Status: This story has been unfinished for years


Chapter Two

The two of us stared at the mirror, at our selfs and at the man going down the hall through the mirror. Me standing next to La Dana, her on her knees facing the mirror her right hand on the mirror's face. Her left on the floor next to her side. Her hair was auburn, with flecks of blond hiding in it, it almost looked brown it reminded me of the surroundings almost. Her hair appeared ruffled. Her skin was white with a bit of red in it like she recently had got a tan. She seemed to have lived her whole life here but didn't know a thing about this place.

“Grand?” I repeated?
“Oh!” she broke out of her dazed state that she had come out of the room with. “Grandfather.” she said looking in the mirror, she looked at her lap and putting her right arm to her side “he was a sorcerer” she continued. She startled her self and said, “Did I say that aloud?!”
I extended my hand out to her and said: “How about we talk about this some.”
She responded in a small voice saying “Okay.” then in a mumbled “How about we go to my quarters” as I helped her up. “Oh!” she exclaimed again. “I, I mean as I walk you to your quarters... with, your friends.”
“Thank you” I replied. “That would be kind of you.”
As we walked she talked of the walls and the interesting patterns and commented on how they looked as if never she had never seen them in her life, and in a way it seemed as though she has been here her whole life. The reds of the walls turned to pinks and then yellows as we continued down the corridor. I could not tell if it was the lights changing color or the walls were painted differently here, or both. We stopped certain places as if to turn, but she felt she had to exclaim the obvious of how a corridor we were passing changed from the yellow to blue or green or some other color as we walked down the corridor. Always there were triangles, right triangles. Shaped as if squares. The yellow corridor eventually evolved into indigo.

There were no passages going left or right There was a door in front of us like all the others it was rectangular with a half circle top and covered with triangles that were all indigo and gold. “Here,” she said, “these are your quarters, I hope you find them accommodating.” she bowed deeply after which she said “Oh! I almost forgot, if you or your friends need anything”, she held out her right hand, it had a small golden bell about three centimeters high and one and a half in width.

I held out my right hand as she had hers held out, she picked up the bell and as she lifted it to put it into my hand it gave the sweetest ring. “Ring this if you or your friends need me, there is a table for the bell in your main forum.” She placed it in my hand delicately and then ran quickly away down the indigo hall that I could see turn yellow as it went further, I could not see it turn from yellow-pink to red, that was too far away. She left me wondering how large this place was and where it really was.
I opened the violet door covered with right triangles of violet and gold and brown.
Upon opening the door I was not only greeted by my family, but a sheet white room with a fire and hearth and an ornate table in the middle of the room made of what looked to be crystal quartz, purple as the outside hall, and flawless. Upon it was a white silk doily I set the bell. As I did it toned, but nothing happened. No lights could be seen in the room that made the room looks so pure and white. Except for the fire which gave its own light that danced on the hearth though it seemed that it shouldn't the room was so white, and full of light.

“We all waited for you where we were told to go, La Dana was there as she said she would be. Eventually, after about three and a half hours of waiting, we all took off and figured you'd catch up. We then came to the inn's entrance it looked grand ageist the mountain behind it.The height of the mountain seemed to be amplified by the size of the inn, but the inn also seemed to look very larger in respect of the mountain, but, maybe it was just the woods to either side of the clearing we went through to come to the inn.”
“Yes brother, my little sister chimed in you should have seen it. It was a grand sight. I even saw a mountain climber.”
I turned dark at this comment.
Dad then said, “Don't listen to her she makes up too many stories I can't count all of them.” He gave a jolly laugh which made me smile.
“No,” I said, “I like her incessant chatter it makes me feel more at home here. Mother, can you show me where my room is? I wish to take a rest, I've had a big day up till now.”
“We all have” Mom returned. “I want to rest with brother.” Came my sister. “Not now, your brother needs to rest, came dad's voice.”
But I made it clear I would like a friendly voice to accompany me in my room and that my sister was more than welcome to join me. My parents looked a bit puzzled but they didn't reject my request.
“This way!” my little sister Amanda took my hand and pulled me towards a black door that didn't seem to have been there before, but maybe it was just me. But I doubted it, knowing what I had seen and heard. The scene flashed through my head as my sister chattered and half pulled me to the room where I would be staying. I saw La’Dana again, and her hand on the mirror looking anxiously at the black figure walking away from her into the mirror or the hall, and saying “grand?”.

I was jarred to reality when we stopped and Amanda exclaimed, “Here, this is my room!” I looked around the room I was in.

“Your room is over there through that archway and with purple curtains, and Mommy and Daddy's is on the other side of my room though thoughts Green curtains.” I looked at the way into my room, the curtains looked as though made of satin, and deep royal purple in color. On the other side of the room, there were green curtains they appeared to me made of satin and a deep green as though spring were in the room. Behind me were a pair of white satin curtains not a shadow showed on them though they seemed to have depth and dimension. It was the same of all the curtains in the room I then saw. “I've tried parting the curtains of the two rooms but neither parts, Mommy says it’s cause they are “privacy curtains” she made quotes with her fingers as she said the words. “but I don't believe her.” she finished.

“Neither do I from what I've seen of this place,” I said, the scene still playing through my head.
“Why, what have you seen?” Amanda looked up with her young five-year-old face and asked me, with great unease in her eyes.

