Status: rewriting oct 2018

I Could Use a Love Song

She's gone (she's gone, so gone), never coming back

"So he cheated on you with a sixteen year old? Talk about trashy. What the hell happened? You two were so good for each other." Jordan said. She had called Jordan the following day once she had time to process what had happened and he was gone.

"Yeah. He caught me writing to the friend you set me up in Jail with and I guess that was his excuse to cheat. But it makes me wonder how long it's been going on. He stopped showing me affection a year ago so who knows?" She responded.

"But you didn't do anything wrong. You weren't cheating. You were just starting a friendship. Sounds like you're better off anyways. He's got some sort of issues if he has to lower his standards to get with a sixteen year old." Jordan said.

Bria knew that Jordan was right and that nothing was her fault but she couldn't help but wonder what exactly went wrong? Bria did everything for him and in the end got nothing in return. They had rarely ever fought so what exactly made him stop loving her? There had to be more to the story and Bria was going to find out the truth. But first, she had a letter to write.


Hey! Sorry it's been a bit since I wrote you. Life has been complicated lately. I've just gone through my first divorce so that's been taking up most of my time. 26 years old and already got a divorce on my hands, crazy. How are things with you? I've been thinking about taking some time off and coming down to Florida for a week or so. Maybe in that week I could come visit? Sorry if it sounds silly. I just need to figure out who I am.

I love warm air and the beach so I guess maybe that's where i'll go. I hope to hear from you soon.

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Title Credits: Out of Sight by Midland.

This is where things begin to get real interesting so stay tuned! I'm actually looking forward to seeing where this goes.