Steal My Heart

Plans Change

Lily rolled her eyes behind the magazine she had been reading, she had been sitting eating her lunch minding her own business when Cristiano had arrived home with Irina and to say the Russian model was not in a good mood was an understatement Lily almost felt sorry for Cristiano, then she quickly remembered he probably caused this latest drama so her sympathy level shot back down.

" I want you to come to New York with me, we barely spend any time together" Irina pouted, not caring there was people in the room.

Cristiano pulled out a chair and sat down, since he had picked Irina up from the airport she had nagged at him non stop about him spending more time in New York " You know I can't Irina, I have commitments here in Madrid" he replied.

" I don't mean now idiot" Irina muttered " I mean in the summer and at Christmas I am sick of sharing you with your family" she added unhappily.

Lily laughed quietly not looking up from her magazine she wanted to say something but it would probably land her in trouble, so it was best to remain silent.

" Something funny?" Cristiano asked, looking at Lily.

Lily smiled, shaking her head " Just laughing at something in my magazine" she replied.

" Cristiano we are talking don't change the subject" Irina screeched loudly.

Lily watched as Cristiano turned to his annoyed girlfriend she could't understand why he put up with her, she was a complete nightmare.

" There is not much I can do Irina" Cristiano sighed.

Lily bit back a smile as she watched Irina begin to yell at Cristiano she was a little amused that she always seemed to have front row seats to Cristiano's fights with Irina.

" I want you to put me first just once" Irina yelled.

Cristiano threw his hands up in the air in frustration " I put you first all the time, when you are here in Madrid I rarely spend any time with my family" he yelled back.

Lily quietly got to her feet and made her way to the door, she didn't need to stick around for the rest of this fight, she had a feeling it was going to get nasty.

" Lily stay where you are" Irina yelled but kept her eyes on Cristiano.

Lily groaned loudly, she was beginning to get tired of being dragged into their fights " I have work to be getting on with" she replied.

Irina slowly turned to look at Lily she had been meaning to ask about the black eye that Lily had been sporting for a few days now, ever since the gala Cristiano had been different, he rarely called or messaged her anymore and she wanted to know why.

" Has Cristiano been cheating on me again?" Irina asked, ignoring Cristiano's cursing, she wanted to find out why things were as bad as they were.

Lily looked at Cristiano, he just shook his head at her, she hated that she was being put in the middle of this fight " Why don't you ask him yourself" she muttered.

" I am asking you" Irina snapped back at Lily.

Lily shook her head and stared out the window " As far as I know Cristiano has been too busy with football" she mumbled.

Lily's answer seemed to please Irina " So how did you get the black eye?" Irina asked, holding her hand up to silence Cristiano, who was about to say something.

Lily's hand went to her eye she glanced at Cristiano, knowing if she told Irina about the red haired girl he would probably fire her " I said something I shouldn't have to the wrong person" she replied " Now can I go?" she asked.

Cristiano said yes and pulled Irina to him, meaning he had her full attention so Lily could make her escape. She made sure to stay in the office for the rest of the day, out of the way of Irina and Cristiano which suited Lily just fine.


Lily stared at herself in the mirror, a few days had passed since Irina's awkward questions and things had slowly returned to normal, Cristiano and Irina seemed more loved up than ever, Lily gave it another week before they were arguing again. They could never stay happy for longer than a week, they always had to fight about something. Lily didn't have to try and stay out of their way, Cristiano was rarely at home and she knew that was because of Irina, she almost felt bad for Junior who would always look around for his father, when Cristiano was not around.

" Going somewhere nice"

Lily immediately turned around at Dolores voice she blushed a little as she pulled her dress down,Victoria had set her up on a blind date, a date she didn't really want to go to she was not ready to start dating again, but Victoria had pushed her into it.

" My friend Victoria has sent me up on a blind date! Lily replied, forcing a smile.

Dolores stepped into the room, she had warmed to Lily a lot since she had started working for Cristiano " You don't sound very happy about that" Dolores smiled.

