Status: Not sure where I'm going with this, stay tuned..

Separated by Love


Alright, so I know that you all probably hate me for this, but I've just gone and combined chapters 2, 3 and 4 so they're now all one very long chapter 2. Sorry if that's confusing or annoying but I think I like that better than giving you heaps of short chapters. So I'll combine 1 or 2 chapters and put them out together instead. I'll hopefully have another one out in a week or so, so I really hope you all will stick around for that!

Also I just want to do a quick disclaimer. I have absolutely no clue on how American schooling works - or at least not enough that I'd be comfortable writing it into the story as things would end up being very very innacurate. So at the moment I'm basing it loosely off the system I'm in, which is the VCE.[/url]-->VCE.
I attached a link to the wikipedia page about it just in case any of you want to understand it a bit more. And I'm also basing their subjects mostly off subjects studied in the VCE, but also including things like AP English for storyline purposes.
Next, the boys' timetables are based off of the one I have at my school (again rather loosely). This doesn't really matter all that much, more so that you all understand what I mean when I say that Jack has a free fifth period.

As a guide, there are 5 periods, all are an hour long. The day starts at 8:50, Period 1 and 2 are followed by a 20 minute recess. Period 3 and 4 are followed by a 50 minute lunch, which is followed by 5th period, and the day ends at 3pm. Because I understand that in a lot of schools they have different lunch periods because there are too many students or something? I'm not too sure, but here it's the same time for everyone else. I will also post a link to the boys time tables here[/url]-->here. Just for reference.

If you have any other questions, just ask in the comments or DM me if you prefer that.
Hopefully you all see this as a good change and no one gets too annoyed that I've tricked you with an update but it's just an authors note.
Thanks for those of you who took the time to read this xx