Status: Still in progress

We Are the Rebellious Youth

Chapter Thirty-Four: Nerve-wracking Embarrassment

Alex’s POV:

I was actually a little nervous for this date. It had been a while since I actually took somebody out without having an ulterior motive. Usually, I’d act like I was taking a girl on a great date, but it would also end with that date and that date only. I did all the cliché things then. Movies, food, typical teenage first dates. So, all those basic ideas weren’t going to cut it out this time. This date with Mickey wasn’t just to get in her pants. I was doing this because I actually wanted to date her. I wanted all that other stuff as well.

And so, the brainstorming began as soon as I got home from our 'road trip' to Ohio and back.

Well, brainstorming sounds a bit too positive. Although I wanted to consider myself ‘romantic’, I couldn’t come up with shit. I was just a seventeen-year-old with a limited budget. The basic things practically were the only things in my price range, and the romantic things were way over. I couldn’t take her out to a fancy dinner, but it also wasn’t like that was what I wanted to do. Taking her to a museum seemed way too boring as a first date. I needed something where I could be myself but also have her enjoy it. You could say a strip club would have been perfect. But where was the romance in that?

I had almost reached the point of either giving up and taking the cliché route I was trying to avoid or have other people help me think of an idea. Something told me neither would be a good idea. Mickey was not the girl that followed clichés--even though you might argue that she was a stereotypical troublemaker, she did change--and asking somebody like Jack wouldn’t do much better. Even Rian’s ideas wouldn’t satisfy me. It was like there was a specific idea on the tip of my tongue, waiting to be turned into words, but it wasn’t coming to me.

It was nearly last minute that I finally came up with an idea. Well, since I did only have just over a day to think of something, everything could be considered last minute. But I mean last minute as in I only thought of it after I had made definite plans with Mickey. I gave her the time I was going to pick her up before even knowing what we were going to do. Lucky for me, we got separated before she could ask me what we were doing.

Once I did have my idea and planned it out, I was actually pretty excited. I knew it was something I would enjoy, and I hoped Mickey would like it just as much. It was going to be so different to what she was used to. And, yes, when I realized this, I also noticed that the cliché dates would have been a big change for her as well. But this idea was so much better. I just hoped she wouldn’t find it boring. Jack often mocked me for this, so hopefully she didn’t agree with his view.

I actually took a shower and spent ages trying to get my hair to fall perfectly. It was normal for me to spend a little too much time on it, but I just kept finding imperfections this time. I took way too long straightening it and I used way too much hairspray, but eventually it did reach to a point where I was satisfied with it. Then came my clothes. Although I wanted to look great, I only owned a specific style of clothes. It was practically jeans that were just a little too tight, graphic tees, and hoodies. So, in the end I just ended up picking my newest and favorite articles that fit with each other. Everybody had a ‘good’ outfit they loved. Well, this was mine. Many people wouldn’t even have noticed a difference. The confidence I got from the clothes, though, was good enough to me.

Before I left my room, I made sure to grab a book, which I had had for quite some time, off the shelf. I didn’t know what I would have done on the date if I had forgotten the book. While I liked to think I knew some stuff, I definitely needed to book to help me out. So, don’t go calling me crazy for bringing a book with me. It was all part of the plan. I knew what I was doing.

“Ok, I’m off,” I announced to my parents as I popped into the living room. They were watching something on the TV and turned their heads to look in my direction when they heard me.

“Have fun.” My mom smiled. She knew what I had planned. I had run my idea past her first just to make sure I wasn’t doing something stupid or unrealistic, but she really liked the idea. She even said that she wished somebody would have taken her on a date like that--of course, that was said when my dad wasn’t around.

“I just really hope she doesn’t think I’m some weird nerd for doing this,” I joked despite being afraid of that exact thing.

“Better a nerd than a rebel rockstar,” my dad pointed out.

“If you would have said that a few weeks ago, she would have liked the rebel rockstar better. Now, I have no idea. I guess we’ll see.”

“That’s what first dates are for; to see if anything could happen.”

“I guess.” I shrugged and started moving out of the room. I both felt horrible because many of my past dates weren’t for that reason and because I was nervous that this was going to go badly. All my pursuing would have been for nothing. Mickey wouldn’t want to be friends if this didn’t work out. “Anyway, I actually don’t want to be late for once, so I’m going to go now.”

“Good luck.” My mom gave me a thumbs up as I left the room and went to the front door.