" I have just came out of a relationship, I am not looking for another" Lily sighed, as she picked up her coat and put it on. She had changed at Cristiano's house as she would not have time to get ready, she had been working late for the last week, because of Cristiano's ridiculous demands, when Irina was around he was a complete different person and she couldn't wait until Irina was back in New York, she would then maybe finish at a decent time.

Dolores smiled again " You could have always said no" she replied.

" Victoria doesn't understand the word no" Lily laughed lightly, as she picked up her bag and walked towards the door, she just hoped the date would be a disaster so she could leave early.

Dolores followed Lily out the room " For what its worth you look really pretty tonight" she smiled.

" Thank you" Lily mumbled, blushing a little at the compliment.

Lily said goodnight to Dolores and was just about to leave when the front door opened, Cristiano walked in and he looked a little drunk, Irina looked in a much better state than he was right now.

" Ah good there you are Lily, can you help Cristiano upstairs, he had a little too much wine tonight, and I need to go back to my hotel room" Irina smiled coldly.

Lily stared at Irina wondering if she was being serious right now " He is your boyfriend, why don't you take him upstairs" she replied, watching as Cristiano stumbled to the stairs.

" I told you, I have to get back to my hotel room" Irina fired back, not even concerned at the state Cristiano was in.

Lily shook her head as she walked towards Cristiano, she would help him up to his room and then she would leave, she put her arm around his waist, he threw his arm across Lily's shoulder.

" I have a date tonight so lets get you upstairs" Lily said quietly, as she began to help Cristiano walk up the stairs.

Cristiano frowned a little " You have a date?" he asked.

Lily nodded her head as she looked at Cristiano, she saw something in his eyes she couldn't read " Yeah a date I don't want to go to" she mumbled.

" Then cancel, stay in with me" Cristiano winked at Lily.

Lily laughed lightly " I don't think your girlfriend will be too happy about that" she replied, as she opened Cristiano's bedroom door.

" I don't care if she is happy or not" Cristiano muttered unhappily, as he began to unbutton his shirt.

Lily just ignored Cristiano little dig at Irina and helped him into his room, hoping he would just go straight to bed, so she could finally leave.


Cristiano pulled his shirt off and chucked it on the floor, he then started on his jeans, he finally remembered that Lily was still in the room, he turned back to her, his brown eyes roaming over her, it made Lily feel a little uncomfortable.

" I should go" Lily smiled awkwardly.

Cristiano took a step closer to Lily " You look beautiful tonight, your date is a lucky man" he said quietly.

Lily blushed a little " You are my boss, you shouldn't be saying that to me" she replied.

Cristiano smirked " I maybe your boss, but I can give you a compliment" he replied, as he pulled his jeans down and kicked them off with his feet.

" Are you going be okay on your own?" Lily asked, a doubtful look on her face.

Cristiano shrugged his shoulders " I will survive" he said, as he staggered to the bathroom.

Lily bit on her lip as she heard Cristiano crashing about in the bathroom, she couldn't leave him in this state, sighing she pulled out her phone and typed a quick message to her date, apologizing to him, because she had to cancel the date, when secretly she was glad that she had to cancel as she didn't want to go on the date in the first place.

A loud curse came from the bathroom, Lily pulled her coat off and threw it on the bed and made her way into the bathroom, Cristiano was currently sat on the floor, his back to the wall, he looked up when Lily walked into the room.

" I am fine, I can manage by myself" Cristiano insisted.

Lily rolled her eyes " That is why you are sitting on the floor" she grinned, as she held out her hand for Cristiano to take.

Cristiano narrowed his eyes at Lily " Don't you have a date to get to?" he asked.

Lily shook her head " I can't leave you in this state, Unlike Irina, I am not a selfish bitch" she said, harsher than intended.

" That is my girlfriend you are insulting" Cristiano replied, with a smile on his face.

Lily managed to get Cristiano to his feet " I should say sorry but then I would be lying" she smirked.

