Maybe I Like the Abuse, or Maybe I Just Like You


Think about it, Way. You, Him, a nice little jacuzzi...

Shut up and go away. I'm in the middle of something.

I was sitting in a fold-out chair in Coach's office (Which is basically just a cluttered room that smells like sweaty balls with a loud heater/AC.)

I'll spare you what he said to me. Since some (most) of the things he said aren't exactly the most politically correct things in the world.

Coach was furious. Throwing books across the room, actually cracking his window once. You see, my grades, were supposed to be improving from all the studying with Frank I had been doing.

Except they weren't. In fact, they were going down because, not only was I no longer studying with Frank I-Queer-O, but my mind's been a bit too busy for school work.

And it's your fault you stupid voice!

Bullshit. Name one thing.

You gave me nightmares-


Nightmares! The thing with the jacuzzi earlier. The constant dildo talk.

Don't blame me because of your gutter mind.

Go suck a fuck.

Anyway, My grade dropped from a D to an F. The school board says I can't be on the team. Coach, being the caring man that he is, said I could stay on the team.

Well, technically I'm on the team. I can't play until my grades are up to a B. Which means I have to be in the same room with Frank again. Talk about awkward.

Frank's POV.

"Frank, have I told you what a great guy you are lately?" Gerard said, leaning against my locker.

"What do you want, Way?" His hollow flattery will get him no where with me. I don't want him here. It's three o'clock on a friday! "Move." I demanded.

He reluctantly moved to the side.

"Oh.. nothing." He said as I put away my books. I snorted.

I started to walk toward the exit, but he followed me. "What makes you say I want something?"

We opened the door and I was temporarily blinded by the brightness of the sun.

"Because you do." I said, rolling my eyes.

He asked if I needed a ride and against my better judgment, I said yes.

"So, Frank...." Gerard started, backing his Subaru XT out of the parking space. "What would you say about tutoring me again?"

"I knew you wanted something."

"Please, Frank?"

"What would I get out of it?"

Gerard was silent for a moment.

"Can't you do it out of the kindness of your heart?"

I laughed. I know he could have knocked me out right then and left me stranded on the side of the road, but I couldn't help it. I mean, seriously, the kindness of my heart? Not after all the shit I'd endured because of him.

"What's so funny?" He asked, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"N-no..." He said in such a sad, pathetic tone, it made me stop laughing... eventually. "Please, Frank, I really need my grades to improve."

I really saw no need in helping him. It's pointless really, there's only three games left in the season. That's only three weeks to pull his shit together. It'd never work.

"...And I promise I'll be nice and won't call you names or make any gay joke or--"

"If I say yes, will you shut up?"


"Then I'll tutor you."

I guess I'll never learn.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to change Chapter Eight of this. The first one was fucking Horrible with a capital H. It was short, it was badly written. I just hope I do better this time around.

Also, I tend to take long breaks inbetween updating, and I'm sorry for all those readers who check back every five minutes to see if it's been updated. (I know I've done that before... I have no life, shuddup.)

Also, Did you know I have SEVENTY-SEVEN subscribers for this? Oh my fucking God! That's... Wow! I don't know what to say!
I dedicate this chapter to you subscribers because you fucking rock.