Status: In progress

The Mark

There was nothing I could do, I couldn't stop it.... at least that's what I keep telling myself, but to no avail. It was my fault, I did it, but how? How was I able to cause an explosion like that, let alone survive it?

I remember my blood sounding like rushing rapids through my veins, it was making it hard for me to think. My lungs filled with smoke, while all around me was engulfed in flames. The little camp I lived in was gone and everyone in it. I killed them. I stood there looking around at what I had done. I'm not even sure for how long. The sounds of a helicopter over head snapped me back. I had to run. I traveled for days through the forest, I ended up in a cave.

I was born a healer. Everyone is born with a mark on their right shoulder, its the mark of the power they possess that later gets darker looking more like a tattoo. Mine was always the healers mark, and even though I had caused fire I never thought to look to see if my mark had changed. It had... it was now the fire mark. I looked to my left shoulder and saw nothing. Most of the people only have one mark, it appears on the right shoulder and are called Samisi. There are few with one on both shoulders, those are called De-Samisi, the ones with two are the most powerful of our kind and are of the Rulers Family's. The ones who have control over everything. Marks don't change... or at least they never did before. I wasn't sure what was happening to me and now I don't know if I have any of my healing ability's anymore.

It had grown dark, I washed my dirty clothes and myself. I wrapped up in a blanket until my clothes dried. I started a fire, which was now easy with this new power, though I didn't need it for warmth. Since this new power my blood always seemed to boil, I was never really cold. After eating, my thoughts got lost looking into the fire watching the flames dance as though trying to enchant me. My eyes shifted as I saw something in the corner of my eye I never notice before, on my ankle... was a tattoo.
  1. Chapter 1
    Beginning of Chapter