Status: Verrrryyyyyyy Active.

I Will Make You Believe....

Japan Plan

The evening of the 7th brought us a few extreme issues. From our lighting requirements not being met to a few of the crew and Tyler getting extremely sick this morning from what looks like food poisoning, it was a crap shoot. Jordan was one of those on the sick list and because of that I'd turned into a production assistant for the day. It was hectic, but the only bad thing about the day for me was having to bail on the dinner Josh had very carefully planned out. He said that it was our three year anniversary, in fact he told the world.

@joshdun: Happy three years second best...
♠ ♠ ♠
Cute <3
I'll be away from my laptop for the next few MONTHS unfortunately for work. However, I check my email everyday so maybe a comment or two will remind me to post a new chapter ;)