Break the Rules

Sam and Dean finally came back and they began to drive off in silence. “If you’re wondering,” Lux spoke finally, “my eyes are lilac looking because I was born with Alexandria’s Genesis. In daylight my hair looks tinted blue. It’s why I’m so pale too. I must have looked white as snow in the accident.” She chuckled morbidly.

“I’ve heard of that,” Sam mused. “Didn’t think it was real though. No offense or anything.”

Lux half-ass smiled. “It’s super rare. I haven’t met anyone else with it. And what you’ll read online is true.”

Dean arched an eyebrow, having never heard of such a thing before. “Well I have never heard of this a day in my damn life.” He made Lux laugh a little. “What the actual hell is…” he trailed off, forgetting the name.

“Alexandria’s Genesis you ass,” Lux laughed. “It’s a rare mutation that only affects women. Though I’ve only seen it affect me.” She rolled her eyes. “Dark hair, purple looking irises that get more purple with puberty, pale skin that does not tan nor burn, and the super fun parts! The hair you see on my head, lashes, and eyebrows are the only hair on my body along with my nose.” Sam shifted uncomfortably but humorously, knowing where the conversation was going.

“Wait, what?” Dean egged her on, clearly lost but into the whole mutation idea.

Lux grinned and rolled up her sleeves to show her hairless forearms. “It’s the same on my legs and every other square inch of my body. I have never had to use a razor a day in my life.”

“Are you fucking for real right now?”

Sam laughed at how genuinely into the conversation his brother was. Finally, Dean Winchester was listening to something science related. It really was the apocalypse.

“Rumor has it the mutation expands my life expectancy as well. I’ll be looking not much older than this at 50 and live for another hundred after that at least.”

“Okay now you’re screwing with me, aren’t you? That can’t be real.”

“Well how the hell would I know? I’m only 23, I’m barely halfway to finding out. But final little quip: Mother Nature doesn’t come anywhere near this bitch but I can still have kids.” She flung her arms up dramatically, sitting back like she was a boss.

Dean’s eyes widened with a shocked horror, Sam snickering beside him. With his right hand, he reached over and smacked Sam’s head. Irritated, the younger Winchester smacked back until it became a one handed slap fest. Lux watched from the back, finally unable to contain her laughter. She burst out laughing hysterically, curling over from lack of air. The sound of her laugh bounced off of the inside of the car, a strangely pleasant noise that caused the brothers to stop and break out laughing with her.