Status: New idea

Rural Royalty

Chapter 1.

“So what are you going to do?” Theodore asked his uncle who was pacing around in the royal gardens pulling at strands of his blonde hair. Theodore was fourteen years younger than his uncle Adam but the two were as close as brothers.

“Well I guess I am going to have to get married,” he said a slight exasperated note to his tone. Adam wasn’t against marriage, not completely, but he had yet to find a woman he liked. He had courted several women and most had been kind and alluring but there had never been a spark between the two and he refused to be in a loveless marriage, especially in this day and age.

“Yeah, but you seem to be having a little trouble in that area… I think I have counted six princesses, two duchesses and one movie star and still you haven’t been able to find the one.”

“No, don’t get me wrong they were all wonderful women, they were courteous, respectful and everything my parents for looking for…”

“Except that movie star, she seemed to be a little bit on the wild side.” Adam shrugged his shoulders, he couldn’t deny that Elena was a little more out going then the previous women but he thought that might have been what he needed someone who was more than willing to try something new out. Unfortunately it turned out it wasn’t.

“Okay, yeah she was a little different, but I am trying to keep an open mind,” he stated before turning to look at his nephew. He could see so much of his sister in him and it caused a warm feeling to spread through him and smile. Adam had always been close with his sister Marguerite unlike his other siblings who were constantly looking down their noses at him. Nearly forty and still unmarried.

Theodore was so much like Marguerite, warm, friendly, passionate, loyal so many redeeming qualities that he was uncertain as to why he hadn’t found himself a girlfriend yet. However he knew that if he asked the male would become closed off and shy so he chose to keep his thoughts to himself.

“Well maybe you need to go somewhere, somewhere remote, out of the country.” Theodore said simply throwing the idea out in the open not expecting his uncle to take the idea into consideration. However that was exactly what his uncle did.

“Theodore you are a genius! I don’t know why I didn’t think about this earlier! My god! That is exactly what I should do.” Adam dug his phone out of his pocket and instantly began to type in countries, cities, towns remote areas that most had never heard of.

“Wait really? You’re actually going to take my advice?”

“Of course I am and I know just the place,” Adam walked over to his nephew shoving his phone into his face, in large letters was the name of a remote country town in South Australia.

“Chippington?” Theodore read the name with both concern and wonder. The brunette was a little worried for his uncle but Adam had a look of determination on his face and Theodore knew there was no way he was going to be able to change it. “I guess you had better go and tell Grandma.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my fellow readers.

Yes I have another story, but this one is chaptered and I am hoping to finish it... fingers crossed for me.
I am going to try and keep it reasonably light hearted but the probability of drama is high because I am a drama queen and love reading about it.

Anyways here is the first chapter.
Cheers Esther