Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

Stronger Than Ever

I guess I had passed out, because I came to only moments later with Travis and the witch watching me stir as I wake.

"Are you okay?" The witch asks me, reaching out to stroke my hand. Travis has a look of worry and concern planted over his face.

"I just feel funny, what happened? Where did everyone go?" I ask reaching up to feel my forehead which pained with the bruised that developed on it.

"You're going to feel funny for a little while." Travis says, "the drug is only now wearing off, so it will take some time."

"We don't have much time until they find us, you must continue practicing." The witch declares helping me get to my feet.

"I feel so weak." I say, and start falling to the ground; Travis reaches out to catch me. I then remember everything, and the rage grows inside me as I push myself away from him and pace to down the hallway to my room. "But, I'm ready."

I walk into my room and see that my mother is not there next to me, but Stephan is. He's not holding my hand this time, but he has a look of guilt in his eyes. And I only feel rage for what he and Sierra had done during my absence.

"I have something to tell you..." He starts off saying, and I lean against the doorway and roll my eyes.

"No shit." I mutter, wishing he had heard that.

"With practicing for the talent show, and with you being here in the hospital Sierra and I have been spending a lot of time together lately..." I knew exactly where this was going, and I almost didn't even want to hear it but I also just wanted to hear it from Stephan himself, not that I didn't believe Travis or anything because I did but it would give me a sense of closure hearing it from him. "Everything just sort of... happened you know. We have been getting more distant by the day, and with spending time with her... I don't know, I know should wait for you to wake up before confessing all of this but I just have to get it off my chest. I still care about you, and I want you to wake up and have everything you want in life, but I just don't see this relationship going anywhere. Don't be mad at Sierra she's your best friend, be mad at me."

He gets up and walks out of the room after he says all of that, he rushes through my disembodied sprite standing at the door and I don't have it in me to do or say anything at that point.

It was over, I knew that it was over.

"What a dick." I heard Travis say, I smiled slightly and just walked out into the hallway. "He's clearly an idiot if he chooses your best friend over you."

I wipe a small tear that I felt cascading down my cheek, "I should have seen it coming, I shouldn't have let those two practice for the talent show together."

"How were you to know that any of this were to happen, it's not like you could see into the future and know that you where going to get into an accident. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

"I know, it's just..." I trail off when I see death approaching us from down the hallway, I have to squint my eyes just to make sure it is actually death and not his brother.

"Glad to see you're up and moving." He tells me, then turns to Travis. "I need to talk to you about something young man, something that I have just found out."

"I'll stay here and practice with contacting the other side, you two go on." I say as they walk down the hallway and turn the corner. I stand the door of my room, I let out a sigh and walk in and sit next to myself on the bed.

"This seems a little odd, sitting here talking to my empty body. You got a lot of fight left in you, ya know. You better get your shit together and wake up, now that Stephan and possibly Sierra is out of the picture things are going to be different when you wake up, but we are strong and we will get through this. You may have lost them, but now you have a new friend; his name is Travis and he is really cool. I hope he makes it through this, and then we can help him get better and everything will be okay. I promise you. Well, I guess I promise me."

After I say that, my body starts twitching and I realized I am going into another seizure. I run up and to the door, to scream and hopefully grab the attention of anyone near by to help. Were was any nurse or doctor? Didn't they have a job to do by looking after their patients?

The convulsions only get stronger and my body falls to the floor with a loud thump, that catches the attention of a nurse in another room and she calls out for a doctor. She lifts me back up to the bed, and attempts to stabilize me. A doctor races into the room, and injects a liquid into my IV and I instantly calm down.

I glance at the clock on the wall, and focus on it. It wiggles slightly but no one notices it, as they are all still calming down over what just happened to me.

I reach my hand out and give a flick in the air and with that the clock comes crashing down with a loud thud, glass sputtering everywhere in sight. I then focus my energy on the windows, and slam the shades shut, and then I flicker the lights on and off. This definitely catches the attention of everyone in the room, the more and more powerful I get I feel an anger rise above me, and I let out a scream.

"What's going on!" The doctor yells, trying to get all the nurses to calm down. I am unstoppable now and knock things off shelves. Almost wanting to laugh at their fearful responses.

I suddenly feel the anger overwhelm me, and a nurse looks directly into my direction and locks eyes with me. I give her a small smirk, and she screams in fright.

"Oh my god!" She says as everyone's attention is drawn to me off in the corner, I can sense myself fading in an out from reality. I try to speak but the words just can't get out of my mouth, I point to a pen and paper sitting a table.

The doctor, scared but hastily brings it over to me and I am able to grasp it in my hand, I can tell I don't have much time as I begin to feel weak but I scribble out a message quickly onto the paper.


Then my vision goes black as I plunge to the floor.