Status: Still in progress

We Are the Rebellious Youth

Chapter One: Let's Start Off the Year With a Bang, Literally

Mickey’s POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm kept going off even though I had already thrown it across the room and put a pillow over my head. The last thing I wanted was having to wake up early to go to the shithouse that people called school. It was only there so parents could make other adults look after their kids for a couple of hours a day. To be honest, I had much better things to do. I’d take locking myself up in my room, getting high to Eminem and Papa Roach over school any day. I seriously couldn’t stand those teachers yapping away, acting like they knew everything, while it was obvious they didn’t. Why would I even bother if I was going to get expelled anyways?

“Mikey, it’s time to wake up.” My mom slowly and carefully entered my room, turning off the alarm clock when she walked past it. “You’re going to be late to school otherwise.”

I let out a loud groan and shuffled away when she sat on the edge of my bed. “I feel sick. It’s better if you’d let me stay in bed for another day.”

“I will not be falling for that again, Mickey,” she sighed in the most disappointed tone she had used in a while. “Remember, this year is a year for change. And I mean a good change, not a change in your hair color again. You’re going to have to graduate sometime, let it be our goal to make sure it happens this year.”

“I’ll drop out before that.” I rolled my eyes and felt her pry the pillows off my face. I didn’t even have to live with my parents anymore, yet here I was, in my room in their house, being forced to go to school. Originally, my plan was to drop out and go live by myself as soon as I turned 18, but that didn’t exactly happen. I was expelled before that, making us all move to Texas for a couple of months. There basically hadn’t been a state I hadn’t lived in, Maryland now included.

“Come on. I already picked out an outfit for you so you don’t have to bother with that, Garry and I got your truck fixed, there isn’t a reason for you not to go!”

“As much as I thank you and dad for that, it’s still a piece of shit car anyways.” I sat up, my sheets going down my body and my red hair cascading down my shoulders in a messy heap.

Whenever my mom talked to me, she always referred to my step-dad as Garry, but I still called him dad. He was a much better father than my piece of shit biological father could ever be. I actually called him by his first name, Michael, not even bothering to go as far as calling him Mike. I even changed my surname to my dad’s surname instead of Michael’s. Kingsley fit better with Mickey anyways.

“Monica, language,” my mom scolded, thinking it could still possibly have an affect on my behavior.

I just snorted at her failed attempt and at her usage of my real name. “Fine. It’s a fucking piece of shit car. Better?”

She shook her head and ran a hand over her face. “Just get ready, I’ll be downstairs waiting on you with some breakfast.”

I let out a frustrated yell as soon as she left my room, throwing my duvet off myself and onto the empty half of my bed, which I reserved for when guys came over. There was a reason why I begged my parents for a double bed when I was fifteen years old, and it wasn’t because I wanted to be able to stretch out during the night. No, it was for, how do you put it, exercising. A twin sized bed wasn’t really big enough for that, if you know what I mean.

I looked around to see if I could find the outfit my mom was talking about. However, I didn’t see anything lying around. She probably had just given me false hope. But, oh, no, I had never been more wrong. Just as I was about to reach into my closet and get out my usual leather jacket, black high-waisted shorts, and a t-shirt, I saw the atrocity which my mom called an outfit. There it was hanging from the closet door: a white sundress decorated with a pattern of yellow daisies.

Oh, hell no!

“Mom!” I screamed, stomping over to my door to make sure she heard me. “There is no way in hell I’m wearing whatever the fuck that is!”

“Yes, you are,” she shouted back from the bottom of the stairs, “remember, time for change! This is just the beginning of it.”

I slammed the door shut, but still pulled the dress on over my head. It was just for one day. One day. After that, I could go back to my old self. I just needed to make sure my parents wouldn’t be disappointed in me, and then everything would be fine. If I made them believe I could change, it was already a lot better than doing nothing. You see, I might not give a fuck about school or my future, but I did care about my parents. They were the one thing I would never change in my life, and I wasn’t going to be any more of a disappointment to them than I already was. I considered myself perfectly fine, but adults definitely didn’t.

When I went to look in the mirror, I had to stop myself from jumping away. I looked absolutely horrifying. It actually looked like I was willing to try and get good grades by studying a couple of hours a week. There was nothing that screamed ‘if you get too close to me, there will be consequences’. I didn’t want people approaching me that I had no plan on associating myself with. People were actually going to think I wanted to socialize and make friends! Oh my god, no. This was not going to work out. I looked like a Monica, not like a Mickey.

