Status: In Progress

Of Whispers and Dragons

Castle Black

Raenerha learned very quickly that as even though she didn't miss the stench of sweat on the breeze of every person that passed her, she didn't like the North. It was blistering cold, especially when she was at sea, and the further she went the more snow seemed to fall. The skies were a weary gray - a color that matched her mood at the time - and clouds were filled to bursting with new snow.

Raenerha couldn't remember how long she'd been sailing, but she knew she was ready to plant herself on solid ground again. She closed her eyes and shivered violently, silently picturing a hearth with a crackling fire.

"You're gonna freeze to death out here, girl!" A grating voice boomed behind her. Raenerha jumped and whipped her head around at the noise. It was the tall, thin man that had, up until this point, been silent for the majority of their shared journey. He scoffed at her before he staggered below deck. In just moments he reappeared with a large, dark brown fur overcoat. He threw it at her without looking. "Put this on. If you don't make it to Eastwatch I'll lose my head."

"How do people live in such a place?" Raenerha wondered aloud, pulling the garment tightly around her shoulders. She tried to ignore the smell that came from it by focusing on the man's leathery mouth as he spoke.

"You'd better get used to it, girl. You're going to The Wall - there ain't too many places as cold as The Wall. You bring any furs with ya?" He said with a shrug of his bony shoulder, his milky blue eyes staring straight through her.

Raenerha felt like crying but she held it in - she feared her tears may freeze before they fell. "Only what I'm wearing."

"It may work," he said eyeing her garb.

It wasn't much, only a thick cloak, a pair of trousers made of a thick, warm material with gloves to match and a pair of heavy boots. She had nothing to cover her head, but she'd found time to knit a scarf on the journey - at least it would offer a little bit of warmth.

"Maybe the Night's Watchmen will have something extra for you." The man said finally. "You can have that coat you have on - it belonged to one of the crewmen before he was offed."

Raenerha swallowed thickly. "Thank you."

The man, once again, shrugged at her and continued on his way.

Raenerha sighed and went back inside the cabin of the ship, desperately hoping she was close to her destination.


Aemon had been waiting on the visitor for weeks. Ever since he'd received a raven from King's Landing he'd been keeping his ears privy to any of the young men's gossip around the castle.

"Maester Aemon," a voice that had become very familiar to him rounded the corner.

The maester raised his head in acknowledgement. "Samwell Tarly."

"Maester, there's a visitor here to see you - says it's important she speaks to you in private." Samwell's voice was strained. It sounded like the young man was nervous.

Aemon gave a solitary nod. "Send her in."

The old man listened as two pairs of footsteps entered the room, one much heavier than the other. He heard young Samwell excuse himself and then the sound of a chair scooting against the wood floor beneath them filled his ears.

"You've come a very long way to see an old man like me," Aemon started, hearing the person's mouth open and close without words. "I assume you have a reason for coming this far North?"

The person cleared her throat. "Yes. I was sent here by The Master of Whispers."

"The Spider," Aemon confirmed in his shaky voice. "And why has Lord Varys asked you to seek out my company?"

The woman before him hummed slightly and he could hear her foot gently tapping the floor. "Because you, besides my sister, are my only living family."

"A Targaryen, then." Aemon spoke. "You come from King's Landing, so you are not the Dragon Queen Daenerys. You are Raenerha."

"I am," Raenerha confirmed quietly. "I've hidden behind the surname Waters for so many years the name Targaryen is almost a foregin concept to me now."

Aemon's lips twitched in reply. "I understand. I left all names and titles at the gates of Castle Black when I joined the Night's Watch. I am now simply Maester Aemon."

"Varys told me to seek you out, he was very adamant that I leave for Castle Black as soon as I could... I do not pretend to know his reasons." Raenerha began softly. "Is there anything you can do to help me find my sister? Do you know her whereabouts?"

The maester shook his head. "I'm afraid I have no ties to anyone beyond this wall, north or south."

A heavy sigh left the woman's lips and Aemon was almost reminded of his brother Aegon, Raenerha's grandfather, in that moment.

Raenerha hummed in irritation. "I understand."

"However," the maester continued, palming his desk for a certain piece of paper. "I received a raven only two nights ago from King's Landing."

Raenerha's breath caught in her throat, but she stayed silent.

"Lord Varys wishes you safe travels on your way to Mereen." Aemon said, handing the scroll to Raenerha. "He writes that there you will find your sister and her army."

"Thank you, Maester." Raenerha sniffed quietly, her tears nearly blinding her. "I've been looking forward to the day I reunite with my sister for as long as I can recall, I have never wanted anything more than to see her agian, and you've helped me get a few steps closer."

The maester did his best to give her a smile. "I have done nothing, Raenerha. I have only served my purpose here at the Night's Watch. Now, when you leave my chambers please seek out the young man who showed you in - his name is Samwell. He will take you to safety until you are ready to continue your journey. Do not trust any other men - they have seen no women for a number of months."

