Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

My Demise

"No, no, no!" I call out forcefully running over to Cecilia. I just can't lose her, not when everything is getting so close to falling together. Tears fall down my face rapidly as I attempt to stop the bleeding from the wound, just remembering what I was told only days before.

'If you die in the brink you die in reality.'

Those words sting me as she utters her final words to me, "don't ever let this world break you Delilah, even when you feel you can't go on; keep pushing; keep pushing through and it will all work out and fall into place. Just believe in who you really are.."

And with that her eyes shut, forever.

I sat there and sobbed, not letting the reality of it all sink in just yet. I know that I have to, and I can't let her death be in vain.

"Delilah..." Travis says to me, putting a soft hand on my shoulder. And I hear the familiar call in the intercom speakers of the hospital.


I just know, that it's coming from Cecilia's room, and that it's all over for her. I get up with a force within me, and turn to face my father.

"Listen here, 'father'... I don't know what your problem is, with me or with Travis and everything else but maybe you should man up and deal with what you've done instead of hiding behind your dumb little men there that help you run your stupid corporation. Well, I sure as hell have had enough so guess what, I'm gonna do something about it." I was angry now, I felt the fury about Cecilia's death boiling up within me. I was prepared for whatever consequences my up coming actions were about to have but that didn't matter to me.

Justice is what mattered.

"And tell me what are you capable of little girl?" He laughs in my face and his men laugh in unison next to him.

"More than you realize."

I hold my hand out in front of me and focus my anger and resentment towards him, and suddenly a flash of bright light is released and my father and his men have vanished.

Travis and death are both looking at me in great amazement, I close my eyes just waiting to black out from the excessive use of energy but in amazement I am able to hold myself up.

"Where did he go?" Travis asks looking around everywhere for him.

"Oh, you'll see!" I say smiling to myself just waiting for the chaos to start.

Right on cue, I hear a bunch of yelling coming from down the hallway. I can't help but laugh to myself as I know that they had been seen.

"Justice has been served!" I say to Travis and he turns to the chaos and high fives me as he realizes what I had done.

I had somehow been able to conjure up an immense strength to throw my father and his men back to the other side. The best part about all of that is that they showed up in the middle of the crowded cafeteria naked.

"How are you able to do that?" Travis asks me, impressed by my ability.

"I have no idea" I confess, "it all comes from within, mostly through anger."

I turn with sadness and remember the demise of Cecilia, she quickly became someone so important to me and helped me learn so much. I just can't grasp on the reality that she is gone forever, another casualty brought on by the hands of my father.

Travis places his arm around me and we turn and walk towards the noise, I turn the corner and see the police chatting with my mother and I watch as my father and his men are all placed in handcuffs and brought forcefully outside.

"We had investigated the claims about the cooperation, and we had found them located in an underground tunnel in the downtown area. We confiscated nearly 20,000$ worth of the drug, and had nearly 500 cases of overdoses from such drug. I have to ask though, how did you become aware of this situation going on?"

"It was my daughter, she sent me a sign to find out more about it. I figured it couldn't hurt to try and investigate." She confesses to the officer who seems unsure that he entirely believes her but goes along with her claim.

"We also have the murder under investigation, we'll update you more about it in the future but for now most of our focus is on the drug corporation and taking it all down, my condolences about your daughter's coma and I hope she wakes up soon."

"At least they are finally investigating the murder." Travis mutters and I nod in agreement, ecstatic with the way things are turning out.

Until a sinister voice rings out from the back of my mind, and I can feel a deep throbbing pain along with a flash of bright light flashing in front of my eyes.

Until a sinister voice rings out from the back of my mind, and I can feel a deep throbbing pain along with a flash of bright light flashing in front of my eyes.

"They may have been removed from the brink, but I'm still here and darling I'm not going anywhere."


'One more pill' I tell myself as I pop another pill inside my mouth. I only had enough to last me until my next client pays me, who knows when that will be as he's always late on his payments. The sensation of the drug overwhelms me as I sit on my fold out chair in my basement apartment, I hear the door opening from upstairs and someone walking down the stairs. I recognize the footsteps as my buddy Isaac.

"Hey man, you look wrecked are you okay?" He asks approaching me and taking a drag from the cigarette he had in his hand.

"Yeah, just had a few tokes then some pills but I'm good." I tell him, but I think I'm lying as I feel the fuzziness fill up in my mind.

"Peter still owes you that 50$ for the pills eh?" He asks sitting on the couch next to me looking through the texts on his phone.

"Yep, I'll be after him tomorrow if I don't hear back from him today." I tell Isaac, a threatening stance in my voice as I am tired of his shit.

"I seen him and Lidia together yesterday." He tells me and I turn to him, a look of disinterest in my eyes.

"Wow, good for her... nice to hear she's moved on." I lie, what a bitch. He probably gives her the pills he buys off of me. "I'm still on probation because of that bitch."

"Well she's his problem now." He says. "I'm running to the store for some cigs, do you need anything?"

"Nah man I'm good."

"Okay, see you in a bit." Isaac says getting up and heading back out the stairs and out the door.

I think about Lidia again for sometime and about all the crap she put me through, I groan to myself and pop another few pills into my mouth. I swallow them with ease and head to my small kitchen. 'Crap,' I think to myself, I should have told Isaac to get some groceries, all I literally have left is stale milk and some leftover pasta from god knows when.

Suddenly, I feel an overwhelming dizziness engulf me. I stumble my way over to the couch and lay down. I figure maybe I just need to nap it off, I reach over to the table and take a long chug of my beer I have sitting out. That doesn't help anything, 'I'm such an idiot' I think to myself.

I turn my TV on and flip through the channels, nothing is on but I start to feel a familiar buzzing sound in my ears.

"Oh crap." I say closing my eyes, trying to get the feeling to go away.

Sometime later, I think I fell asleep because I can hear Isaac pounding down the stairs again.

"Shit man, you okay?"

"I don't know I feel weird."

"Dammit Travis, how many pills did you take?" He asks shaking the almost empty container in my ear.

"I had like, three." I say not knowing for sure how many I really took. Suddenly I lean over the side of the couch and grab my garbage can from underneath the table.

I started puking and I feel hot and sweaty, I know exactly whats happening and I'm not even sure I want to stop it from happening this time.

"We need to get you to the hospital!" He says trying to help me off the couch, but I find myself refusing to move.

"I'll pass on the hospital just let it happen." I close my eyes and lay back on the couch, letting the darkness sweep over me. I don't feel scared, as I know exactly whats to come next.

"You dumbass! I'm not gonna let you die!" I hear him say from what sounds like miles away dialing 911 on his phone.

"Welcome back Travis." Death says welcoming me back to the brink, "it's been what 6 months since I seen you last?"