Wait. There was still makeup. I could still fix myself by making my winged eyeliner so perfect, I could use it to stab a bitch if needed. Ain’t nobody coming near me unless they were willing to help me find a drug dealer or if they were a cute guy wanting to have a one night stand. No, I did not want to be your friend; no, I did not want you to show me around; no, I did not want to sit with you during lunch. Just back off and let me be. If I wanted friends, I’d be the one finding them, not some strange happy-go-lucky person who was way too cheerful and excited for my liking.

I rushed over to my bathroom, scrambling to find my eyeliner. However, it wasn’t on the counter like it usually was. All that was there was my mascara and eyebrow powder, not even the occasional black eyeshadow I liked to use to make my look more dramatic. I thought it may have fallen on the floor and rolled underneath the counter, but when I dipped down and checked, there was nothing. I frantically started searching through the drawers and in the cupboard behind the mirror. But it was nowhere to be found, not even my dark lipsticks or anything I could substitute for eyeliner.

I knew exactly what had happened.

“Mom!” I screeched once again. It was one thing to make me wear this, but it was another to take away the one thing that made me, me. “What the hell did you do with my makeup!”

“Remember, time for a change!” She replied in a matter-of-fact tone, her footsteps soon coming up the stairs once again.

I turned to the mirror, seeing my frustrated expression. This really wasn’t going to work. Nobody would even believe this. I grabbed my brush and angrily ran it through my hair, getting it stuck on countless of knots. Maybe it was just better to put it up in a messy bun. Wasn’t that what all the cutesy college girls did nowadays? Sure, I did it often as well, but it just worked with the grunge look and I didn’t have to even try. This, however, was going to have to look like I made it messy on purpose. How was that done? Tight on top of my head, twist it around, and add a hair tie. Done. Didn’t I look great?

I started to do my eyebrows, at least that was something my mother had the decency to let me keep. If I didn’t even get that, there was no way I was leaving the house. I couldn’t have anybody see me without any makeup on, that was just super embarrassing. So, just as I was filling my eyebrows in, my mom entered the bathroom, leaning against the doorway and watching me.

“You see, you don’t look bad at all!” She tried to cheer me up and motioned her hands up and down.

“Yes, I do,” I groaned and didn’t want to look at her, but when both my eyebrows were done, I didn’t really have a choice other than to do so, “I look like a twelve-year-old!”

“No, you don’t,” she shook her head and walked up to me, putting both her hands on my cheeks so she could look me in the eye, “you look like the beautiful 19-year-old you are.”

I pouted but gave in nonetheless. “Fine. But I’m going back to my normal clothes and makeup tomorrow.”

“Hmm, good idea, that way they’ll think you’re another new girl and all the mischief you cause today will be forgotten.”

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the mirror to pass my eyelashes through the mascara wand a couple of times. At least it made my eyes pop out a little more. I just wanted to look like my age, and not like a pubescent girl. I was far from that. There was a very high chance that I was the oldest at this school, I was not going to let people think I was 16. There was no way I was going to go back to when I was 16. Those were bad days… bright green hair, only one tattoo, and an amateur at smoking. I was a much better version of myself now.

“If you hurry, you might even be able to catch some breakfast before you leave,” mom smiled, going to leave the bathroom again to let me be.

“I don’t have anything better to spend my time on, do I?” I put the mascara wand back in the container to get some more product on it. “Just let me finish this, brush my teeth, and go to the toilet, and I’ll be right there.”

When I was all done and decided to go downstairs, my practically empty backpack on my back, I was met with my mom waiting for me with a plate of pancakes. This is what she did every year. She’d always think that trying to make my first day as great as possible would make me want to change and be good for the rest of the year. But, really? Were pancakes really going to do that? All this time and pancakes were the answer to my problematic behavior!? Who would have guessed!

As good as pancakes were, they didn’t have some magical power that suddenly made me change.

After putting some sandwiches in a plastic bag and throwing them in my backpack, I was off to school. There used to be a time when I would get lunch money, but then my mom found out I was spending it on things other than food. Those things possibly being cigarettes, alcohol, and weed… but, I mean, who knows? That money was never spent at the food cafeteria or at the grocery store. It could have just disappeared randomly, right? I didn’t have to be the culprit here.

There were kids outside of the school building catching up with friends they hadn’t seen since the last day of school, and then there were also the friends they hadn’t seen in a couple of hours but were still super excited to see again, as if they had missed each other and couldn’t live without each other for that short period of time. Something about those people just made me want to roll my eyes and make a smart remark. They just made me feel sick.

