Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

Playing The Role of Death Himself

"I can't believe that happened to you." I tell Travis after he explains everything to me, his expression stays cold and doesn't change.

"I just want to know who killed my parents, I feel I won't get back to myself until I find out. There's not much I can do from here." He looks down at his hands and I give him a look of sympathy and comfort.

"I'll leave you alone with yourself for a bit, I'm going to go for a quick walk for awhile. I'll be back in a bit." I tell him and he just nods.

I wander around to an empty corridor and sit against a window sill and I watch the sun rising over the mountains in the distance. The snow drifts to the ground with the sun gleaming onto the surface and it reminds me of all the times after classes dancing around with Stephan as we enjoyed life and everything about it.

I don't want to die yet.

No one ever really wants to die, but I am not ready at all. I have so much more I needed to accomplish before I leave this world, I have one more semester of college to complete. I have a happy life with Stephan ahead of me, I can't let that go. I have to hold on, to find some way to fight this and come back. Stronger than ever and ready for a war I am going to win.


I heard the roar of the audience clapping and cheering as I stood behind stage, waiting for the moment for my name to be called so I can walk onto that stage and retrieve my High School diploma.

I felt nervous butterflies flying throughout my stomach as each name of our graduating class was being called onto the stage, closer and closer to my name they where getting. I suddenly felt to hands over my eyes and whipped around to see Stephan standing there grinning from ear to ear with his diploma in hand.

I jumped at him and gave him the biggest bear hug that I could.

"I can't believe you won the scholarship, I'm so happy for you!" I told him, my face buried in his chest.

He kissed my lips gently and pulled away, softly pushing away the stray hair that fell in front of my eyes.

"I'd like to next welcome to the stage one of our best most honorable artists of her grade, she has won multiple awards among various art contests throughout the years...if you can join me in welcoming Miss Delilah Ivy!"

I grinned as I heard the audience burst into a round of applause and I turned and seen Stephan cheering at me from behind the stage proudly. I looked out into the audience and saw my mother and younger brother along with my grandparents, Aunt and Uncle and my cousin Josie all watching me with pride and hope in their eyes.

"Congratulations Miss Ivy on your achievements, I would like to take the time now to announce that you are the official winner for the Artist of the Year award, along with a scholarship towards any college or university of your choice!" I clapped my hand in front of my mouth and gasped in surprise at this news, this was everything I ever hoped for.


"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but the necklace is lighting up Delilah!" I hear a rough voice shouting at me from behind. I hop off the ledge and turn around to see Travis standing there. I hop off the ledge and sighing I press the button and wonder who my next victim would be.

We are transported to another area in the Hospital, the children's section. In the operating room a young girl no older than probably 5 is having her heart being operated on. I feel my heart race as I hear the doctors announce that she is loosing too much blood at too fast a pace, faster than they could keep up when it comes to providing her with more.

"We're loosing her!" The doctor operating on her shouts to the nurses that are scrambling with all they had to save her.

I shuffle up to her and with a sad feeling in my heart I know what I had to do, as much as I didn't want to do it I knew I have no other choice but to take her. To stop her from the suffering she no longer deserves to endure.

Glancing over my shoulder I see Travis give me a small nod and I graze her hand softly, and with that her heart beat stops and she flat lines.

The doctor continues trying to pump her heart but knows that he can't save her, no matter how much he wants to. He sighs in defeat and steps away from her small lifeless body.

"Is that me?" I hear a soft broken whisper come from behind me, and turn to see the child that I had just taken.

"Yes sweetie." I replied placing a hand on her shoulder and hugging her close as she cried into my chest.

Travis holds out his hand and she follows him out of the room, instead of her just disappearing like the old woman had he leads her out into the hallway and I follow closely behind wondering where he was taking her.

He leads her to a waiting room like the one I was led to, only this one was with small children who are running around and playing with toys.

The little girls eyes light up and she recognizes an other little girl that she had as a roommate before she passed on, the girl extends her hand and they run off and happily play together; reunited by death.

"I bet you have a lot of questions at this point." Travis observes as we walk out of the room and down the hallway.

"Well, kind of. Care to enlighten me?"

"I would be honored to."

**Authors note: Apologizes for the short chapter but my brain stopped working and I really wanted to post something. I'm going to attempt to make the next chapter longer :)**
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**Authors note: Apologizes for the short chapter but my brain stopped working and I really wanted to post something. I'm going to attempt to make the next chapter longer :)**