Once I arrived at Mickey’s house, I was told by her that she still had to change and that I could wait inside. She looked fine to me, I had no idea why she still needed to change, but just telling her that she didn’t need to also seemed rude to me. I could see her mom there, so I felt like it would come over as me trying to get out of there as quickly as possible. Which happened to be true as well. So far, my experience with her hadn’t been so great. But then again, the circumstances also weren’t. Still, I was super nervous just to be there with her mom.

“Would you like something to drink?” She asked me after I closed the door behind myself. “We have soda, water…”

“I’m fine, thanks.” I gave her a quick smile. I really wasn’t sure what to do.

“Sit down then,” she chuckled. “There’s no point just waiting around here awkwardly.”

I did as she suggested and sat down on the couch. While I didn’t know what to say, I decided to look around the place. I never really had the time to look around. It looked just like any normal family home with pictures. Since I had more time to look around her father’s living room, I could say that they were complete opposites of each other. I was so happy that Mickey was here, and not there. That place barely even had any furniture.

“This is a nice house you have here,” I said, it being the only thing that came up into my mind. “Well, I only really know the outside since I’ve often been over to Rian’s, and the two times I have been here didn’t really last long, but it’s nice.”

I immediately mentally slapped myself for adding that second part. I even thought about mentioning the fact that I had seen Mickey’s parents bedroom, but that would have just made it so much worse. I had an excuse, but still. That would have been a weird thing to bring up. I was just trying to make conversation.

“Yeah… I can promise you that fighting isn’t the only thing we do around here.” Mrs. Kingsley sat down on the recliner to my left, being way nicer than the other times I had met her

I bit my lip a little as I looked down to my hands. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was the source of all the problems. Of course, Mickey had always been a troublemaker, but there were other people involved too. Maybe I was that person here.

But before I could let that worry get the best of me, Mrs. Kingsley spoke up again, “I’m pretty sure that the only reason you were around those two times is because you’ve been the only person trying to stop her recently. But things will get better from now on.”

I nodded as I interlinked my fingers on my lap. So she didn’t hate me as much as I had originally thought. Maybe I really just happened to be at the wrong place wrong time. Maybe she had just been mad about the situation and not directly at me.

Before another awkward silence could start again, the phone started ringing. Mickey’s mom excused herself and went to pick up the phone. Although I didn’t want to listen in, I couldn’t help but hear the conversation. Apparently, Rian was calling. Mickey’s mom said that Mickey probably didn’t have time to talk right now, glancing in my direction. However, he said something that convinced her to walk up and bring the phone to Mickey.

A little while later, Mickey’s mom came back downstairs without the phone, meaning that Mickey took the call. I secretly hoped that she wouldn’t have, because now it meant that I probably was going to have to wait even longer. I just wished I could have conversations with Mrs. Kingsley as easily as Mickey could have with my mom. They really managed to hit it off, but I had no idea how to do so too.

“Weren’t you the guy that brought Mickey to the hospital when she broke her wrist?” Mrs. Kingsley asked as she sat back down in the exact place as before. “‘Rian’s friend’, right?”

“Oh, yes,” I laughed, remembering the one time I did meet Mickey’s mom without her getting mad at me.

“My opinion about you has changed so often.” She shook her head, more not believing her own actions than mine. “But I’m rooting to only keep one opinion now. So, fresh start.”

“Cool,” I thanked before adding, despite knowing it wasn’t true, “I hope your opinion wasn’t always too bad.”

“It’s been a bit rocky. First day of school, Mickey came home late,” she reminded me with a specific look, causing me to blush out of embarrassment. “You can imagine that that wasn’t a great first impression. The broken arm thing was good, but Mickey refused to call you by your name so it was a little suspicious. Then the night Mickey ran away, I was more mad at her than anything. And at first I wasn’t all too happy when you guys came back from out of state, but later I realized you were the reason she came back. She made sure I knew that.”

I smiled now knowing that I really did have an impact on Mickey. She never really gave me any reaction to my reasoning other than saying I looked hot, so there wasn’t really anything to go from there. But she was also trying to change her mom’s view of me.

If only I had figured out a way to keep the conversation going.

Luckily, Mickey came downstairs before it started getting way too awkward. She looked absolutely amazing in the dress she wore. However, before I could fully take her appearance in, she was already dragging me out of the door.

I swear I caught a glimpse of Rian watching us walk to the car.