I got out of my rusty old red pickup truck and slammed the door shut, the metal screeching in protest. The first thing I had to do was walk through the crowd, push away anybody that got in my way and find the administration office to get my timetable. I already had people looking at me and whispering as I made my way to the front doors. Some were wondering who I was, others wanted to get to know me, and then there were also the people who were ready to victimize me. But, really, that was all just a mistake. Try to talk to me? I’ll go the other way. Try to bully me? Oh, hell, you’ll never want to come close to me ever again. I wasn’t the one who just started violence for no reason, but as soon as somebody would try to make fun of me or anything important to me, I would not hesitate to throw a punch or two.

If only my appearance could have warned them…

Just as I opened the door that was supposed to lead me to my inevitable doom, the bell rang. Guess I was going to be late on my first day. I shrugged and ‘quickly’ rushed over to the administration office to make it seem like I really did try my best to make sure I was on time. It was like this room was soundproof, the kids shouting in the halls now just a distant murmur. There was a fairly young blonde woman behind the desk, typing away on her old desktop computer. She finished off her sentence and looked up to see who had entered and gave me a friendly smile. I took this as a sign that I had to walk up to her.

“Hi, how can I help you?” She asked and I leaned lightly against the desk, looking around at all the flyers and booklets that anybody was able to take whenever they wanted.

“I was told to get my schedule here… I’m new here.” I nodded, tapping my fingers against the wood, hoping this would take long enough for me to miss most of whatever my first period was.

“I just need to know your name, and I’ll print it out for you.” She clicked a couple of things, finding the program she was looking for. “By the way, don’t worry about your first day, I’m sure you’ll find some friends.”

I immediately cringed at the last word. Whatever happened, I was not here to make ‘friends’. Acquaintances? Ok. But friends? No.

“Mickey Kingsley,” I told her, deciding it was better to ignore her comment. It wasn’t exactly the best thing to have them call my mother after the first few minutes of school.

“I don’t have a Mickey, but I do have a Monica. Is that you?”

I nodded, balling up my fist at the sound of my real name. It sounded so disgusting. My mom must have been on some really strong painkillers when she had me to give me a name like that. I would never be a proper and neat girl. Monica sounded way too prestige. Exactly like the girls I never wanted to be associated with.

“Well, then, Mickey,” she smiled as she used my nickname, which was a first (usually administration was set on calling me Monica, because ‘that’s what the system says’), and handed me the timetable and a map, “this is all you need. We’re here right now,” she pointed somewhere on the map, “this is where your locker is,” is was further into the school on the left, “and here’s your first class.” She then pointed at a classroom that was really far away from my locker.

Well, I knew where I was going to go first.

“Thanks.” I took all the paper she gave me and left the place, but not after she told me that I could always come here if I needed help.

I slowly walked towards the hall where my locker was supposed to be when another body suddenly slammed into mine. I managed to steady myself, but the other person, face planted right onto the floor and scrambled to try and get up. They were too busy with not embarrassing themselves any further for me to get a good look at what they looked like, but I saw some long black hair with blonde streaks all over.

“Watch where you’re going, jerk!”I roared and continued my way to my locker without checking if he was ok. It was obvious he just had a small tumble, me standing around him wouldn’t make that any better.

After trying out my locker code, I stared at the empty compartment for a while and decided not to put anything in it. I didn’t have a coat that I needed to hang away, and I didn’t have any books that needed to collect dust on the shelf. So, I shrugged and closed it again, careful not to attract any teachers that were in the surrounding classrooms. Getting detention on the first day wasn’t exactly the best news to come home with.

When I finally entered the classroom, everybody was staring at me. A couple of guys who were fooling around in the back froze completely and looked as if they were expecting me to do something. I recognized one of them as the person who had nearly tripped me in the hallway. At least I wasn’t the only one who had been late.

I shuffled over to the one empty seat, which coincidentally was in front of this group of guys, and sat down. Since I was new and considered myself as somebody who ‘didn’t know how this school worked’, I decided I didn’t have to make up an excuse and apologize for coming in 20 minutes later than I was supposed to. Of course, I knew you had to get a late slip, but the school technically was the reason was I was late in the first place. If I hadn’t had to go and fetch my timetable, then all would have gone well.

“Care to introduce yourself?” The teacher put down her whiteboard pen and raised an eyebrow at me. I didn’t even realize she had been trying to talk to me, I was so used to tuning teachers out.

I put up an innocent act as if I really was sorry and didn’t mean to be so rude. “Oh, umm, I’m Mickey… That’s all there is to know, really.”

