Sequel: City of Dark Angels
Status: Constantly updating and editing so check :) Leave a comment and suggestions for me

In an Instant

Communicating With the Living

When I was younger, my grandmother always told me I had a special gift. I never understood it at the time since I was just a child still. But she said that I always talked about seeing things that weren't truly there, and being able to talk to them. As I grew older I still seen things, but not as often as I used to and I never really shared it with anyone if I did. But here I was now, years later on the other side being able to pierce through the veil of life and death. That gift I had must have followed me onto the other side.

"What do you mean?" I ask Travis out in the hallway, and I wonder the reasoning behind not being able to communicate with the other side.

"It's just never been transpired, so many have tried and tried to communicate with their loved ones on the other side... but it's never been succeeded. I mean until now that is." I then explain to him about my 'gift' my grandmother always told me I had growing up.

"Even the most gifted psychics that have been in the brink have not been able to communicate with the other side, no matter how hard they tried to." He shakes his head in disbelief.

"I knew that you were special." A voice suddenly rings out from behind me, I turn around and see death standing there watching me with delight; a grin plastered on his cold dead face. "I never thought anyone would come to the brink that could be able to communicate with the living, but here you are. Knocking over vases and shit. Fabulous."

"What does this mean now?" Travis asks eyeing me down, his brown eyes starting to fill with excitement at the situation at hand.

"It doesn't necessarily mean anything, it's just a rarity to ever have someone in the brink that can communicate with the living. I want you to try something, go into your room and scream as loud as you possibly can I want to see if they are able to hear any part of it."

"Are you sure?" I question, "I can scream pretty loud."

"Go on, we'll cover our ears. Just don't shatter the windows." He says gesturing me to go inside the room.

I warily enter the room again, everyone is silent and just sipping on their coffee watching me breathe gently. Praying for a miracle for me to wake up.

I cover my hands over my ears and I let out the loudest shriek I possibly can, hoping for some sort of reaction from any of them. At first no one moves but then Sierra looks up from her coffee cup in my general direction.

"Did anyone else hear that?" She asks my mother and Stephan who shake their heads and look at her like she is crazy. "Oh, I thought I just heard something but never mind."

"AAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I let out another loud screech which makes the table rattle slightly, Stephan looks at it in amusement but no other reactions where given.

"I guess it didn't work." I say disappointingly reentering the hallway with Travis and death, who are chattering about something off in a corner.

"It's a start, you made the table move and your friend there thought she heard something. So it's not all bad news." Travis reassures trying to dismantle my disappointment.

"I want you to try something else." Death says approaching me, I back up a little bit and he gestures towards the room again. "You see that envelop on the desk? The one sealing your fate with your university acceptance. Knock it off the table."

"How do I do that?"

"Focus. Focus on nothing but that letter. Knock the letter off the table, make them know that you are here. Wanting them to open that letter." He explains.

I nod walking back into the room and stare intently at the letter that sits on the bedside table, I did want them to open the envelop. Concentrating on it, I focus with all the strength that I carry in me on making it fly across the room. I need to know if I got into my dream university. Even if I don't make it, at least I could be at peace knowing I had accomplished something I always wanted to.

I squint my eyes and focus, and with a final push of energy the envelop takes off up in the air and across the room. Stephan watches in wide eyes and catches the envelop with one hand and tares it open.

"Stephan!" Sierra calls out grabbing the ripped letter away from him.

"I think she wants us to open it." He says taking it back from her and begins to read the letter, a wide smile shoots across his face the more he reads. "She got in!"

I cheer and jump up and down in excitement, attempting to reach out to give Stephan a hug as I am used to doing in excitement but just flew right through him.

"You're not that strong yet." Death tells me as I slump to the floor. "But good work, very good work. I have another task for you."

"Can I just have a moment with my family?" I ask him, getting slightly tired about all the jobs he was giving me.

"Yes, by all means. I'll be out in the hallway when you are finished."

"I'm so proud of you baby girl, I just wish you would have told me you applied. I would have been proud of you regardless of your acceptance or not." My mother tells me, stroking my hand and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I sit in the corner of the room with my family listening to them talk about how excited they are for me, I just want to get back to them. But it looks like as of now, there is no hope of me waking up any time soon. I know I just have to accept that fact.

"I think I'm going to head home from now, I have a big exam in the morning." Sierra says suddenly getting up off the chair. One thing I am thankful for, in my current state. I don't have to write that exam, I hadn't even studied for it yet. Check one for procrastination, 0 points for Delilah.

"Mind if I get a ride?" Stephan asks, and of course Sierra nods and they both exit out the hallway and to the elevator.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll stay with you for a bit longer." My mother tells me, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead again. "If you could give me a sign, just a small sign. Literally anything. To show me that you're still here..."

Concentrating as hard as I can, and I make the lights flicker off and on. Hoping that was enough to ease my mothers heart for now.

She smiled to herself and squeezes my hand, I let her be and walk out of the room to learn of what my next task from death was.