Status: :D


Goat Mom!!! and Evil Talking Flower???

One day, long after the War, a human fell into the Underground from the Surface. That human is me, Frisk.
“Where am I?” I say, to what I thought was only myself. “Howdy! You’re in the Underground, my friend!” says a small, golden flower. “Wh-who are you?” I say nervously.
“I’m Flowey! Flowey the Flower! Who are you?” Says the flower. “My name’s Frisk,” I say. “Say, have you seen anyone else? You look new here,” Flowey says. “That’s because I just got here. I fell down the mountain, do you know of a way out?” I ask. “ Well, Rude much? You don’t even know the rules of the Underground, and you already want to go home? You can’t get back yet! Let me teach you the rules!” Flowey interrupts. I was confused, but I still listened to the small flower. A white box formed around me. I couldn’t get out. “Flowey, what is this?” I ask. “Well, It’s something that happens with all monsters. All you have to do is get the small, white pellets!” He responds. The pellets materialize out of thin air. “Why should I get these?” I ask. “Because, down here, LV is shared through ‘friendliness’ pellets! What is LV you ask? It stands for LOVE! Now get the pellets and we can be friends!” he says. I walk into one of the pellets, but I get hurt. Flowey lied. Before I say anything, he says, “YOU FOOL! Humans really are dumb aren’t they? Now I’ll finish you off!” The pellets start to surround me. They creep closer and closer. Then, a fireball appears out of nowhere and stops Flowey’s attack, and knocks him away.

A tall, female, goat-like figure looks at me. I jump back, scared by what just happened. I start hyperventilating. “Do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins. I pass through each and every day to see if a human, such as yourself has fallen. But, alas, it has been many years since one has fallen. And here you are.” She says. “May I ask of your name?” “I-I’m Frisk,” I say. “Did you say we were in the Ruins? What happened to it?” I ask. “It was from the war a long time ago,” Toriel responds. “There is no other information about the Ruins. Come.” Toriel walks off, motioning for me to follow her, so I do so. She guides me through the dark room Flowey almost killed me in, then into a room with a door and 6 switches. She stops me. “The Underground is full of puzzles, some seemingly impossible,” She says. “Here.” She steps on the top two switches, then two rows down, two more. The door opens without effort. Toriel motions again for me to come. I follow. We explore the Ruins until she thinks of something. “Wait here, my child. And here.” She handed me a cell phone with her number. “I will be right back.” She walks off. I sit in the room and wait for some time, then I get up and walk out on my own. Using what Toriel taught me, I went around the rest of the ruins, encountering a Froggit. “Ribbit” I don’t want to be like Flowey, so I tried complimenting him. He didn’t understand what I said, but was flattered. I spared him and continued. Then, I ran into a ghost. They were pretending to sleep