Status: Verrrryyyyyyy Active.

I Will Make You Believe....

Here I Am

Josh's jaw dropped at the sight of me sitting across the table from him. I was situated between Jordan and their photographer Brad.

"How was the flight? Hoping it wasn't too bad?" I chuckled and shook my head at Jordan.

"Nah, It's not my first time on this side of the world." He smiled.

"Sweet, so you do have the information for the drop ships tomorrow correct? We've got space on one of the trucks tomorrow. If you need anything feel free to call one of us. I'll give you a tour book as soon as we're done with dinner. It has everyone's number in it." I smiled and nodded at everything he said to me.

Soon the waitress came by and I just ordered a burger and some water. The whole time I felt an uneasy stare on me. Only now that my conversation with Jordan was done did I take the time to meet the dark brown eyes across from me. He looked almost uneasy, like he was fighting something. I had to look away. The interaction left me a little sad, I was worried that I had done something wrong.

"So what's your background down there Annabel?" Tyler spoke up leaving me to sit up straight.

"Oh uh, I TM for upcoming bands and handle festival production and merchandising. Andrew is actually my boss and he hates traveling so he asked me to do the rest of this tour." The guys all chuckled.

"Yeah, he would wake up every morning and get sick in the bus," Everyone laughed at Tyler's words," We loved that dude, but it's like he never traveled before." I chuckled.

"Nah, Andrew loves traveling. He's been on a super big no meds kick after one of our friends OD on pills. Andrew and I used to get in the bus every night on Warped and do Dramamine shots. Then some emergen-c and two bottles of water." The guys looked over at me all serious.

"Oh, we didn't realize that." I shrugged.

"Our friend is fine, it was just kind of a realization how much stress he was under and the amount of crap we put in our bodies on a daily basis. I don't even take headache meds anymore." They all nodded.

"That's pretty tight, what did you do on Warped?" Mark asked around bites of his pasta.

"Uh it kind of depended. I was TM the last year I did it, I did mostly merch before that."

We all took turns going around and asking each other questions. Josh still remained silent through our meal. He didn't stand when Tyler stood to do a grape juice toast to me and the rest of the crew for a good three weeks. Jordan had me follow him to his room to dole out my tour book, laminate, and the plan for tomorrow. It was nearly 10 by the time I was getting back to my room.

The first thing I did was check my phone.

Little Drummer Boy: What room are you in?

I was quick to let josh know and he was here in less than a minute.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be on our tour?" His arms wrapped my torso as the door slammed shut behind him.

"Well I wanted to surprise you, and I also didn't realize it was you guys until you brought up Jordan." He pulled back and looked at me.

"You really didn't know? Wouldn't our name have been included in the advance stuff?" I removed myself from his arms and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I skip over it and Andrew and I have a mutual understanding of not caring about who and just the work." He came over and sat down next to me.

"So why did you tell me to pretend that I didn't know who you were?"


She sighed and jumped up to turn and look at me.

"I've been nothing but brutally honest with you since the day I met you. So I'm gonna do it now too." I gave her a confused look.

"I do have feelings for you, but I'm not going to date you if we're going to be public." My face dropped.

"What does that even mean?"

As happy as I was about what she said, I had no idea what she meant.

"I can't be seen dating the band I work for. If that gets out, I'll just have the general 'she's a band whore' rumor going around. You're the biggest band I've ever worked for and I can't handle losing everything I have for the chance at whatever we could be." She stopped to look at her hands.

"Chips..." She looked up at me. I grabbed both her hands to stop the fidgeting.

"Drummer boy..." I chuckled at her words.

"We're here in Europe for two weeks. Whatever happens here, will just be the beginning. So why don't we just see what happens and decide what to do from there?" She looked down at our hands. Soon after, her head began to shake yes slowly. I couldn't help but smile.

"You do realize I have to tell Tyler though..." She kind of just scoffed.

"I mean it's only fair since I told Trina how much I liked you..." I chuckled.

"Yeah? You do like me?" With the she just laughed.

I couldn't help but notice the way her nose wrinkled as she laughed. She had the most gorgeous hazel eyes. Her face was covered in freckles as well, I couldn't help but think she was adorable. The idea that this girl could be all mine in just a few short weeks made me smile like nothing else.

"Why are you staring at me?" I realized I was a little closer to her than intended and had in fact been staring at her.

"Your eyes are beautiful." She chuckled.

"Alright lover boy, Why don't we get some sleep? There's some work to be done tomorrow."

Just like that, I was up and out the door. My room suddenly felt cold and empty as I kicked off my shoes and rolled into my bed. How was I ever going to win over the girl that had my attention?

My phone buzzed, I reached over to where it sat on the bed side table and grabbed it off the charger.

Chippers: Yeah, I do like you. Goodnight, my little drummer boy...