Status: In Progress

Of Whispers and Dragons


The sun had once again poked through the clouds, it's rays spreading themselves across the glistening waters. It was beautiful, Raenerha had to admit, but she wanted nothing more to be able to admire it from solid ground, dry land, to finally be able to watch the sun set and rise with her beloved sister.

She was so close to her destination she could nearly see it!

Her journey hadn't been once of ease and comfort, however. The voyage had proven to be just as treacherous as it was long. They crew had sailed into a storm at one point and Raenerha had begin to think that it would be the end of their journey, if not their lives.

Raenerha had been confined to the captain's quarters when the storm began, for her safety - it was the crew's priority to keep her alive until they reach Meereen - they were being paid a hefty sum of money.

The rocking and swaying and crashing of the waves upon the ship had frightened her more than she was willing to admit and, if Raenerha had been unaccustomed to the sea's uncontrollable surges, she may have been thrown onto the deck. Luckily she'd spent the last few months on the open waters, and a few trips by sea before that, and had finally earned her sea legs.

It had taken a few weeks for her balance to adjust again, she had to admit, and many jabs at her ability to stand had been thrown at her by the crew members in jest, but she'd finally managed to stay standing when the boat came across rougher waters. She was quite proud of her accomplishments.

The ship rocked still, every once and awhile, nothing near as feral as before. It was almost soothing, Raenerha realized, with the bright sun warming her through.

"Land, ho!" A voice rang through the air.

Raenerha rushed toward the side of the ship, her hair whipping around her wildly as the wind pushed them forward. She had made it! She was finally going to see her sister! Tears of relief and happiness filled her eyes, a few dropping down before she was able to sniff them away. After all those years, the things they'd gone through, they were finally going to be reunited!

Once the large ship had reach the docks Raenerha was helped from the boat. She couldn't help but smile when her boots made contact with the ground.

"My lady," a voice called from behind her.

Raenerha's eyebrows furrowed before she turned to see who'd spoken. A young man watched her without emotion, his hands clasped behind his back. His watchful eyes matched his dark skin and when she stepped forward to greet him she saw him stand a little straighter. He was a military man, of that she was certain - the only question in her mind was whether he was there to guide her or to kill her.

"I am to take you to the Great Pyramid, my lady," he spoke again, his voice he all but commanding her to oblige.

Raenerha raised her eyebrow slightly. "Who sent you?"

"Lord Varys," said the man. "I have orders to bring you to the Great Pyramid at once."

Raenerha didn't like the feeling she got in her stomach, but she nodded anyway and followed the man.


Raenerha walked into the pyramid, still in awe of it's size, and took in as many of it's features as she could.

It was much cooler inside the pyramid than it was on the outside, she was definitely thankful for that - she was now accustomed to having a breeze around her at all times, the dryness of Meereen was jarring.

There was a flock of soldiers that lined the walls of the room, each with a spear and shield in hand. On their faces they had a mask, Raenerha wondered how practical the material could have been in combat, and their expressions mirrored that of the man that lead her.

"And who might we have here," came a voice from the front of the room.

Raenerha's eyes shot up and she looked around for the person who spoke. Standing by the stairs that led up to a throne stood a man she remembered very well. Her footsteps came to a quick halt as she took in the man's unusual beard - she remembered having seen him clean shaven for her duration in King's Landing. Everything else, she realized, was still the same. He still held his head high and his hands were locked behind his back as he, too, took her in.

In turn, when he saw exactly who he was looking at, his eyes bugged. He came forward upon his revelation, his steps slow but sure.

"Raenerha Waters," he hummed, his voice puzzled. "My, my. What have you done to find yourself on the other side of the world?"

Raenerha blinked, still surprised. "I could ask the same of you, Lord Tyrion."

"You haven't heard?" Tyrion asked, genuinely confused. He stared at her for a moment before he clicked his tongue in realization. "Oh, yes. I have been waiting on this day. However, I did not think my sister would send you of all people, her children's nanny, all this way to kill me. Come now, where's the soldier that's followed you here? Where is the assassin?"

Raenerha watched him move about her on his stunted legs, his eyes boring into her own. "Lord Tyrion, it's not what you think, I-"

"Not what I think?" Tyrion repeated, his lips twisted down slightly. "Tell me then, my dear, what it. Is."

"It is not only you who is on the run from your sister," Raenerha began, watching him still watch her. "I, too, have fled King's Landing. You see I was your nephews and niece's nanny, but I am not who you think I am. I am not truly a bastard - I belong to a large house. A very large house, indeed."

Tyrion stood on his toes, awaiting the end of her thoughts. Raenerha opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of incoming footsteps so loud it frightened her. Was the Pyramid under attack? Was it truly an ambush on her? She felt the man in leather behind her stiffen and she feared her worst.

Slowly, the door to the throne room was pulled open and the soldiers around her began dropping to their knees, their hands over their hearts. Filing through the door were more soldiers, but what Raenerha saw behind them nearly made her heart stop.

When the only pale head of hair came through the door Raenerha knew that all her troubles and worries and time away had been for a just cause. Her lips pulled into a large grin, so great that she feared her lips may crack. The woman stepped through the line of soldiers and beckoned Raenerha forward.

Raenerha took a single step, fearing her knees would betray her, before she practically ran into Daenerys's awaiting arms.

"My darling sister," Raenerha heard the hushed whisper in her ear and tightened her arms around Daenerys. "I've waited for you for so long."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, guys! I'm so sorry for such a long wait on this chapter! I've been getting over having tonsillitis coupled with the flu, so I haven't really had much time or willpower, really, to keep up with my writing over the last few weeks. I am feeling better now, though, so I'm trying to get everything back on track!

So I'm thinking that there will only be a few more chapters to this story, so be sure to keep an eye out for the ending chapters, loves!

Thank you all for your sweet reviews on this story, every single one makes me so so very happy to read!