Cristiano chuckled as he allowed Lily to help him back to bed " I am sorry I ruined your night" he said gently, as he sat down on the bed.

" I didn't want to go on the date anyways" Lily smiled, staring at Cristiano, he had gone a little pale.

Cristiano stared at Lily " You shouldn't be looking after me, I don't pay you to look after my drunken ass" he muttered.

" Someone needs to look after you" Lily shrugged.

Cristiano smiled a little " It still shouldn't be you" he replied.

" Well when I am drunk you can repay the favor" Lily smiled.

Cristiano just smirked as he laid back on the bed " I shouldn't have drunk so much tonight" he whined.

" Would you like a glass of water?" Lily asked.

Cristiano opened his eyes to look at Lily " Yes please" he whispered.

Lily just smiled before she left his room and made her way back downstairs to get Cristiano a glass of water, she filled a glass with water then headed back upstairs, she found Cristiano almost sleeping with his arm across his face.

" Here is your water" Lily said, quietly, placing the glass on the bedside table.

Cristiano slowly sat up and reached for the glass, he took a few gulps of water then put the glass back down. " Thank you" he said.

" I should let you get some sleep" Lily smiled, as she reached for her coat.

Cristiano reached out for Lily's hand " Stay with me, I don't want to be on my own" he mumbled.

" That would not be very professional, you are my boss" Lily reminded Cristiano.

Cristiano grinned at Lily " We have slept in the same bed before, I swear I won't do anything" he replied.

Lily should have said no, but his smile got her to say yes, she was cursing his smile as she took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed beside Cristiano.

" If you want you can get changed into one of my old shirt and shorts, if you don't want to sleep in that dress" Cristiano said.

Lily would change in a while, she laid back on the bed and stared at Cristiano, he looked like he was about to fall asleep, she wanted to ask why he got into this state but knew she would not get an answer out of him tonight, so she just watched Cristiano as he slowly fell asleep.


Lily woke to an alarm going off, she groaned as she rolled over onto her side, and pulled the pillow over her head, cursing the alarm that just would not shut up, she heard movement beside her and that was when she remembered she was not in her own bed. Slowly opening her eyes, she rolled over onto her side and saw Cristiano was already awake and he was frowning at her.

" What the hell are you doing in my bed?" he asked, pushing the duvet off his body and jumped out of bed.

Lily rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she sat up " You were so drunk last night, we totally did it" she replied, wanting to wind Cristiano up a little.

Cristiano's eyes widened in surprise " We didn't" he said, not sounding very sure.

Lily climbed out of bed failing to hide the smile on her face " No we didn't, you didn't want to be on your own last night" she replied.

" Why did you stay, you should have said no" Cristiano muttered.

Lily glared at Cristiano " What is your problem?" she asked. " I stayed because you asked me, and to be honest the state you were in someone had to stay with you" she added, not impressed with Cristiano's attitude.

" I had Irina" Cristiano said quietly.

Lily laughed sarcastically " Your charming girlfriend ditched you and left me to deal with you" she told him.

" Well she wouldn’t do that you should have left me alone last night" Cristiano replied harshly.

Lily forced a smile on her face " Yes I am starting to regret my decision to make sure you were okay" she muttered, grabbing her clothes and headed to the bathroom slamming the door hard behind her.

When Lily came back out the bathroom, Cristiano was sitting on the bed, he raised his head to look at Lily, he opened his mouth to apologize but no words came out.

" I had plans last night and I had to cancel them because of your selfish ass and instead of thanking me, like a normal person would do you attacked me" Lily ranted at Cristiano.

Cristiano felt a little bad that Lily had to cancel her plans because of him " Lily I am sorry" he said, grimacing a little, his head was a little sore.

" Whatever,next time get your girlfriend to look after you" Lily snapped at Cristiano and stormed out of his room not bothering to wait for a reply, she was more than a little annoyed at Cristiano's attitude this morning. She only stayed last night because someone had to and she was starting to wish she had said no, she could have saved herself some trouble.