Raenerha nodded although he couldn't see. "I understand. Thank you again, Maester. May the Gods rain blessings upon you."


There weren't as many men guarding the wall, Raenerha thought as she stepped out of the maester's chambers. She had her hands by her sides, unsure of her surroundings and very much on edge after Aemon's warning.

"Miss," a voice called from behind her.

Raenerha inhaled deeply, painfully aware that she had no weapon to defend herself - and even if she did she was rather unsure if she could use it on a man. She turned sharply and softened a bit when she saw the round face of the man that showed her in. "You are Samwell, correct?"

"Yes," the man breathed. "Maester Aemon asked me to show you to a room."

Raenerha nodded and followed when he began walking toward the back of the tower. He turned a corner and Raenerha nearly ran into his back when he stopped without a word. She watched as he picked at his fingers, looking for the words he wanted to express.

"There... is another woman inside this room. Her name is Gilly," Sam admitted sheepishly. "You can stay with her. My chambers is the next one over and if I'm not in mine and you need something then go to Jon Snow's. His is two down from yours. If he isn't in his, go straight to Aemon."

Raenerha nodded. "The maester warned me of the others."

Sam winced. "Yes, a pack of wild animals, they are."

"Thank you, Samwell." Raenerha offered a small smile. "I appreciate your help."

The man grinned. "Sam, please. And it's no trouble, really. Have you eaten yet?"

Raenerha shook her head, only then noticing how hungry she truly was. "I haven't."

"We'll get you some food up here. I was just going to get Gilly's from the kitchens." Sam offered.

Raenerha decided Sam was a genuine person - she could tell by his kind eyes. "Thank you, Sam."

Sam gave her a small, soft nod and padded back down the hallway from where they'd just came.

Raenerha's hand went to the door and opened it quietly. She peered inside and saw a girl in the corner with a little baby. "Are you Gilly?"

The girl nodded. "Yes."

"I'm Raenerha. I'm to stay in this room with you for a while, I hope you don't mind?" Raenerha spoke quietly, not sure if the baby was awake or sleeping.

Gilly shook her head, her mess of brown hair swaying with the motion. "I don't mind."

"Sam showed me in," Raenerha told her. "Have you been here long?"

Gilly shrugged. "I don't really know how long it's been. Little Sam is only a few moons old."

Raenerha blinked. "I thought the men of the Night's Watch took vows of celibacy?"

"He isn't Sam's," Gilly clarified with a breath. "Only named after him."

"He seems like a good man," Raenerha told the woman, inching toward her slowly. "Honest."

Gilly, again, nodded. It was almost as if she were scared of Raenerha. "He is."

There was a knock at the door and Raenerha looked at Gilly for direction, but she simply looked away from the door and clutched the bundled baby closer to her chest. Raenerha guessed that she'd been assaulted or nearly so many times since she'd taken refuge in the castle. Raenerha sighed and looked around the room for something to use in case an overzealous man tried barging in on them. She found a fire poker in the corner and wrapped her hand around it tightly.

"Who is it?" Raenerha called quietly, stepping toward the door slowly. Her hand reach out for the door when it was swung open quickly. Raenerha gasped and cocked the poker in her hand over her shoulder, ready to swing at the person behind the door.

"Hey, it's alright," Sam's voice came from behind the door. "It's alright, it's just me and Jon."

Raenerha lowered the poker slowly. "Sorry."

Sam shook his head and jerked his head at the man behind him to follow him inside. "It's better to be safe. This is Jon."

Raenerha looked at the dark haired man behind Sam and gave a small nod of her head. "Raenerha."

"I couldn't carry both trays," Sam continued bumbling over to Gilly, a great smile on his face. "Didn't mean to frighten you."

Jon held his arms out further in front of him. "Um, this is yours."

"Thank you," Raenerha said. She took the tray from him and nearly drooled at the smells of the soups and breads on it. She'd eaten better meals by far while with the royal children, but she hadn't had a hot meal in weeks. "Thank you, Jon. Again, sorry I tried to hit you. And you, Sam."

Sam waved her off and Jon stood with a tiny, crooked grin on his lips.

"Is everything alright?" Raenerha asked, looking into his dazed eyes.

Jon nodded, thinking back to his younger sister, hoping that wherever she was she was safe. "Yeah, you just reminded me of someone."

"Well, I hope it was a good memory," Raenerha said politely.

Sam and Gilly were speaking quietly between themselves. Sam nodded and put his hand gently on the top of Little Sam's head before getting on his feet. "We'll leave you ladies to your food. It was nice to meet you Raenerha. Again, if you need anything we're right down the hall."

Raenerha nodded and waited for the door to close behind the men. She watched as Gilly began spooning the soup into her mouth. Raenerha's stomach growled and she, too, dug into her food. The fire crackled beside her and, without having to fear for her life for the first time in weeks, she let herself relax.