" Lily insisted closing the paper and handed it back to Jason " I was only at the game because he asked me" she added.

Matthew stared coldly at Lily " You hate football, that is what you always told us" he muttered.

" I still don't like football that much" Lily answered.

Jason laughed shaking his head " You could have fooled us, in those pictures you look really happy to be around the sport" he acknowledge.

" Those pictures mean nothing" Lily sighed,blushing a little.

Matthew laughed sarcastically " The man is standing in just his shorts and is practically pressed up against you and you expect us to believe nothing is going on?" he scoffed " The way you are smiling at him tells me something is going on" he added.

" Cristiano had just finished a match and was heading for the locker room when I bumped into him, those pictures look worse than they were" Lily replied defensively. " Nothing is going on between us what so ever, he has a girlfriend" she added.

Jason shook his head " If that was my boyfriend pressed up against someone else I certainly wouldn't be very happy" he commented.

Lily looked towards her mother for help even though she wouldn't get any " I don't know why I bother you don't believe me so what is the point" she muttered.

" I believe you" Mary smiled, she saw the pictures and from just looking at them knew there was something going on but she wasn't going push or ask Lily about them until she was ready to admit that she had feelings for the footballer.

Matthew just shook his head " I don't and let me tell you, if you get with that footballer then I am done with you" he warned her.

" Matthew be careful what you say, you may regret it" Mary said quietly, not wanting her husband to push their daughter away from good.

Matthew ignored his wife as he kept his gaze fixed on Lily " You should have stayed with David"he mumbled " He was good for you and loved you" he sighed.

" Yeah he loved me so much he cheated on me" Lily snapped at her dad. " I won't allow you to dictate who I should or shouldn't be with, that decision rests with me not you" she continued to rant.

Jason sighed a little as he pulled Lily away from their father he was used to be stuck in the middle of their fights and while he usually sided with their father, this time he was fully on Lily's side.

" You should go" Matthew spat furiously.

Lily laughed bitterly as she moved towards the door she stopped and looked back at her parents " I want you in my life but if you keep trying to control my life you will just end up pushing me away for good" she warned, before she walked out her parents home, letting them think over what she had just said.


The next morning Lily's mood hadn't improved, she was still annoyed with her father and at herself for letting him get to her, he would never ever agree with her life decisions, he would always find a way to complain about them. Distracted she walked into Cristiano's house, carrying her morning coffee, she wasn't looking where she was going when someone came flying down the stairs and towards her, her coffee went all over her white dress.

" Look at what you did" Lily yelled at Irina, then stared down at the puddle of coffee on the floor.

Irina smirked at Lily " You bumped into me, I just walked down the stairs" she replied.

" No you came flying down those stairs and bumped into me" she yelled again.

Irina raised her brow at Lily, she had never seen her this angry before " Okay take a chill pill it was only coffee" she laughed.

" Only coffee, it has ruined my dress you imbecile" Lily yelled, knowing she was talking her anger and frustration on the wrong person.

Irina laughed a again " I did you a favor the dress is ugly" she retorted.

" Your face is ugly" Lily muttered childishly, as she headed to the kitchen to get a mop to clear up the coffee "why does she have to be such a bitch" she muttered to herself.

Irina followed Lily " I heard that" she replied.

" You were supposed to idiot" Lily muttered putting down her folder with all of Cristiano's appointments for the week down on the table and went looking for the mop.

Irina leaned over and opened the folder and took the sheet that had all of Cristiano's appointments, smirking to herself, she folded the paper and put it into her pocket.

" What is going on?" Cristiano asked, " I can hear Lily shouting from upstairs" he said, frowning at Irina.

Irina just shrugged her shoulders " Lily had a little accident" she smirked.

Lily appeared with the mop, her face a little red and her hair messy she saw the smirk on Irina's face but said nothing and went to fill up the mop bucket with warm water.

" Are you okay?" Cristiano asked.

Lily ignored Crstiano as she waited for the water to fill up " Just leave me lone" she muttered

"What is wrong with you?" Cristiano asked.

Lily turned the tap off and grabbed the bucket and mop " Nothing is wrong" she muttered " I am just perfect" she smiled sarcastically.

" Cristiano just leave her alone, she said she is fine" Irina said smugly.

Lily laughed again " Yeah Ronaldo do what your little girlfriend tells you" she snapped at him.

Cristiano frowned at Lily " Have I done something to annoy you?" he asked.

" No now get out of my way" Lily muttered.

Cristiano moved out of Lily's way he heard her utter a few choice words directed at him and Irina, he didn't know what was wrong with Lily but hoped she snapped out of it soon.

Lily quickly mopped up the spillage then headed to the office where she luckily kept a spare change of clothes. she was in the middle of pulling her dress down when Cristiano walked in without knocking. grabbing the nearest thing her bag she covered her chest with it.

" Have you never heard of knocking" Lily yelled at him.

Cristiano folded his arms across his chest " I am sorry I didn't know you were getting changed" he replied.

" Well can you leave so I can finished getting dressed" she muttered.

Cristiano smirked a little before he stepped outside the room, closing the door behind him, Lily shook her head as she quickly pulled her jeans and white T shirt on, she just wanted this day to end, it was turning into the day from hell.

" Are you decent yet?" Cristiano asked from behind the door.

Lily wanted to tell him no and to go away but knew that do her any good, he would just stay standing outside that door until she talked to him " You can come in" she mumbled.

Cristiano pushed the door opened and stepped back into the room, leaving the door opened as he moved towards Lily " Do you want to tell me what has put you into such a foul mood?" he asked.

" Your girlfriend" Lily retorted coldly. " I don''t know what you see in that rude....

Cristiano smiled a little " Careful" he warned Lily cutting her off mid rant.

Lily glared at Cristiano wanting to finish that sentence so bad " Is there something you wanted?" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

" I just wanted to make sure you are okay and to get my appointments for the week" Cristiano replied.

Lily pulled the folder on her desk closer to her, she opened it and frowned she saw that his appointment sheet was missing, quickly flickering through it she cursed a little, she definitely put it in the folder this morning, it was one of the first things she had did when she first gotten out of bed.

" I am fine" Lily mumbled, as she doubled checked the folder again but it was gone, she looked up at Cristiano " Can you come back later for you schedule I seem to have misplaced it" she said rubbing her head a little.

Cristiano frowned at Lily " I really need it now" he replied.

" Okay well can you give me an hour?" Lily asked, seeing the annoyance on Cristiano's face, he wasn't impressed at all with her this morning.

Cristiano just nodded but he still didn't look to happy with her " Maybe instead of spending time shouting at my girlfriend you should focus on making sure you have everything prepared first" he muttered, before he walked out the room.

Lily just watched Cristiano go wanting to yell something back at him, but knew it would just make everything worse, sighing deeply she sank into her chair and started to prepare Cristiano's schedule for the week, making sure that this time it would be handed directly to Cristiano, she shook her head a little annoyed with herself for letting everything get to her this morning, she couldn't wait until she could go home and Pretend the last couple of days didn't happen, her family always brought out the worst in her.