The teacher thanked me and continued with her class, explaining what exactly they were going to do this year. I didn’t even know what she was teaching. For all I knew, this could have been Biology, but it could also have been English. I wasn’t even bothered to find out. Of course, I could have looked around to see if there were any textbooks or posters, or I could have simply checked my timetable. But did it really matter? All I had to do was show up enough times to make sure the government didn’t intervene, and I was ready to go this year.

“Hey,” somebody whispered from beside me, giving my arm a small tap to get my attention.

I tried my best to keep in a sigh and decided it was best to leave whoever the person was and let them be. But when I caught a small glimpse of who it was, my brain rewired. I had to talk to this guy. So far, he was the best-looking dude I had seen at this school, and I needed to ‘get to know him’. Well, that basically meant I wanted to have him in my bed and add him to the list of guys who had already been there. I didn’t care about his past, present, or future. I just knew that he was hot and that he looked like he was really good in bed. Sure, his fashion sense wasn’t all too great, but he had the chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. Oh boy, if I could get him that night, my entire week would be made. After that, I didn’t need to care about him again.

So, I bit my lip a little and looked over my shoulder, giving him the eyes that drove all the guys crazy. “Hey.”

“I was thinking, how about you come over and join me and my friends for lunch?” He continued, leaning over his desk more to get closer to me.

I really didn’t feel like socializing. It meant I had to make them believe that I wanted to be their friend, and I really didn’t have any interest in that. Friends and school were two different things. They did not go together at all.

But, I had to put on my shy innocent girl hat and act like I was being swooned by him. Not without playing hard to get first, though. “I don’t know…”

“Oh, come on, that way we can get to know each other a little better.”

He thought he was telling me what every girl wanted to hear, but it was the opposite of what I wanted to hear. All he had to say was ‘wanna fuck tonight’ and I would have been happy. I didn’t need any of that ‘trust me, I’ll be different this time’ bullshit. We all know that people like me don’t change, and he seemed exactly like me. A perfect person to take my Dulaney High virginity. I was horny and hadn’t had sex since we moved here; I didn’t even care if my mom got mad at me for not coming home until early in the morning or for making very loud noises in my room at night.

“Ok, I guess so,” I smiled and had to fight the urge to wink at him. He had to fall for my trap. I wasn’t the one being fooled into a one night stand, no, he was.

“By the way, the name’s Alex.”

I continued on with my classes until lunch and joined them, just like I had said I would. It mainly consisted of me acting pure, but not virginal. They would often make some dirty jokes, to which I had to act like I didn’t really understand them, but still laughed at for their sake. To be honest, I thought their jokes were pretty lame and could be stepped up a notch. They just didn’t go far enough for me, and it killed me to act like they were actually going way too far. And then there were also girls glaring at me. Instead of making me feel uncomfortable, it made me feel better. It just meant that I had made the right decision by hanging out with Alex, he was obviously sought after. At the end of lunch, he brought me to my class, like a gentleman, but I was really just hoping to have some alone time. He told me that he’d meet me at my locker as soon as school ended, and I knew that that was my time to strike and catch my prey.

“So, are you doing anything right now?” Alex smirked as he trapped me between my locker and his body. The kids walking around us didn’t even seem to realize, already being completely used to his act. Little did they know that it was going to backfire.

“Hmm, I don’t know,” I shrugged, watching and waiting until most people left, “it’s the first day of school so I’m not sure I really want to do anything.”

“Oh…” he acted defeated, but I knew he had something up his sleeve: guilt. “It’s just, I told Jack and Rian I was going to hang out with this really pretty girl today and had to ditch them. We normally hang out nearly every day. I basically disappointed them just be to with you. Don’t make me break their hearts for no reason!”

“Well, in that case...” I ran my hands over his chest, already catching him off guard a little. There was nobody around anymore to see exactly what was going on--I did not do public displays of affection. I leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Your place or mine?”


“Come on, Alex, we both know what we want. Your place or mine?” I repeated and nibbled on his ear a little.

He shuffled uncomfortably but also didn’t seem like he wanted me to stop. “I don’t know… Maybe we could go do something first? I don’t just want to--”

“Cut the bullcrap. I don’t want you to take me out for ice cream, I don’t want you to take me out to the movies. I just want you to fuck me,” I purred and started kissing down his jawline, “your place or mine?”

He inhaled a sharp breath, allowing me better access. “M-my parents are still out on their romantic getaway…”

“Your place it is then.” I stopped my kisses just before I reached his lips, the distance between us just being an inch. He looked down at me, his breath already very unsteady, and I bit my lip.

Now I just needed to figure out a way to get out of his place and back to mine before I had to wake up for school the next morning.