Status: Verrrryyyyyyy Active.

I Will Make You Believe....

A Big Step...

I woke up later that morning wrapped in Josh's sheets and the smell of pancakes in the air. I was sore in areas I didn't know could be sore, but I was so happy I had Josh back.

I looked around and found my shorts and one of his shirts to throw on before walking out into the kitchen. He was in basketball shorts making pancakes. The table was set with two glasses of OJ and one already prepared plate of pancakes. All I did was walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." All I did was kiss his shoulder blade.

"How did you sleep?" I sighed.

"I'm honestly a little sore." He didn't say anything, but I felt him physical spasm. He moved the last pancake to the plate before turning to look at me.

"Oh my god... Annabel I forgot that you haven't-" I kissed him quickly to silence him.

"I love you. If it was gonna happen, I'm happy it was with you...." I grabbed his left hand and pulled at the matching bracelet he wore.

"It's always going to be little drummer boy and second best..." he just smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss.

"I love you so much...." he kissed me once more before releasing me to move the pancakes to the table.

"Trina might kill you though..." he looked at me wide eyed.

"What did I do?!" I laughed at how scared he sounded.

"I haven't spoken to her in a month so." He groaned from next to me as I took a sip of the OJ he had set out

"Can't you tell her that I said I loved you so it like makes up for it?" I laughed loudly and snorted OJ through my nose causing him to laugh at me this time.

"Babe!" Thankfully he grabbed napkins asap and helped me clean myself up.

"I'm fine, I just can't believe you said that." He shrugged.

"It's true though. Trina pulls Tumblr stuff like that." I laughed again this time.

"Yeah I know. She told me we're her 'otp' a few months ago." He looked at me.

"We've been together for like 3 months technically..." the timing made me worried.

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" He looked over at me from the sink where he was moving some dishes and frowned.

"Chips, I waited two and a half years for this. If anything I think we should say we've been together for three years..." I made a face at him as he came to sit back down and finish his food.

"That's pushing it a little..." he shook his head.

"Did you think about me at all during those two years?" The east answer was yes. Every time I heard their music I felt proud over how far the band had come. They were sleepers in the best way and I loved watching them grow. 

"Yeah..." I blushed after I finally answered him.

"Then there ya go." He grabbed my hand again.

"I hate to segue this way, but we need to talk about telling the crew..." I sighed. He was right.... I was still worried though.

"Can we do it when ERS starts? I just only have a few more shows on this tour with you guys and I feel like it would have more of an impact on them and not look shady if we had been together for real for at least six months..."  he sighed.

"If that's when you want to do it then I'm all for it..."

"But.... ?"I continued for him sensing that he had more to say.

"I want to tell my family too... I was planning on spending the nights we had rehearsals at home and I just wouldn't feel ok with you being in a hotel and me at home." I sighed this time. He shouldn't be having to hide something so big from his family.

"Ok. But only crew and family. I'm not ready for everyone yet..." he smiled widely and leaned over to give me a big kiss.

"Don't you go getting all cryptic on Twitter and IG either...." he laughed loudly.

"I'm going to be the most cryptic of cryptic on Twitter. I'll also be doing a complete dump of all the pictures I have of you on IG. Everyone needs to know how beautiful you are." I rolled me eyes and he proceeded to clean up.

"So what's the plan now? You made breakfast at three in the afternoon." I laughed as I noticed what time the clock on the wall read.

"What do you want to do? And are you staying here or did you need to go home?" I shrugged.

"I can do whatever honestly. As long as I'm not intruding." He scoffed.

"Of course not. We should definitely get dressed though. We can go to the beach or something. We leave again tomorrow night though." I sighed. We did in fact go to Japan almost immediately. After that I would be coming home and they would be going to South America. After that, we have another North America run and then they finish the tour in Australia while I'm here doing Coachella.

"Hey did oh want to come to Coachella?" He sat back down at the table.

"What about tour?" I closed my eyes thinking.

"I think weekend one is before you have to fly out. You can come see the crud I deal with." I laughed.

"Yeah we can look at it. Maybe move the flights around as long as I'll be there before the first day." I smiled.

"We can move the flights to Ohio around too so I can go see your family." He smiled widely.

"I'm so thankful that I get to tell my family about you..."