What Could Have Been


It all started with a simple glance. In the beginning, it was just them and their spouses going on many double dates. The four of them were in college. She was studying to be a doctor, he was going to be an archeologist. Her husband was a studying filmmaking while his wife was a teacher, teaching elementary schoolers.

It was at her wedding that they knew there was something between them. From that simple kiss he gave her as his hand touched her shoulder gingerly, he leaned in and brushed his lips lightly over her's in a friendly congratulatory wedding kiss. The ghost of a kiss made her heart stop but only for a moment. And then the feeling sank, burying itself into the deepest part of her soul.

A few years later, it was at some social gathering, almost a reunion of their college friends of sorts, that they truly shared their first kiss. He had whispered some words of love into her ear, his words dripping like honey into her ear and into her soul. Those first words of, "I love you," that first confession of love was what lead her to feel a crush on him, to feel nothing, but passion towards him. But they didn't kiss. All they did was simply stare and touch each other in passing. Each touch sending sparks through her body, every glance made her melt.

In the end, nothing came of it. He loved his wife too much and she loved her husband too much. But every time the four of them got together, they would share a few touches and a kiss here and there when no one was looking. And that was all. It was nothing more than a love that could have been.
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I forgot to put in a little rambly note like i almost always do when I finish a chapter or a one shot. Well, for starters, I wanna thank people liking this one shot. It's actually one of my favorites tbh. And if anyone thinks I condone cheating on your SO, please don't because I don't. I don't condone cheating on your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, etc. And yes, it is natural to fall out of love with your SO and/or feel an attraction towards another person. This is pretty much what my story is supposed to portray, a couple that feel something for each other, but since they also love their spouses/current SO's, they aren't going act on their own feelings and cheat on them.

Anyways, thanks for reading this.
