Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

Don't Let Me Go

I daydream, I daydream about my life. My life before the accident, and my life after. If there is an after. I daydream about Stephan, and things going back to the way before. But I daydream that they are better, I day dream that everything between us is perfect. I daydream that when I wake up, he sweeps me away and we live out our lives together in our little downtown apartment over looking the city while we chase Maisie around. I daydream I leave for college, and spend my days in my paint room painting beautiful scenarios. I daydream about never ending parties and celebrations with Sierra, and everyone else that I know. I day dream that I get the life I wanted, the life I thought I had. The life I dream of.

I come back to reality, known as the brink. What I think is not actual reality, but what apparently is as such. Travis is watching me with cation, and I remember everything up to this point. My daydreams melting away into the back of my mind, and I am caught up with the situation at hand.

I am brought out of my daydreams as I hear a commotion coming from my room, Travis and I glance at each other and run towards the noise.

There is a lot of screaming and yelling going on in the room, Travis and I stand next to each other to try and figure the cause of such commotion.

The doctor is attempting to stabilize me as I am going into convulsions on the bed again, my mom is off in the corner sobbing and watching me with horror.

"What happened?" A doctor turns and asks my mother as a nurse sets up to inject my IV line with a clear liquid.

"I don't know! I was literately just sitting here watching her when suddenly, she just starts seizing again, it was only for a moment and she stopped. But then, she sits straight up in bed and looks at me and SCREAMS!" She explains to the doctor still freaking out about the whole situation, I listen in shock at that tale she tells.

I glance over at Travis, "how on earth did that happen?"

He gulps with fear rising in his chest, "I wish I knew, because that sounds terrifying."

"Yeah, no kidding. It's like something possessed me."

"It's because something did." A voice from behind me calls out, I turn to see the witch standing there with fright developing in her features.

"What do you mean?" Travis and I both ask in unison.

"Jinx you owe me a beer." He jokes and I punch him in the arm.

"It was your father Delilah, he has entered the brink through the portal and injected you with a drug. He's trying to shut you down from the inside out." She explains and I try to grasp the concept of such but I have difficulty. "He's using the drug he created to do such."

"What are we waiting for then!" Travis calls out running out of the room in a panic, "we need to find that portal and shut it down before anything else gets in here!"

I run out and follow close behind him, off in the distance I hear a soft but aggressive whistle ringing through the hallway.

I recognize it as my fathers.

"You can run but you can't hide little girl!"

"Quick! Into this room!" Death appears in a door frame and ushers us all inside, I make my way inside the room and attempt to catch my breath and slumped down on a bed to steady my breathing.

"Do you have any idea, who or what was strong enough to make that portal?" The witch asks trying to gather up relevant information.

"I'm trying to figure it out, but unfortunately they placed a blocking signal on it so I am unable to reach the source. I am picking up a vague idea of where the location is." Death answers tapping the desk underneath him rapidly with his fingertips. The sound echoing throughout the room as the silence that comes with the reality of the situation sinks in.

"We have to go to the right wing of the hospital, from that area there is a hallway to follow and at the end of that hallway there's a door that leads to a basement. I feel that it's somewhere around that basement."

"Do you really think that we can remember all those directions?" Travis asks sarcastically, glancing me rolling his eyes.

Death sighs, "I'll draw you a map then princess."


"He said to follow this hallway, then there will be a door. But this has been a very long hallway!" I complain to Travis as the three of us venture to where the portal was said to be. Death left us with the witch to assist us as he was unable to come with us.

"Can you believe he called me a princess?" Travis huffs.

"Well I mean, you were being kind of sassy." I snicker and he shoots me a glare.

"If it makes you feel better, he called me princess as well."

"At least you're a girl and it suits you!" He chuckles as we finally end up at the door at the end of the hallway.

"You two argue like an old married couple." The witch points out as she tries to open the door with a hard grasp.

But it won't budge.

"Is it locked maybe?" Travis asks looking the door up and down for a keyhole or a key lying around anywhere.

The witch pushes it again but still nothing happens, "it appears to be unlocked. It just literally won't open!"

I step forward and concentrate hard on the door, just wanting to get it open to reveal it's contents so everything can just be done and over with. With my mind focusing on only the door, I hear a soft squeak coming from the hinges as it flies open with ease.

We all look at each other in amusement when I hear a slow clap from behind me, I whirl around to see my father and his friend standing there. His friend is limping and eyeing Travis down with anger in his gaze.

"Well done my child." He says sarcastically and starts to walk towards me, but Travis steps out to face him; his hand is raised.

"You make one move towards her, and I assure you it will be your last." He raises his gun towards my fathers face, nearly ready to pull the trigger.

"What are you even doing this for?" I aggressively ask my father, just wanting to fill in the pieces of the puzzle together once and for all. I am finally face to face with him, and now's the time to set my fears to the side and confront him.

"You know too much." He says taking a step towards me which causes Travis to shoot at the ground, his friend jumps back in fear.

"I wasn't fucking kidding old man!" He shouts adjusting the gun in his hand.

"You seem to have quite a liking for my daughter." My father notices a slight smirk of amusement on his face. "You're so grown up since the last time I saw you. Do you remember that night? I sure do. That was a trick question by the way, I know you remember that night."

My father starts laughing in a mocking tone as I can see the pain that caused Travis, the torture of remembering that fateful night still filling his mind.

"You're a piece of work you know that." Travis tells him, not lowering the gun whatsoever. My father just snickers manically, the evil radiating in his voice.

"Did you ever tell mom about the affair?" I demand to know.

"Why would I do that? She's never going to know now since the two of you won't be able to wake up and tell anyone! About anything for that matter."

'Run! In 3...2...' I hear Travis's voice echoing in my head as I turn around planning my escape into the cellar.

'ONE! GO!'

I turn around and push passed the chaos in make my way down the stairs into the descending darkness.