Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

I'm staying

Travis and I ran from the scene, I don't know what I was thinking when I grabbed his hand and ran. Nearly out of breath and panting from the race we ran from, I look behind my shoulder worried about death who I left alone with his very own murderous brother.

"Keep...running." Travis huffs, letting go of my sweaty hand.

"I think we lost them." I declare after coming to the that conclusion, and still hearing the anger of their fight that carried out through the hallway.

"I don't think they were ever chasing us actually." I smack him on the shoulder and wander over to my room.

Sierra is sitting next to me, a few daises in her hand as she knows that it's my favorite flower. I feel an anger rise up in my chest, a betrayal of our friendship over comes me and I slam the door accidentally leaving Travis on the outside of it.

Sierra jumps but doesn't give off much of a reaction, I cross my arms and stand at the door waiting for her to speak.

"I know you can hear me Delilah, and I just want to say that I am sorry. The doctors told me that they are probably taking you off the machines soon, and I can't let you die without letting you know how very sorry I am for everything. I never meant to take Stephan away from you, everything just happened I hope that if you wake up that we can work through this and still have the same friendship we always had since we were kids. I should have never let a guy come between us and I hope that you can forgive me. I also wanted to tell you that, you won the art contest, they are displaying your art in the gallery next week; I am so proud of you and the work you've accomplished. One thing I ask of you Delilah, is please don't die angry at me I'll never forgive myself...." She starts crying and I feel a sympathy overwhelm me and I sit next to her at my bedside and place my ghostly arm around her, she feels my touch and smiles to herself in my direction. "Please wake up Delilah, I don't want them to have to make your art in the museum a memorial."

"I forgive you." I say into her ear, and she tenses up as she hears me say those words she was longing to say. "I'm still angry but I forgive you."

A single tear runs down her cheek and I can hear the door being opened and a doctor, a nurse, and my mother walking in.

"We have decided that the best decision at this point is to pull the plug, and to let Delilah decide weather or not she wants to stay or if she's ready to leave; it's all up to her now." The doctor explains to my mother and Sierra, who nod solemnly even though neither of them are ready to let go. I see Travis standing out in the hallway and I wave him in, he walks slowly up to me and stands at my side as the doctor begins disconnecting the very machines that keep me bind to this world.

"I don't want to die..." I tell Travis, feeling a sense of doom washing over me. I just wasn't ready.

"Then fight it, do what you can to tell your physical body to fight as long as it possibly can, to keep going as long as you can."

I glance over to my mother who is holding my hand and crying with everything she had inside of her, I don't want to leave her...especially after everything that just happened with my father.

"If you're ready baby girl, you can don't have to fight if you aren't ready. I won't make you stay if you don't have it in you. You are still my little girl, my sweet strong and brave little girl." She tells me, the last click of the machines are being shut off and I feel a wave of darkness washing over me.

I fight it. And I let myself hold on, I think of everything I have in my life and all that I have accomplished and all I can still accomplished. It's all up to me.

I'm still staring at my empty body as the machines are shut off completely, the room is completly silent except for the slow beep of the heart monitor.

"It's all up to you now Delilah." The doctor says, leaving the room so I can have my last possible moments with my family.

I feel another presence enter the room, I turn behind me and see the witch standing there; watching me with a sense of pride in her eyes.

"Hold on Delilah, just hang in there don't let the darkness take hold of you, it's your decision." I smile at her, and find myself unable to say anything. I turn to Travis and he nods at me.

"Even if I don't wake up, I'll still be here...watching over you. Thank you for everything Delilah, and being my friend."

I want to hold on, but I feel the darkness sweeping over me. I continue to fight it, with all the strength I have left with everything that's still on the line for me.

Right when I feel I am about to give up and let it consume me, death enters the room and reaches
out and grabs my hand.

"It's not your time yet Delilah, be free to live the rest of your life."

And with that, I wake up.