Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

To let you go? Or no?


"I don't understand why you're getting SO UPSET over nothing!" Stephan screamed at me in the middle of the hallway at school. Everyone looked on at our disagreement, rolling their eyes and turning back to their conversations.

"It's not over NOTHING Stephan, you canceled on our first anniversary dinner so you could go to a party then LIED to me saying you had to babysit. I'm not stupid Stephan." I was fed up with this, it wasn't the first time he's ever done this to me.

"I never said you were stupid, stop being so over dramatic."

"Stop lying to me then!" I threw my arms up in the air and started walking away from him to Sierra who was standing against her locker witnessing the entire thing. She shook her head in disbelief as we walked away from Stephan and his friends.

"He's such a jerk." She said putting her arm around me as we walked to our third period chemistry class. "You should just break up with him, forget him for good."

"Am I freaking over nothing? It's just a first anniversary dinner, not like it's a big deal or anything; not to him anyway. He's allowed to go to parties without me... I just can't believe he would lie to me over it." I sulked against the wall as Sierra bent over the water fountain to get a quick drink before we stepped into class.

"It's defiantly not over nothing, he lied on your first anniversary to go to a party! What kind of guy even does that. Obviously not one that you should stay with." I nodded in agreement but didn't want to go through with letting him go, I loved him way too much to walk away. He was my first love, literally my first everything. I couldn't just let that go over a stupid fight, even if he was the one in the wrong over lying to me. I groaned in despair and walked into class, sitting down at my desk and avoiding Stephan's gaze as he entered the classroom laughing like nothing even happened between us. Like he wasn't even bothered by how hurt I was. Maybe I was the crazy one, maybe I'm the one in the wrong?

**Present Time**

Another memory breaks through the wall.

Another memory I tried to forget, but the brink won't allow it. I guess mine and Stephan's relationship wasn't always perfect, I remember back to how much we fought back then. We would be okay for awhile then things would go downhill again. Right before the accident, we got into a major fight about him wanting to quit his job so he could work on cars with his father for almost nothing. We had planned to get our own place together by the end of the year, but if he wasn't working it wasn't feasible. I couldn't be the one working all the time, providing for us while he was off fixing cars for no income. I expressed this too him, and he disagreed saying it would work out the way it's meant to. I stormed out on him that night, telling him he better get his shit together or I was leaving. The next day at school, things seemed back to normal. It always happened that way, we fought then things where okay...until it happened again. I was always the one who was wrong. Then the accident happened, and I guess he decided that he truly didn't want to lose me. Maybe when I wake up we can work everything out for good this time.

"Are you okay?" I hear Travis break through my mind and disrupt my thoughts, which isn't a bad thing really. As I am feeling the hurt of the thought of losing Stephan.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Why can't I just wake up!" I shout slapping my hand against my forehead as hard as I can to try to wake myself from this horrid nightmare.

"Slapping yourself in the head isn't going to do anything for you, neither is trying to fix a broken relationship." He pushes my hand away from my face and I gaze at him in surprise, but remember the whole mind reading thing. "Yeah, I heard all of that in your mind. I saw the flashback you had... sound's like your prince charming is just a frog."

"I don't know anymore...maybe I'll just die, and he'll forget about me." I kick the wall in frustration. Not knowing if I truly meant that or not.

"Then he doesn't deserve you...I was in a relationship once. Everything was going great with her, I thought we had it all...but silly me, oh silly me, she was using me for the drugs I got for free for her. I figured as much, got us both locked up... she played the pity party and got freed. Turn's out love is a bitch, forget about him when you get out of this." I wipe the tears away from my eyes, I feel hurt for Travis when he tells me that.

"I'm going to go and check on myself, come with me if you want...or stay." I tell him getting up and walking away, going to my room once more. Hoping that more memories won't escape, I just need a break from the whole memory thing.

"I'll come." He said following behind me softly, like he is worried about me going anywhere on my own in my current state of mind.

When I enter the room there was a doctor taking blood out of my veins and another injecting me with medication, I watched in amazement on how I could witness the entire thing. Maybe this isn't a dream? Maybe I need to come to terms that everything going on is real, I'm truly in the brink of life and death. And to come to terms with it, I need to accept everything that I see. Maybe that will be the key to coming back from all of this, maybe the sooner I accept everything maybe the sooner I'll wake up.

Death enters the room just then, and looks at me with a look of fright on his face.

"The first witch would like a word with you."