“Let's go into my room so if Mommy and Daddy come up they can't hear us,” I said looking down into her pleading eyes. “But the curtains to your room can't be opened Mommy and Daddy tried everything. Daddy even tried to burn them, but it didn't work.” I'm not surprised, I thought to my self while picking her up. “What if Mommy and Daddy come back and wonder where I am, what if they can hear us through your curtains, what if I can't get out!” “Seeing what I have here already, I doubt mommy or daddy will wonder where you or I are, or could hear us through the curtains unless I wanted them to, and I'm sure you will be able to leave when you want to,” I said as I pushed the curtains apart to enter a room fit for a prince. The next question bolted out of her mouth before I could start to look around. “What does doubt mean?” Amanda asked. I looked at her face while holding her in my right arm and said, “Doubt means they can't hear us unless we are too loud.”
“Okay,” Amanda replied.

The walls were tiled like my sister's room with but they were gold and purple right triangles and not silver and pink. My room was also much bigger. With a king sized four poster bed in the middle rather than a small twin in the corner of the wall to the far left side of the white curtain. The floor was not right triangles though. Like in my sister's room and, I guessed my parent's room, it was circles of every red gold and brown within each other the colors I saw when I first saw on the walls of triangles of where I first entered. And where the curtain was in my sister's room there was a ruby table with a small doily on it and a silver bell. I smiled. My sister scrambled down from my arms to explore my room. As I entered the curtains they closed behind me smoothly and became a solid sheet of white. I looked at them, shrugged my shoulders and said “lock” and the curtains turned the color purple they were in my sister's room. I tried another command, more complex, “let Amanda come in and out as she pleases unless I say otherwise.” The curtains seemed to flash a pink color for a moment then returned to the royal purple.

My sister had discovered the silver bell at the foot of the bed, on the Ruby table, as high as she was. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to let her ring the small silver bell no bigger than her hand I picked her up and so she was tall enough to reach it. I looked at the curtains and said “sound proof” they flashed gold. I thought again and gave the command “Let parents open on my command to let them enter” The curtains flashed to the color of the curtains to my parent's room. While I gave the commands Amanda was too busy ringing the little bell to care at all. She went happily running about my room with the bell in her small left hand ringing it with delight. “Don't forget to give that back before you leave. I said.” then I thought. I gave another command to the curtains “If the bell leaves this room, return it at once, do not impede the holder of the bell let Amanda, and allow them to think she has the bell.” the curtains started to flicker white. Then I taught of a better idea. “Changing requests. they flickered black. Allow all bells to leave this room but remove the charm from them once they leave this room.” after the changed request they flicked white again. “Also I added” as my sister happily rang the bell “Give my sister a place to keep the bells she collects.” then I thought to my self, 'and let them call to me from where ever she is'. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains flash a silver color. It hit me I put my right hand on my forehead then, and I said aloud, “I'd better watch what I think here.”
My sister answered me, “Why?”
I answered her truthfully, “Have you seen my curtains flashing colors.”
“I saw that last one, it was silver and pink like my room, was it related me?”
“Yes, it was,” I said in reply.
“Why did your curtains turn from white to purple?” she inquired.
“I'll tell if you place the bell back on the Ruby table,” I replied back.
“Okay,” she said, and I carried her to the table and she genitally placed the bell back in the middle of the doily. It rang a little as she set the silver bell down.

“I was giving commands to my curtains telling them who to let through and when ” I said to Amanda.
“Can I come in anytime?” Amanda asked I carried her to my bed and sat her down, then I sat down next to her at the foot of my bed.
“Yes, you can,” I said to her. She cheered and said.
“Can I tell my curtains to not let Mommy and Daddy though?”
“You can try, but I doubt it.” She lit up for a moment then frowned.
“Want to know what I saw before I came here?” I asked her.
Her eyes lit up again.
“Yes!” She cried with glee.

“I saw a girl and a strange man in a black cloak, and a wide brimmed hat. He went through a glass mirror, the girl was La Dana, and we went through a corridor, big hall ways” I extended my arms out wide. “Covered with triangles the color of my floor and eventually turned from red to yellow then to violet. If you go out of the white room with the fire, you will see the huge hall way I speak of.”

Amanda replied excitedly, “I know that hall before you came in I opened the door to look for you, and I saw the violet triangles on the walls, and floor, then mommy grabbed me and told me not to run off though.”
“You've seen it then?” I said quizzically
“Yes!” she exclaimed “It was...” she was without words for what I can remember being the first time in my life. She couldn't find a word to describe the corridors here, and I have to agree, I haven't any words to either. I tried to offer words, I tried 'stupendous'. She said no, I tried 'amazing', She said no, I tried 'overwhelming'. She said no. “Can you think of a word to described the beauty of the corridor?” I asked.
She looked at me, and responded: “No, I can't”. She continued, “its, indescribable.”
I thought for a moment trying to remember when she had last heard that word, without success. “Yes,” I replied, “It is, indescribable.”

The two of us sat in silence for the first time that I could remember. Then mom and dad came in talking about something, I couldn't hear through the curtains quite. I got up off the bed and came to the curtain and caught the something about trying to burn my curtains again.
My sister had gotten up with me and with out my knowledge and she said, “If you burn his curtains his room may go up in flames”, as she exited my room to confront our parents.
I rolled my eyes as a came through my curtains into my little sister's room. That was tiled on the floor like her walls. Amanda chased after Mom as she entered her room and said, “Don't let her in.” Amanda seemed to be in the room already, at that time, but the next moment, she wasn't in my parent's room. “See,” she said, I can't go into Mommy and Daddy's room. “It's a good thing too.” Came mom's voice from behind the curtain.
Obviously, an orientation was given on the charmed curtains I could see. But I figured the extent of the command hadn't been gone into details or maybe I just had been given a specially charmed room, the thought didn't shock me in the least especially with the little silver bell in my room. I could only guess what it in fact did. I could also only guess what the gold bell in the main forum (the white room) did.